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Posts posted by Swifteroo

  1. Taking off the OGA - Admin hat for this one.


    I would like to say that it has always been my experience with the Rep from Parks Canada that she is very responsive to any and all emails that she receives. She has always taken the time, probably a lot of time, to ensure that she writes back a well thought out reply and normally explains in some way how the concerns of geocaching community are being reviewed.


    I have no doubt that the Rep is in a difficult position, and if she were to allow herself to make an emotion bond, in either way, to this issue that her opinion would sway her and possibly cause her to make decisions that might not be in the best interest of Parks Canada.


    I have before, and will again, say that while I do not agree with the initial handling of the Geocaching within Parks Canada locations, that I can certainly understand it from a government/business perspective.


    I don't mean to offend anyone here, but this is just my perspective..


    First step is to remove everything, and see the reaction.

    Second step is to create a way to allow it in moderation, as an evaluation

    Third step is to promote it as a vehicle for acceptance.


    This of course is only if everything goes well.


    So, I guess I am saying that the method used by Parks Canada, while not one we as Geocachers are too fond of, is a tested a true method. The best benefit we have is that Parks Canada, unlike all other groups so far,has created a method for direct input by way of Email. They also have allowed many groups to post their Policy, even though they really couldn't prevent it anyway, but the Rep actually went to TPTB and told them it was in Parks Canada's best interest to do so.


    I know that a lot of people have concerns about Parks Canada making what appeared to be an arbitrary decision to pull caches, and honestly they made the situation worse when they thought they were being nice in allowing Virtual Caches, but at the time they didn't understand the full scope of our hobby. While I still think they should have immediately changed the section regarding Virtuals, since it is kinda salt-in-the-wound, it still remains that Parks Canada's decision to pull the caches is not such a bad thing.


    I wish the caches could have remained, only because the placers have a vested interest. But if Parks Canada hold true to what I believe is their intention, they will develop a policy that Permits Physical Geocaches in some format on and slightly off their sanctioned trails. If they don't, then by all means, start a petition to your local MP. But only if you think that Parks Canada is not being totally honest with you.


    Parks Canada, from what I understand, wants to promote their parks. They see a low cost and low involvement vehicle like Geocaching and see how it can benefit them, but they have to be absolutely sure what they are getting into. No one in here can say that there isn't a bit of negative in at least one cache they have done. But Parks Canada also has to compare how Geocaching stacks up against other activities like bird watching, fishing, camping and the numerous other activities they either allow or encourage. Give them the time to learn, and in the four months since our initial meeting I can assure you that Parks Canada has learned a lot from all of us. Give them a chance to show us that they have learned a lot.


    But keep sending a lot of comments to the Parks Canada Rep at rec.activities@pc.gc.ca, the more the better cause repetition reinforces the importance of what you are saying.


    <_< The Blue Quasar

    Wow. Very well put BQ, Thank you for that!



  2. I tend to agree that Parks Canada would rather take the easy way to simply just prohibit the activity of caching in their parks. Anyone can see that a ban is the most simple way to make the percieved problem go away.


    With regards to low impact however, of course Geocaching is low impact in terms of all Canadian Parks activities. That impact could even be reduced with a simple guideline that would not permit Geocaches to be placed more than 3-5 meters from an established trail.


    I cannot help but wonder why this type of moratorium has not come into discussion with other forms of activities performed throughout these parks. I mean, certainly there are some boy-scout groups who camp in the bush, and certainly hunting occurs where hunters must leave an established trail. Correct me if I am wrong, but I do not recall that any other moratoriums have been placed on other activities in this fashion throughout Parks Canada?

  3. Keeping on Topic:


    I read through the Canada Parks policy today straight through at This Site


    After noticing the link near the bottom of the page to contact the Parks Staff correspondant who is accepting feedback regarding these policies, I proceeded to do so.


    I emailed them with my concerns, and with ways that I figured would be viable options to work around some of the concerns that were obvious from the interim policy. I provided a bit of history regarding how long I have been Caching and how I have been involved in this sport.


    I was surprised to find that I had a response to my email less than 15 hours later thanking me for my feedback and going over some of my concerns. the one thing that I thought should be noted especially here in the forum is that my response back from the Parks Canada representative indicated that this forum is being monitored however any comments here or from the online petition will not be counted as part of the consultation record. Laymans Terms? while this forum is good for informational purposes for Geocachers regarding discussion and updates, don't expect your words here to be taken officially.


    The short of it.. Use the email to contact the consulting representative at Parks Canada! They are awaiting our information and concerns. If you provide a civil, non-confrontational email to voice your concerns and questions, as I can now attest, it will be reviewed. To be frank, judging by the quality of, and nubmer of off-topic tangents in this forum thread, in many ways, I can understand why this thread will not be considered as part of the consultation record moving forward.


    For those who have not been privvy to the email to contact it is provided below:



  4. Hello Hollyburn!


    Pretty much any cache in Banff is a "Must-Do" cache in my opinion!! [B)]


    We spent our honeymoon in Banff and did our share of caching while were there.


    I particularily liked these two:


    Tunnel Mountain - Banff


    Sulphur Mountain - if you don't mind virtuals, and are looking for the best view in town.


    If I could have only ever done one cache in my entire visit to Banff however, it would be the following:


    Root Canal


    This cache simply has it all. A long hike, a GORGEOUS canyon (Sundance Canyon) and its not too far from town. I would recommend biking if you can.


    Hope this helps. I really Miss Banff! you are making me want to go back! :blink:


    Oh, and if you are looking for a place to stay, we really enjoyed Buffalo Mountain Lodge. Good service, close to town and a fantastic room!

  5. Well this thread hits home quite well!


    I did an extensive amount of research into this issue. I have an eTrex Venture that had the same lines and same display corruption. I would say its likely an issue with the entire eTrex line rather than any one model.


    I did have mine RMA'ed with Garmin in Olathe KS. I had heard horror stories from others here about the Montreal depot, and decided to speak directly with the US department. They did not give me one once of hassle with returning the product to them. They even shipped my product back to me direct to my Canadian address. As was mentioned here earlier, Do yourself a favor and avoid the Canadian Depot. The US folks were more than accomodating.


    The unfortunate news is that my eTrex venture worked for around 4 months, but is back to displaying the issue it had in the first place. I believe they even sent me a new, non-refurbished unit. Go figure. The eTrex has been great to me, but I guess some things cannot be fixed.


    A good tap with my knuckles usually does the trick. Other than that, I don't know what to suggest!

  6. Hey Dan!


    One cache that we did which is a little farther north, but worth the trip is near Washago up Hwy 11 past Orillia.


    Victoria Bridge


    We 4wheeled it into the cache, but it could very easily be a bikeable journey once things dry up some. Very beautiful terrain and location.

  7. Top 5 Eh? I haven't had too many overall, but I can certainly quote at least 5!


    Number 1:

    Root Canal

    Close to a 10KM hike round trip. In Banff, in the Rocky Mountains. Sundance Canyon is one of the most gorgeous places I have EVER visted in my life. Visiting on my Honeymoon may have helped too!


    Number 2:

    Sulphur Mountain

    Another Breathtaking view from atop Sulphur Mountain in Banff. Words don't do the experience justice.


    Number 3:

    Victoria Bridge

    Nothing like 4x4ing into the middle of nowhere... This cache is Muskoka at its best. peace, quiet and serenity combined with a little mud and dirt!


    Number 4:

    Mono-Cliffhanger, REV-B

    Excellent hike, beautiful views and a lot of up and down! one of my first real "Toughies"


    Number 5:

    Midnight Hat-Trick Multicache

    Nothing like taking your nighttime-afraid-of-the-dark wife on an hour long journey in the woods! The perfect night combined with a great cache helped this one make the list.


    Honorable Mention:

    Lookout Valley

    Located in one of those perfect "Out-Of-The-Way" spots. Another fantastic view (I seem to have a thing for views!)

  8. I am just wondering if the majority of cachers in Canada even know what is going on with Parks Canada, or even care?

    I agree Keith that only a small portion of Canadian cachers are aware of the current situation.


    The question in my mind becomes:


    What happens when other land-owning organizations are faced with similar questions and look to the biggest park system in Canada and say "Well its what they're doing".


    I am of the same mindset as some of the people in this forum in that I really am not affected by a "Parks Canada" ban directly being that there aren't really too many around my location, but I worry for the future of caching on a wider scale when these types of Precedents are being set by major park organizations.

  9. I for one am not fooled!  Ontario Parks staff have been nothing but hostile or unapproachable from the time they asked for their BAN.


    I agree with the OGA Whole Heartedly that this is a haphazard response to an incorrectly percieved threat that Ontario Parks appears to know nothing about.


    I wouldn't say however that ALL Ontario Parks staff feel this way. To me, it seems to be all of the "Higher-Ups" that have a hate-on for Geocaching.


    I have personally worked with specific Ontario Parks admin staff recently who were thrilled to hear about Geocaching and were greatful to have geocachers at their park. All of the parks staff that I have talked with (they are all involved in day-to-day operations) are more than eager to know more about what geocaching is and even to participate.


    I think we are dealing with a pile of Bureaucrats here who do not care to think of, discuss or aknowledge what is by rights just as technically acceptable as any other activity that is performed within park boundaries.


    This Ontario Parks business is making me sick.


    Don't forget to legislate Boy Scouts out of the parks. FOR the love of god they make FIRES! :ph34r:

  10. Now if Parks Canada really want's to get involved with geocachers, they'll make the effort of making a policy that requires an approval by Parks staff before a cache is placed. This way, we follow the gc.com guidelines by having the listing approved by a cache approver, AND we follow the park policies too.

    I think this is probably the best Idea I have seen in this particular topic. Certainly parks staff will be more than familiar with their own parks and particular areas that should be avoided and areas that might be more suitable.


    I have found through working with Ontario Parks staff recently for an event that they were more than willing to listen to what I had in mind for different cache-style events. We ultimately need to work together with the parks staff. I think it seems logical that if they are involved in the cache location selection process that they will feel more in control of the situation.


    It has been my experience that Provincial and Federal parks have always been very "Guidlines" oriented regardless of the activity. I don't believe following the guidelines will be a problem for any cacher I have ever met. It appears to be the establishment of these guidelines that obviously is the biggest headache.


    On a side note, I can think of at least a few dozen or so different locations within different Ontario and Federal parks that are no more than 4 or 5 meters of the established trail that would be non ecologically intrusive, and would be great places for a cache.

  11. I continue to think of what I was able to see on my Honeymoon in Banff, AB while visiting several geocaches in Banff National Park. The caches we found there were like none-other. To think, quite frankly, that ALL of the caches in this area might never return frightens me. Without Geocaches in the area, we would likely have planned to go elsewhere where we could enjoy our hobby.


    Much applause for the members of the OGA that participated with Parks Canada in their recent meeting. Thank you for representing us and doing everything in your power to assist.

  12. Cache-Tech,


    Is there anything that Geocachers can do in this case to promote our cause? It hurts to sit back and be idle while land gets slowly taken away by various organizations.


    I know that these are government organizations, but it appears painfully slow in completing legislations in this regard.


    I guess it is just frustrating to see the situation from this side of the fence as I am sure you know.

  13. Hey all.


    I apologize if this has been a forum discussion in the past. I don't mean to re-hash an old discussion and will gladly review other forum topics if people can point me to them.


    I am in the market for a PDA as the paper caching is starting to kill me. I don't care about speed, but care about ease of use, and readability for Geocaching docs(obviously duh!)


    Does anyone have any recommendations/resources that would be of benefit for my search?

  14. I recall following the postings for the Lord Simcoe cache-athon. I also know that almost all of my caches in the Innisfil and Barrie area were visited as part of the trek.


    Just for the record, and for what its worth, I did not notice any adverse effects for any of the caches I placed, and at least 3 of my caches involved in the run are in places which would be volatile to incosiderate hikers and senseless over-bushwhacking.


    Naturally I cannot comment on caches that I do not maintain, but from my point of view, all due respect was shown.

  15. Hey Geofellas,


    I see what you are saying. The map I posted has very basic details and not all the cool features like I promised when clicking on the this link for some reason.


    The way I got to this again (and I recreated its coolness) is right from York Region's website at:




    This should get you the "Map of Forest Tracts" map options. Wierd that it wont open by going right to it!

  16. Great news for York Regionites who enjoy caching the York Region forests. This is great. I found this site that provides drill-down arial views of York Region.


    York Region Maps


    Looks like it gets in pretty close to the forests too! Some of you may have encountered this, but worth sharing anyhow!

  17. Ahhh.. TOMTEC.. the purveyor of the Oak Ridges Moraine.


    what a feat.. 600.. much congratulations!


    You have also definately put me through some of the best (and excercising) adventures in my caching career!

  18. That kinda prize would definately get me out to try to be FTF.


    I agree that you are not actually providing the alcohol. It is still up to the store to provide the "Goods". Also a good point is that a cacher doesn't actually HAVE to take them if they do not agree. Fair Game!

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