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Posts posted by sdscotto

  1. Being a long time Garmin customer, I was ready to just order a 60CSx. As a last minute thought, I checked these forums for the usability for Geocaching.


    I'm sure glad I did.


    I have been purchasing and using Garmin products for over 10 years. My first Garmin product was a GPS40 back in 1995. Over the years I've owned, or still own, GPS 40, GPS 12, 12XL (three hardware versions), GPS III, GPSMAP 130, GPSMAP 175, GPSMAP 176C, cfQue, and GPS10.


    Over the last few years I've seen Garmin support become less and less credible. Different answers from different people, but all seem to give marketing answers rather than real technical support. And talk about excuses -- they should be embarassed at some of their own answers.


    I've also noticed that technical support promises updates that never come, or don't include fixes that were promised.


    WAAS is fine for them when it is a selling feature. Now there is a problem with it, they claim you don't need it anyway.


    It's my understanding that WAAS will improve accuracy in less than optimum conditions. From Garmin's own web page (http://www.garmin.com/aboutGPS/waas.html):


    "WAAS corrects for GPS signal errors caused by ionospheric disturbances, timing, and satellite orbit errors, and it provides vital integrity information regarding the health of each GPS satellite. "


    So in a perfect location, with perfect weather and great satellite geometry, you may not get any better position with WAAS. How often is everything perfect, any why would we spend all of that money on putting satellites and infrustucture in place to implement WAAS if a simple $400 consumer GPS is so accurate it "doesn't need it." Moreover, why would Garmin spend the time to put it in their WORKING GPS models if it isn't necessary.


    I don't know if there is anyone better, and I will probably continue to use Garmin products. It used to be an easy decision to purchase Garmin, now you have to really put some thought and research into the decsion.

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