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Rainbow Spirit

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Posts posted by Rainbow Spirit

  1. I parked off a busy road at night, and went off down a path in amongst some bushland, must have been around 10.30pm. I was after a FTF and had been there before, so I was sans GPS, etc. A car pulls up behind mine, 'ahha thinks I, more cachers to help with this elusive cache'. But no it was a police car, and they wanted to know what I was up to. So I gave them the geocaching spiel, and I asked them if they wanted to help me find the cache! "No thanks, we have better things to do, have a good night" and off they went.

  2. The cache has been found at last.....I found it today, May the 4th be with me, and it was. Thanks to Hammerman and The Trixter for such a well made cache. Over to all the other poor saps, who along with myself, have been haunted by this cache since early December '11. Wow! 245 dnfs without a find you guys are great hiders.

  3. I have a paf list if I am in need of a hint at a cache. I can't see what is wrong with not having to return home and contacting the CO, then waste more time and fuel going back to GZ. As some have said does it really matter how we find caches?


    I am happy to see people finding my caches by whatever way seems OK with them. I try to make interesting caches, not ones that no one can find. In the end we all play by our own rules. I don't want to be a cache dictator.

  4. Hammerman wasn't just p----- off with the actions of reviewers at Bifrost, but with one reviewer's heavy handed actions at their other caches, demanding that certain caches needed to be archived because they contravened sections of the caching guidelines that prohibit damaging public property.


    What now? Will all caches in Australia be scrutinised for breaches of that guideline, not to mention the permission to hide guideline, that 99% of caches fail to meet!

  5. Myself and another cacher were attempting a 5/5, where you were supposed to abseil (rappel) down a cliff to the cache.


    A previous cacher got to the cache another way by scrambling down a scree slope while holding onto an anchored rope. We were trying this method when the going got a bit dangerous. My friend said "Signing a bit of paper is not worth my life, I'm going back", and quickly did so, looking over the vertical drop nearby I agreed and followed him back up the slope. It was our choice, as it is at every cache 'we' attempt.

  6. Around Sydney (Aus) we have problems with ticks and leeches in our bushland areas. To ward off leeches I soak my socks in a salt solution, and dry them before putting them on. I have also tried spraying my shoes with insect repellant, and lately I have tried vapor rub gel (the kind of stuff my mother used to rub on my chest at night to help clear colds and flu) on my ankles and shoes. And if I do get bitten by a leech or sandfly etc, I get very itchy for days, so I apply some good old Aussie vegemite! it stops the itch, but you can look a lot like a giraffe...

  7. I use standard el cheapo spray paints, in flat. I sand both the inside and outside of plastic containers, and usually start with black, and paint both the inside and outside, then a mixture of greens and browns, or whatever fits in with the local area.

    I have also attached shade cloth to the top of lock 'n locks with a small bolt, sealed with silicon, in green or brown base colours. I cut the cloth in irregular shapes, and paint the shade cloth with various colours. Lay that on the ground with some leaf litter and it almost disappears.

    The real problem with most containers is that they have straight edges, and nature has very few straight edges, so even with the best of camo paints you will still have straight edges. Thats why some form of covering on straight edge containers works so well.

  8. So about a year ago, while out caching I get a call from a phone a friend, "do you have your wallet?", well yes....oh wait a minute, no!

    So he tells me that a fellow cacher has just found it at a cache I just did that morning, and here is his number. So I ring him and I meet up with him and his two boys at a cache, I get my wallet back, and we hook up for some team caching for the rest of the day.


    Later on I hid a personal cache for his boys not far from their home, with a $50 FTF reward.

  9. I was planning on finding 60 caches on my 60th birthday at the end of October, then I thought that seeing as I am close to 1,570 finds atm, maybe if I upped my find rate I could combine the 60 finds in one day with achieving 2,000 finds as well. So from now until late October I will need to find about 370 caches. A bit of an ask, as up until now my annual average has been around 500.

  10. I think the best way to encourage more people to attempt multis would be to give an approximate time, and distance needed to complete them. For example, takes about 20 minutes, total walking distance about 400 metres (1320 feet), happy hunting. This way cachers can decide if that is going to fit into their schedule. At most multis you have no way of knowing how long you will be there.


    In Europe multis outnumber traditionals by far, take a look around Prague, Czech Republic.

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