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Everything posted by trevorh7000

  1. GREAT HINT it would have been! I only decoded after I posted the answer confirmation. I have seen them but I have never seen them alright!!! Trev
  2. Well played indeed - for those still wondering - its those crazy 3d pictures where you have to unfocus your eyes to see the 3 d image. I still can't see them! You are up Elsies
  3. Still creaking around - should be ready for another walk on Sunday!!! Sorry for the delay! What is a/are SIRDS?
  4. You can blame Henzz and the Doc for that. Henzz suggested I post a picture and the Doc got it going. It was awesome to have been there at Soccer City and I found a few caches as well! Trev
  5. Nice work. Thanks for the effort. If I could offer some constructive criticism - the shading did not do it for me and it is hard to tell which color is which. I would rather prefer the exact same functionality as the provinces map - just shade the district 1 solid color if you have found any caches in it and show the number centred in the district. I realise this might be a problem with some of the smaller districts. My R0.02 - but thanks again for the map as it is right now. Trev
  6. It related to the refined art of fly tying, except that instead of tying bits of fluff and feather to a hook you attach a live fly and this becomes your flyting. Trev
  7. Quite - well done Read the wikipedia article I have a book called Selkirks Island that was due back at the Rondebosch library in 2003 - well I actually "lost" the book and paid the library for it then it turned up. The book explains how his daily pleasure was catching goats and doing abominable things to them,then splitting their ear so that if he caught the same goat again it would be spared the indignity!......Selkirk was spoilt for choice!!! Go for it gr8scot Trev
  8. No - but he was Scottish - alternate spelling Alexander Selcraig Trev
  9. Is it the one in Hermanus? Trev
  10. Thanks Cincol Now this has nothing to do with sport and he was not Scotland's Captain in the last soccer World Cup. Who was Alexander Selkirk and what is he famous for? Trev
  11. It consists of only 4 panels? Why they have to change the ball each time just fr a World Cup beats me anyhow. Added : Well of course its the money - the ball sells for R1500!!!!! And no one thinks this ball is better so they can;t use that as an excuse - Adidas = Just as Greedy as FIFA! Trev
  12. Interesting one - my take - you can only adjust the coordinates within a narrow margin yourself, so you would have to contact the moderator. Fish Eagle seems active again , but ROTSIP should also be able t help you. My gut feel is that you should not do this and that you probably will not be allowed to do this. With that great a difference in locations I can't see how it could reasonably be the same cache. Why not leave that cache where it is and place one her in the Western Cape thats similar to it. Win - WIn and the net gain of one cache! Trev
  13. Ok I can see the counties now but is there an SA counties map for gsak like there is with the provinces. I think I have just answered my own question as there is no SA-counties map available from the FindStatGen makro install page. Or is it a work in progress. Having the information is OK but visualizing it on a map would be great! Trev
  14. No Need as if the start of the cache is in Cape Town and ends In Hermanus you might be able to do all/some of the waypoints but how are you gonna find a container in Hermanus sitting in your armchair at home? trev
  15. Lets say South America, Brazil 194? and Brazil won.
  16. I would say anyone savvy enough to be doing geocaching has "broadband" and I use the term loosely in the context of the rubbish served up by Telkom in SA. So I would say it would potentially be in the reaches of just about all cachers. There might be a few outliers who just do not have access due to their remote locations but I am sure they are few. Go ahead with your cache!!!!! Trev
  17. Au contraire! Now we start using Google Street view for virtual locations for multicaches.......a Google Street View puzzle! Trev
  18. A belated congratulations on your 200 Trevor - well done and looking forward to your next 200! Thank you all What a great activity with a great bunch of players Cache On! Trev
  19. Flyer! AopleMacs and the difference is processor? Trev
  20. Thats correct - well done Carbon Hunter!!! The sinking of the Lusitania by the Germans in World War I in 1915 resulted in rioting in Durban. Amongst those who suffered were merchants, hotel owners and a variety of other undertakings. All businesses - there must have been about 15 of them - with German names were set alight. My grandfather’s bread bakery at the corner of West Street and Brickhill Road was burnt to the ground. In the block adjacent, just across Palmers Street, the biscuit factory was unharmed. The next day the government deployed soldiers to protect it as it was making army biscuits for our South African troops in East and West Africa. Although my grandfather had been naturalised many years back and was a British citizen with two sons fighting against the Germans in East Africa, the name Baumann was obviously targetted as being a German name. It was recommended to my grandfather that he change the name of the company, at that time known as L Baumann and Company Ltd to some other name. My Uncle Albert, in his memoirs, records the following: “During the May 1915 riots, when L Baumann & Company was burned down, a Mr S Welsford telephoned Mr Albert Baumann, offering to come on the Board of the new company. He suggested that it be called ‘Bakers Ltd’ because when a woman wants to buy a loaf of bread she automatically thinks of a baker and this is the first word that arises in her mind. The name could therefore be easily remembered and so easily called to mind. Mr Welsford was a friend of Miss Grace Baumann (J M L Baumann’s only daughter)." Read the rest of the history at http://teriton.co.za/ Trev
  21. Oh Oh - I missed this one That's right on the money but there was a very specific incident leading to the anti-German sentiment and the burning down of a number of businesses - and ok I will give you WW1 and the year 1915 and the date 7 May. If enough people feel the question has been answered as I guess the original question was not so specific - then I'll give it to Carbon Hunter..... Trev
  22. Edited out my clue as I ha somehow missed Carboin Hunters great (educated) guess! I was actually cluing you in to the German nationality being important! Trev
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