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Everything posted by bons

  1. This one alone makes it all worthwhile.
  2. Since it allows the cache hider to choose to let the cache be openly accessable and since it allows the cacher to choose how much information to make available I don't have any problem with it and think it may be worth the time coding. (Hmmm, what do I want to put off and do this new feature instead of? I'm kinda stuck there. Ok. So this is a really low priority for me. I'm sure it's probably a higher priority for others and if it was caches local to me being taken, I'd probably want it a lot more.)
  3. I live the irony in this particular derailment. Thanks. This post has been paid for by the coalition to assert that Keystone Approver is not a Queen.
  4. n00b. Why are you bothering? Nothing you can say will change the mind of someone who will not listen to you. It seems obvious to me that the person who started this TB made some mistakes, didn't use the best wording possible, and as a result a bunch of people got upset. They didn't set out to offened anyone or start this whole mess, but that's what happenened. It also seems obvious to me that the person who started this thread made some mistakes, didn't use the best wording possible, and as a result a bunch of people got upset. They didn't set out to offened anyone or start this whole mess, but that's what happenened. I can accept that. I might even able to be learn something from it. You're arguing with a brick wall n00b. And while I admire your conviction, there's nothing more than can be accomplished here. You cannot change the mind of a man who is willing to understand that "threw out" means "kept", "contacted TPTB" means "contacted the TB owner and TPTB", and "placed in the graveyard" means "temporarily placed in the graveyard because I didn't want it in my inventory, only my statistics" but refuses to belive that "medical camp at Graz" could mean anything other than what he thinks it means, even if the person who wrote it doesn't know the history like he knows it and has only read the US History books (which he obviously holds in distain). This is a person who will condemn you when he thinks you don't know what he knows but appears to be incapable of forgiving someone else for the same mistakes he allows his friends. There's nothing that can be accomplished by arguing with a person like that. It's like teaching a pig to fly. It wastes your time and annoys the pig. Just walk away.
  5. Nothing. But you should consider the following. 1) It's none of your dang business. 2) Why should everyone else bother? 3) It's none of your dang business. 4) Security is a good habit, even when it may not be necessary. 5) It's none of your dang business. 6) It sets a precedent. Not here. Not anywhere. 7) Most importantly, It's none of your dang business.
  6. http://otterbox.com/category.cfm?Category=33 might be worth a try.
  7. Ok. Let's discuss "the medical camp at Graz". The path of the TB: .The history in question: What the Austrians in this thread aren't telling anyone: The SS 3 (perhaps the best trained branch of the SS General Service Troops) received training in Graz, not surprising since Graz is a major city with an excellent teaching facilities including a university that's been around since 1585. It seems highly likely that a new solider in the SS 3 would be temporarily stationed at Graz to receive their training. It seems very unlikely that a temporarily stationed soldier would be involved with or even informed of what was really happening in other sections of Graz. Unfortunately, people in this thread have pronounced guilt by association. Here's what's happened as far as justice in this thread seems to be concerned. 1) He was in the SS, an extremly large army divided in many parts. 2) He was temporily stationed in one of the largest cities of Austria. 3) He received medical training there. How we've gone from these two things to the six barracks at KZ Gusen where horrors occurred is beyond me. But that's where it's gone. People have decided for themselves that "medical training" = war crime in this case, when, in fact, no real indication of that sort actually exists. Go ahead and keep justifying your actions and making excuses. But if you piss on my leg and tell me it's raining I'm not going to believe you.
  8. I usually log a decent number of DNFs. However I've failed to log DNFs on the following occasions: 1) When I wasn't actually done searching for the cache, but I was going home before continuing the hunt some future date. I've taken months to find a local multi-cache that involved trips all over town. 2) When I felt there was no story to tell, no photos to upload, and honestly didn't think there was a problem with my not finding the cache. 3) When I completely forgot.
  9. I'm really enjoying the irony that the person who started this thread is being forgiven for not telling us that he contacted the owner, using the words "thrown out" to describe holding onto something, and saying that he was moving it into the TB graveyard with no explanation of why. What makes this particularly funny is that the person who started this TB is being flamed for having suggested that this TB visits areas where his ancestor may have served, and cezanne doesn't seem willing to cut him a break for his mistakes. If the person who started this TB got half the forgiveness and the breaks cezanne suggests the person who started this thread deserves, this would have never been an issue. See you in the funny papers!
  10. 1) remove the TB from the cache. 2) attempt to contact the owner of the bug and resolve the issue. 3) If you are unable to contact the bug owner or unable to resolve the issue between yourselves, contact you local approver or Groundspeak.com If the original owner wants the bug returned to them, they should be able to arrange postage. If both you and Groundspeak are unable to contact the bug owner, consider it abandoned. Otherwise, work the issue out in a fashion acceptable to all parties. I believe that gc.com as the listing service and as the provider of the tags numbers has the final say on what is listed on their database. I also believe that the bug owner has the final say (and the responsibity to pay for) on the destruction or relocation of the bug. In an area where possion of the bug would be illegal, turning the bug into the local authorities is understandable. (This could apply to nazi memorabilia or even a bong.) I'd prefer trying to contact the bug owner quickly about this, but I can understand where people may decide that even mailing such an object back to the owner is not a reasonable risk. I would be against simply destroying the bug because you believe possession of the bug is illegal. That's why I would rather involve the local authorites. But I see no reason why a TB should be treated differently from a cache. Groundspeak does their best to involve the cache owner before de-listing and removal of a cache. The local cachers do not remove caches without working with the owners and without working with Groundspeak. Removal of a travel bug and placing it in the graveyard, which was the original plans of the poster, is the wrong thing to do. The goals of the bug in the first place may have been a bad decision but that does not justify making an equally bad decision regarding the action that's taken. No matter how wrong subigo though Groundspeak's actions were, that didn't give him the right to take other people's caches. No matter how wrong anyone thinks the bug's goals are, that doesn't give them right to remove the bug the same way subigo removed caches.
  11. Can we get Sparky-Watts antenna toppers?
  12. Chances are I'd either ignore it or make a game out of it ("Hot potato" leaps to mind. "Quick, get it out of my cache and into bob's!") Worse comes to worst, I'd offer to send it back to the owner. Now if Groundspeak chooses to delist it, that's their choice. I don't have a problem with that. Nor do I have a problem with the cache owner contacting Groundspeak or the bug owner. (Though I'd prefer they contact the bug owner first.) But once the bug is placed in the graveyard, and it was stated in this thread that the bug was going there, long before it was stated that the owner was contacted. Then there's a completely different game being played. The above line is what I find completely unacceptable. It was in the first post and nothing since that post has indicated to me that their plans have changed. Remove that line, remove that plan, and I have no issues with anything else. You can move it, complain to Groundspeak, send it back to the owner, I don't care. But I don't think anyone here has the right to decide for themselves to throw a TB out of a cache and bury it in the TB graveyard.
  13. Get off of your high horse. You spend half your time claiming that I don't know you and that I shouldn't judge you and then you spend the rest of your time judging me. Yes, I know my history. Yes, I know what happened there. But the real issue is not what happened 50 years ago but what is happening today. Do you really belive that you have the right to take someone else's TB out of circulation based on your own beliefs? That's the issue. Anthing about what happened 60 years ago is just you trying to direct people away from the real issue. Because what happened 60 years ago is over, gone, and best not forgotten. But what's happening today is still something we can control, especially if we actually learn from the mistakes history reminds us of.
  14. Thank you for that visual image. Anyone have a fork to help me get that image out of my head Fork is useful for also finding items you've accidentally swallowed (once they have come out, that is). If I need to do that I can poop in the ball washer instead.
  15. The answers is that this section traditionally has a roughly even spattering of Garmin and Mag "problem" threads. The Magellan Sporttrack and the Garmin joystick seem to be the most two common problems. Garmin seems to get the most kudos, usually for their technical support and their low-end market. Unfortunately, you don't seem to be noticing this. Just like you seem to have missed that other people own Garmins based on their own research. And yes, Magellen was definately lost, was losing crew, and eventually sent his ships in different directions in the hopes that one of them would make it back to Spain. I've never understood the irony of Magellen naming themselves after him anymore than I've understood the irony of leatherman naming himself after a tool.
  16. I realize that you would rather not abuse the server to appease your curiosity, but why give people another excuse to not get an account and not log finds online?
  17. Unfortunately, that's not a given. That's the problem. The TB is about the memory of a man who served his country. It's not about gloryifying the murder of innocents. In fact, the owner clearly states that he does not agree with the beliefs of the politics the man was serving. What BalkanSabranje and his ilk have decided for themselves that it's about is something completely different. 60 years ago, a group of people so hated another people that those people became demonized in their minds and whatever was done to them or their possions was considered acceptable. Those people who realized this was wrong took too long to step out. We all know the results. Today BalkanSabranje and company have decided to demonize another group of people. A group of people who commited some horrible atrocities, but people none the less. They're using those atrocities as an excuse to do what they want to someone else's possession. 60 years later and they're still setting themselves up as the judge for what is acceptable and what isn't. I'll pay the shipping to wherever the owner wants it. Because it's obvious to me that sneaking things out of that region in order to avoid people who think their political beliefs outweight everyone else's rights is still something that needs to be done. ... And if I ever find one of your pirates I'll take him out for a bottle of rum before sending him on his merry way. (or her as the case may be.)
  18. Why? we often claim a cache is an owner's property. We get mad at anyone who destroys or steals a cache. In another thread we have a pile of cachers upset that someone is building a "travel bug prision". Yet here, people have proposed the destruction of a travel bug, not just it's placement in a hard-to-get-to cache. Like everything else, this action sets a precedent. My "Hey Abbotts" travel bug, which is a replica of a lobster on it's way to a New England resteraunt that serves lobster could now be destroyed by a PETA member because they're "offended" by it. Anyone who claims caches are litter could destroy them with impunity. Who are we to argue with them now? Whatever we may once have said is worthless now. Some people here have decided that they have the right to remove a peice from the playing field just because they don't like it. That pretty much means everyone else gets to play by those same rules now. At least when subigo stole your cache, you might be able to get it back. Odd to think that those were the good old days. They're gone now.
  19. The following is not a statement of agreement with the quoted policy. It is simply a reference so that you understand why bladeless multi-tools are desired by some cachers: http://www.geocaching.com/about/guidelines.aspx#contents
  20. Since you're obviously a Magellen fan, could you answer me one question that has been burning inside of me all these years? "Why did they name their company after someone who was constantly lost and never did reach his planned destination?"
  21. If you want larger formats/higher resolutions, I can go there. I'll upload them to my own site and put up links to them. From my DNF at The Poet's Sanctuary The garden at the site has a striking similarity to the leatherman public domain geocaching logo.
  22. While I don't agree with those tactics when they're used to increase the "find" count, I can certainly understand wanting to get some caches off your "nearest unfound cache pages". When my wife places a cache, I add it to my watchlist, but I'd also like to add it to an "ignore" list (a suggestion that gets brought up now and again every).
  23. Yes, Walmart sells them. I bought a dozen a few weeks ago. The were only 3 buck each and were pretty sturdy. Bottle opener, flat head and phillips screwdrivers, and a few other tools that I don't recall. What section of wal-mart were you in? Tools? Sporting goods? Cash register?
  24. My apologies cezanne. I completely misunderstood what you were saying. My bad.
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