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Everything posted by Ms.Scrabbler

  1. Depending on where you are and where you're travelling between there's not always that much to see out the window. Maybe someone will be able to make a Greasemonkey script for the OP to change the home page to this That's hysterical! One kid should be poking the other, though, with the poked one yelling "stop touching me!!!" That's how it usually goes in my family, anyways. And those car DVD players are the best thing since sliced bread--there's just not that much to see when driving across Texas. This is really funny!!!! When I said family friendly I didn't mean it should only be be enjoyed by groups. Just that the picture shows all 3 alone and zoomed in on the computer instead of the vista. Each to their own, enter finds at your own time, for me, it's a few quick notes while out. The picture IMO shows a very solitary activity, which it is for some, some of the time. As for watching DVDs while riding - I see it around town, short trips, and I don't get that but since my kids are grown, I don't have to get it.
  2. I do cache alone sometimes, don't always enter every find - need to do a better job of that. I've decided what the picture reminds me of - when kids sit in the backseat of a car watching a DVD instead of interacting and seeing what's out side the window. Everyone has their own thoughts and that's a good thing.
  3. "If you read what is underneath each scene 1,2 and 3, you might begin to understand the idea of the change. It does make sense to me and encompasses all Geocachers." Yes, I did read the captions and understand what they are trying to show. I guess I miss the pictures of real people. And Coldgears, why would you think this is a joke? Like I said, this is just my opinion!
  4. The picture on the home page of geocaching.com really bothers me. I don't remember seeing it before so my guess is it came with the update. Most of us tout caching as family friendly, a way to get outdoors, and pretty much get away from the TV and work. The home page shows 2 people using their laptops, alone, on what is meant to be a nice vista. I never thought of geocaching as a solitary event, nor did I think of it as being a computer hobby. of course we use our computers but this picture shows the wrong side of caching IMO
  5. I LOVE your posts! Good luck with your studies, I'll be reading your blog
  6. reading all the instructions on this web site would be a good start. also finding some would be helpful.
  7. I seen caches that have bags in them, one had the geocache logo on the bags, the other had small trash bags requesting you take one and fill it on the way out.
  8. "You are not allowed to use that image extension on this board" that is what this site said when I tried to post it. I'll have to try when I'm not working - work always gets in the way of fun. I hate not knowing how to do this stuff. Does anyone know of a cache put into a dead tree trunk with a large opening at the base? something to lower it down? it's quite smooth looking all the way up.
  9. I put them on facebook and now I get "You are not allowed to use that image extension on this board" this is what I put in the "insert image" http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.1902927140311.112481.1455705893#!/photo.php?fbid=1907806702297&set=a.1907805222260.112750.1455705893&type=1&theater
  10. I mentioned before that we found a trail, asked permission from the Catawba Land Conservancy to place caches. They in turn not only gave us the go ahead, they asked us to place caches on another trail. "The Carolina Thread Trail is a regional network of greenways and trails that reaches 15 counties and 2.3 million citizens. It links people, places, cities, towns and attractions. It links lives." The Thread Trail isn't done yet and the Conservancy doesn't own all the land. In one tree I want to put a large cache - I put the container lid inside the tree for size, I also have one smaller. Have lots of great stuff to put in it, flags, red/white/blue pinwheels etc. I will spray brown/tan paint on which ever one I use. The containers are normal totes with lids that snap on at the ends. Not normally a water tight item but I think used here it should be fine - thoughts? NOW... I took a picture up into the tree, see the sky through it. I would forgo the large container if anyone can come up with something to hide inside somehow... I have pictures - can't figure out how to insert them with the above URL button. help?
  11. This is the reply I got from our reviewer when I wrote about saving an area: "Create the cache listing to get your waypoints into the database. It's the only way I can use my reviewer tools to look at them properly. Post a reviewer note that the listing isn't ready to be published."
  12. from the picture it looks larger than a nano. all the nanos I've seen were the size of the cap. I have tweezers in my cache bag and just assume when I see one listed as a nano I need them.
  13. Muggles do not seem to be a problem, the conservancy does not maintain the area. I was told any clearing done on the path was done by the fishermen/boaters which are few. He told me geocachers walking would help keep the growth down. Now there's a first! Welcome bushwhackers and geotrails. I have a unique bird house that I'm thinking of putting up in a tree with a pulley/rope.
  14. One of my earliest finds was by a river on an overgrown path. The cache is long gone and I've been thinking of that area for a while. Looked on the map and it's a naked cache zone. Took a drive Sunday and Wow! it's been cleaned up, path is open, even a canoe launch down the trail. Enough space for at least 3 caches here. Beautiful walk along a flowing river. What more could you want? read on! I got the number for the Land Conservancy and called for permission - not only do they WANT some put there, they ASKED if we would mind putting some on other land they own down river. I can't wait to check that area out after work if rain holds off! And there is more! On the first site, right off the path there is a huge tree and the back side is open about 25" deep, 4' tall on the outside and 3' across the opening. Inside the tree the open space is larger. A standard ammo box would look lost in there. ideas?? FYI-there will be no bison tubes, film canisters or pill bottles used at these spots
  15. I hate that this happened. I've seem fathers and daughters on trails and never gave it a thought. And I don't think I will even now unless there is some sign of trouble. Talking, laughing and walking is not a sign of trouble. The worst part is what has happened to your daughter to make her leery of caching and of spending time alone with you for fear of being questioned. I think the cops owe you both an apology and should talk with both of you explaining why they came out and that is OKAY to go for walks together. There is no way I'd leave it where it is, you need to get to the end with the apology and put it behind you. I'd call them today and have them meet with both of you.
  16. Not everyone knows how they work and would be able to make that determination. My job includes sending out invoices for irrigation repairs made by my company, none for caching issues but not everyone is careful around them, cachers or muggles.
  17. I would never place one of these. Nor would I try to open any container that looks like a sprinkler head unless it was far away from where there could be working units. When real ones are messed with it's expensive for the property owner to have repaired or replaced.
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