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Everything posted by trevorh7000

  1. As an avid coin owner and mover I say place it in any cache - just not the one that you retrieved it from. Owners like to see their coins and travel bugs MOVING!! That's the name of the game. Absolutely place it in any cache even one you have found! You have to make a log to drop a TB. Just make sure you do not log another find on a cache you have already found! Log a note and then drop the TB! CHeers Trev
  2. While it is possible someone could be logging in an checking the changed coords - it is highly unlikely to be a geocacher! And by geocacher I mean some one playing the game. I have heard of cases locally and overseas where people sign up just to get the locations of caches s they can destroy them. I jus checked you cache listing and a 10 metre move is not that much - the same person could have cme back and seen signs of disturbance around the new hiding place - Id change the corrds to be further down the jeep track In this case the cache has not been destroyed - the contents have been stolen - which is unusual to me as the contents are worthless really. The container however is a very nice ammo box and definitely has some value - strange that it was not taken. I would remove the ammo can (because this person is going to take it eventually) and put a little cheap plastic container in its place and make the listing for premiums members only. Then I would log some TBS in the cache - but not actually physically put them in - put in some cheap trinkets!. Oh and obviously change the coords by 50 metres. Then see what happens. Possible against the rules but then so is stealing or muggling a cache. You could even get some people to write fake logs so the cache looks active. In other words make it into a honey pot and attract the fly! unfortunately this would not tell you who it is if the phantom strikes. good luck
  3. I think the idea while quite cool is pretty useless. How many people have a compatible Garmin - not just in SA any where in the world. So with this device there is no hide and seek there is get the info when you come within ten meters of the chiro???!? The very minimum Garmin should have made comms with this device open so any device could use it. trev
  4. mwuuuhhaaaahhhaaaa! The South African reference was a bit of a red herring!!!!!! Indeed they are - just google and look at some of the awesome pictures. Your turn TG
  5. I have emailed capeccr and he said he did it in a pair of shorts - he said the water is not too cold - but then capeccr did swim at clifton in the middle of winter with the bug Polar Bear Swim........... I'll not be using a wetsuit. Also if it is gonna take three hours I think we will be in more trouble than just getting a little cold!!!!! So what is the plan - who is coming? Trev
  6. By what name is Betta splendens more commonly known in South Africa? Trev
  7. Pixel and Possum I did not mean to slate the cache name - it is truly a great cache in a great location. I guess I understand better the chosen name. That cache will always be remembered by me as it is a eally special place - and as you know a great place to entertain friends and family. I discovered that place a while back through my work with The Friends of the Liesbeek. I thought it was a hidden gem that needed to be shared with the world and I scoped hiding places and took plenty of GPS readings. I did not get to place a cache before I discovered the final of NABM right there. I had no knowledge of Vespax's cache either as I believe it was archived before I started caching. The name even though I understand it better still does not do it for me - but the cache and the location does. I look forward to some more caches from you guys.......
  8. Pixel and Possum I did not mean to slate the cache name - it is truly a great cache in a great location. I guess I understand better the chosen name. That cache will always be remembered by me as it is a eally special place - and as you know a great place to entertain friends and family. I discovered that place a while back through my work with The Friends of the Liesbeek. I thought it was a hidden gem that needed to be shared with the world and I scoped hiding places and took plenty of GPS readings. I did not get to place a cache before I discovered the final of NABM right there. I had no knowledge of Vespax's cache either as I believe it was archived before I started caching. The name even though I understand it better still does not do it for me - but the cache and the location does. I look forward to some more caches from you guys.......
  9. Yes and No. WIth careful thought and due care a cache can be intensely personal to the placer but not feel like it to the finders. Although I do not have many caches (yet) they all have some personal meaning to me although that does not come across very obviously I think.!!!1 The one I hid with AfricanAlien (AfricanAliens Amanzi Paradise) actually I woudl consider very personal. That was a spot close to our home where we grew up and where my Dad and AfricanAlien still live. I have very fond memories of the river there. That cache highlights this and has had many great found logs - many people clearly appreciating the spot as I do now and di back then - can;t get more personal than that. I think there is a lot in the name and A Tribute of Friends and Family (did not do this one Justice I think) - the hider explains a single incident of having visited the spot with family and friends (one someone else’s advice) - hence the name. Now that is a brilliant cache - location, and execution are fabulous so don;t let the name fool you which to me is a bit too personal a name - I love the idea but the name to me is a bit corny. (unless I am underestimating the significance of this post to the cache hider.) I've done Nanas Cache - a deeply personal cache commerating the placers grandmother and if I remember correctly it even had a picture of the great lady. The location offered great views of Somerset West. Another good personal cache. One I have not done is A vikings last journey (or something similar) if I remember correctly recalling the passing of a loved one and the scattering of his ashes in the sea - a spot that can be viewed from the vantage point of the caches location I have done various tributes to dogs including a multi that took you to the house where the dog use to live to find a clue and then going to the mountain to a nice look out spot. All deeply personal caches but mostly well done. I think the trick is not to be overly sentimental and make sure the location is s good one and of interest to others. Probably not a good idea as a first hide........
  10. And for those meeting there, at the cache, 1pm as previously suggested? Meeting at the Wild Fig will be fine. There is plenty of secure parking there. Meeting at the cache at 13h00 sounds fine for those heading alone or making other plans - but no sneaking into the tunnel before the rest of us get there!!!! Any thing special needed for this cache apart from a towel and some dry clothes for afterwards? Trev
  11. Te 350 refers to 350parts per million of CO2 in the atmosphere which is the safe upper (or sustainable) limit. I think we are currently over that limit. Something to that effect. Trev
  12. Ok Where we will we meet up - no point everyone going in their own car,. My bakkie can take 2 and is not scared to travel - but if theres space in a car all the better to reduce the carbon foot print! Trev
  13. say when and if I can make it I can make it! trev
  14. Clue : I remained on the botanical theme with this question.........
  15. Not fear of ants or your back.........but obviously fear of something........ Trev
  16. I know what it is I hope I can explain it. I always get it confused with coppicing. Pollarding is a severe pruning right back to the trunk. Plane trees are an example of trees that are often pollarded as are blue gums COppicing is cutting the tree plant back to ground level. I hope this explanaiton is right - off to google and see if I am right! Trev
  17. Ok that REALLY is a trip to Africa - sorry if i sounded patronising - just that so often people refer to Arica when they really mean just to refer to a single country. Much like if I said I was going to Europe when I really was just going to England! If you have a fairly predefine route - which WILL change in Africa I am sure - you could try a whole series of Caches along a route - but I think you are limited to 500 mile per route So if you started getting all the African caches of countries you will be passing through downloaded via pocket queries you could filter along a route in GSAK and get ALL caches within a predefined distance from your route. Why not think of organising and event or two along the way - especially in South Africa then you can get to meet the local caches and get firsthand details of where to go caching while in South Africa. There will be locals who will help you pick venues for the event caches....... Looks fantastic - wish I were going along! Trev
  18. Do you really NEED to see all the caches in Africa - I doubt it as no matter how big your trip is you are not going to be coming near to that many I suspect. Do you really mean South Africa? Why don't you define the areas where you will be caching and then use google maps with sufficient zoom to plan your routes - its always worked for me. Alternative start making pocket queries and using something like GSAK to list caches in your own predefined polygons or by country. Hope this helps Trev Added I should have mentioned if you are coming to South Africa I am sure you will find the local cachers friendly and helpful and I am sure there would be some who could go caching with you or guide you to caches of excellence and likewise advise you to avoid really dull ones. You have come to the right place to ask these questions!
  19. yes you can just go back in correct sequence and date order and log a note for each of the caches. Then before submitting use the nice new Visit fucntion to dip the tb Voila Now you cna also delete your note since its not needed anymore more and noone cares to read something like "TB Dip" - Or "Just dipping my TB" Cheers Trev
  20. Should have a new bike by then - I'm in for a few days at least! Trev
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