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Everything posted by dragonflys

  1. it was an awesome day, thanks to everyone for coming and it will be bigger and better next year
  2. not sure if it is a groundbreaker but there is a new earthcache in a NP in NS Mill Falls Earthcache
  3. email sent from Halifax
  4. there are actually 2 in NL here is my bookmark for earthcaches in Canada by Prov
  5. The group site is booked for Friday and Saturday night. If you plan on tenting please email me dragonflys@atlanticgeocaching.com for which nights (Fri, Sat or both), how many people and how many tents. Sorry no trailers or motorhomes. There will be a donation for each camper to help pay for the spot. Our coin guru has designed the event coin, details on this will be available later
  6. order sent, that is one attractive coin
  7. I think the interim policy from last Oct still in effect, http://www.pc.gc.ca/docs/pc/poli/interim/geocaching_e.asp Not sure though as our association had no representation and our info source went back to school
  8. listed now 7th Anniversary of Geocaching in Canada
  9. congrats islander, can't think of a guy more deserving
  10. never heard of this before today when paulandstacey was telling me about it. What an awesome thing to do, looks like so much fun
  11. great book will be using it for our event in June, thanks
  12. It would be great to have it up here as well
  13. welcome DSine, if I can be of any assistance at all let me know. The listing will posted early in the new year so keep an eye open for it and I hope to see you there dragonflys
  14. Mark June 23rd 2007 on your calendars, we have another event in the works at Graves Island Provincial Park, Nova Scotia
  15. setting center point
  16. ok some thing is amiss, my older queries say 500 but the ones I wrote today keep resetting to 100.
  17. I am writing a PQ but no matter what I put in the distance box it sets it to 100 miles. I looked for limitations but can't find any info. Does this sound right?
  18. very helpful information CA, Thanks. I love the way your cache page is set up BQ, very organized and helpful. Mind if I copy
  19. Thank you for accpting mission, by the way your mom is calling you for dinner
  20. I am sending emails to a couple of local cachers to see if they can help dragonflys
  21. I or for that matter any premium member I know is aware of the ability to change the distance on that default " closest to home" search list. Could someone point out where that can be done? I looked but can't find how to do that
  22. if you can swing it premium is great. Also welcome to caching in Nova Scotia. If you have any technical question you don't get answered here we have some very knowledgable people on www.atlanticgeocaching.com that can help you. dragonflys
  23. looks awesome, it is just the way geocaching is going unfortunately. Hide a nice cache in a nice area and no one comes, hide a film canister next to a dumpster in a parking lot and a 100 people a week visit it.
  24. I kind of like your avatar for the logo did your event go well?
  25. thanks to all that replied here and on atlanticgeocaching.com, did the project slightly different but I still am creating a Park Bookmark for NS dragonflys
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