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Everything posted by dragonflys

  1. not very good at this so I will do an easy one what is Canada's oldest incorporated city? It surprised me.
  2. They all border on 2 oceans or seas
  3. It was a great day, thanks for everyone who came and to the weather gods for holding off the rain
  4. that is hilarious
  5. bump
  6. why did you post a picture of me ? Just dont get the reviewers to begrudge you.. they can get very.. angry..
  7. A geocacher named "sam steele" just moved up to the Yukon from NS. Contact him he is a great guy
  8. here is the schedule for GWVI GW IV Schedule
  9. I agree with you danoshimano, I love events but alot of cachers don't. My original intent of the thread was there are about 4 Annual Mega events state side now and was wondering if there ever could be an annual Canadian one. I was/am on the fence, we'll see how Quebec goes this year. Whether we should or shouldn't is also a valid question too.
  10. GAG 12 June 28th
  11. that wasn't my experience but I have seen that happen at small events too where people were there and gone and I never seen them
  12. I agree alot with what you are saying Res, time will tell a lot of it. The Mega is really about the socializing and celebrating. I went to GW VI and the caching I did do that day I had to stand in line to sign the logs. I am interested to compare it to Rendez-vous to see if there is any differences. I loved the Mega, met so many great cachers including Canadians, that I would probably never meet except here on the forums. I'm not sure about other parts of Canada, but I just don't think it's possible here in Ontario to pull off a mega event, atleast not here in Southern Ontario where I am from. I honestly don't think anyone could do it at the moment. Maybe Ottawa could. We've just hosted a very large event here with a goal of 300 attendees and fell just short of that mark (we would have been the first to pass the 300 mark in Ontario, but unfortunately the rain kept some people away). Others have had their sights set on mega in the past and got less than half of what they expected. For us in Southern Ontario a huge event would be 200-300 people and that would be a handful and a lot of time to organize based on experience. Although it sounds cool at the thought of hosting or attending a mega event, and we'll be attending our first one in Quebec and are looking forward to it. Sometimes bigger isn't always better. These big events seem to be more about socializing and selling wares than about geocaching and related activities. If someone could do it in Ontario, it would be great. It has nothing to do with being a non-believer, but instead on experience and knowledge that I base my comments on. I am sure it will happen one day, maybe in several years from now, but I just don't see it happening anytime in the near future (who knows, maybe my comments will spark a fire under someone to actually try for it in Ontario). The way I see it, you need the right group of people with a solid plan and appropriate financial backing to be able to pull it off, and I am happy to see that Quebec has all of that.
  13. Nice, thanks Groundspeak
  14. I quite agree, timing is an issue too. Is someone in BC thinking about it
  15. LOL I have been asked Landsharkz when the large print edition coins are coming for people like me, now I know
  16. here is a couple we had in my neck of the woods that I can think of http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_detai...41-a17bce7b6029 http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_detai...3e-e02c530052d1
  17. thanks HB
  18. I am going to make it on three trails I keep talking about around my home but never get around to doing them 1. The Bluff trail 2. Cape Chignecto 3. Kenomee Canyon Trail These are my three big goals and there are some smaller ones
  19. see I told you, friendly
  20. Ticks are an issue in parts of Nova Scotia and they seem to be spreading all over. The gov't has a pretty good site on ticks and lymes disease Ticks
  21. Other parks are watching this project, if it works look for other across Canada to follow suit. It was a fun project to work on and the Parks staff was really awesome to work with.
  22. Exactly, I am hoping to get that way this year
  23. I think you will be doing some on your own. There is an 11 km hike and an 3 km. the others are shorter but at least one is not stroller friendly. Sneak off early to do the lonh ones: ) There is alot of moose around there to see too, on bueaty and the beech hike i see alot of moose reports. We're planning on doing this one this summer, but I've never been to Fundy Park and don't know exactly how much walking would be involved -- I have a 3 yr old, a 2 yr old, and a 2 month old. Are the trails stroller friendly? Or will I be doing some hiking on my own?
  24. mark&beth designed this years coin but it has not been released yet. We are planning something big for the 10th and I really like your idea. If you need a guide while you are in Halifax let me know and I will clear some time to show you around
  25. Fundy National Park in New Brunswick Canada has allowed 5 geocaches to be hidden in the park. To those who go out and find them they get a free geocoin trackable on gc.com. I have not got mine yet but have seen the coin and it is quite nice. Here is a link with the details: Fundy Park Passport
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