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Team Noltex

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Everything posted by Team Noltex

  1. It's one of our all-time favorites too!
  2. Thanks for your reply, RocketMan. That gives me several options.
  3. I'll be visiting in Denver next week and was wondering if anyone has a bookmark list of downtown Denver caches. I'll be at the Convention Center, but will not have transportation. Can you suggest any nearby caches?
  4. The base map that comes on the Sportrak includes only main roads, such as freeways, highways and main arterials. I would highly recommend getting MapSend, since the GPS isn't much good for navigation without it. Kind of like zooming way out on a Mapquest map.
  5. Would changing things to work off a garage door opener/car alarm fob work better? A garage door opener or car alarm uses an RF (radio frequency) transmitter and receiver combo, along with a code scrambler (so that your neighbor can't open your garage door). My Control the Night cache that Kit Fox referenced and the other LED flasher from Walmart use infrared light, which is the same that is used in virtually all TV remote controls, as well as remotes for your stereo, DVD, etc. I'm no electronics engineer, but I think the reason they use IR is to avoid RF interference with the other electronic circuits. The beauty of using IR for the caches is the simplicity, as there are very few components, and no interference from anything except sunlight, which at night isn't a problem. I have found a very good resource website at All About Circuits. They have a tutorial section, as well as a forum where electronic geniuses hang out and answer circuit questions. Also, if you search the internet for electronic supply businesses, many of them sell small inexpensive kits that can easily be adapted to cache uses. I used an IR switching kit coupled to a small laser to make the final for my night cache. It's an easy way to make you look smarter than you are!
  6. One of the reasons I placed THIS night cache was because I wanted to do something very different than the usual "follow the glints", which always seemed a little weak on GPS use to me. There haven't been any daylight finds yet that I'm aware of. Even if someone was able to find all of the other waypoints during the day, you still can't see the laser at the final in the daylight.
  7. Why ask for opinions at all then, unless all you are looking for is validation of your point of view? As hydnsek pointed out, this is not something new, it's been done. In fact, I've found one of the Cache Me if you Can TB's, solved the (reasonably difficult ) puzzle and then found the cache. And rather enjoyed it. You can't expect to come to the forums, thow out a very biased opinion in the form of a question and not get responses that explain why they disagree with you. So far, I think the answer to your original question is apparent.
  8. The only problem I can see with the cache/TB combo is for the owner, who will have fewer finds on their cache. I'm really not sure what YOUR problem with it is. So you may have to wait a while to find the cache until the TB comes in to an acceptable range for you. Doesn't seem like too big a deal. I wouldn't dream of putting a complaining note on someone's cache page that it was too difficult for me to do because they chose to make their cache a 5/5. This doesn't seem to be much different. They made the cache more difficult to do than you would like it to be. That's their perogative. Relax a bit. Go find some other caches. Or just put this one on ignore and forget about it.
  9. Ruck beat me to it. Congratulations to my buddy and reliable phone-a-friend GeoDiver on #1000 today, even if it was "just an event". How many of those were FTF's?
  10. To answer the question, I think the unofficial time for a 20 round mag was 3.88 seconds. Lots of fun today. And thanks to ...The Girl, my boys want me to check for prices on a Browning .22 pistol. We were very impressed with that one. Good thing .22 ammo is so cheap.
  11. Sportco is in Fife, just off I-5 on the south side of the freeway between exit 136 and 137. Looks like I won't be able to get there tomorrow until a little after 1:00 pm.
  12. ...How long does it take to shoot twenty rounds out of that CAR? Also: I have two extra pairs of ear protectors I'll bring. For a 20 round mag, 'bout an hour. That is, if you take 3 minutes for each shot. Otherwise, it would be about 10 seconds if you're going as fast as you can. It's got a red dot sight for even more fun, too!
  13. I'll be there with a couple Glock .40's, a .22 and a .223 CAR-15. Feel free to bring some .223 ammo if you want to shoot it. Also, don't forget to at least bring ear protection. Eye protection is recommended as well.
  14. Please read the thread. Two of his caches are apparently virtuals, which GC.com no longer allows, except for ones already in place. If his two virtual caches are archived, they can't be replaced with other virtuals, hence the requests for adoption instead of archival.
  15. I think I can probably make it there. Just need coords.
  16. I think that the imagining is the distraction.
  17. In the Seattle/Tacoma area I'm pretty sure it's one of mine, Tacoma Travel Bug Mania Vault, with 634 logs in just under 2 1/2 years. That works out to roughly 3 logs every 4 days. It's a mix of new finds and people re-visiting to drop off and pick up TB's at a very convenient location.
  18. I'm wondering how you are able to tell the difference between damaged to stumps caused by cachers and that caused by animals or natural decomposition? As relatively few geocachers as there are and given the large number of them that seem genuinely concerned with the environment and its preservation, I don't think that we need to be so quick as a group to immediately take responsibilty for any and all damage that we encounter in the area of caches. Most of these parks/trails/public lands that we use for caches are also heavily used by the rest of the public for other uses. If some flowers are pulled up, some vegetation trampled or a sprinkler head damaged, it could just as easily, and probably more likely to have been some kid, a dog or some wacko that did it. Without question, cachers should take responsibility for making sure that they don't do any damage while they search. Let's just not beat ourselves up unneccesarily.
  19. You think it surpassed YOUR expectations? IT BLEW US AWAY!!! We can't imagine the logistics that went into planning this event. You and Nancois could plan a full scale military invasion by yourselves. Thanks again for a great time.
  20. Congrats to GrnXnham who got #1500 on our new night cache, Control the Night. They'd been trying to hurry up and get the last few they needed so they could do this one for the milestone. Glad that you enjoyed it!
  21. I have a new night cache, Control the Night, that uses an infrared remote, or any TV remote control, to activate a receiver with a blinking LED. The receiver marks the location for coordinates to the next receiver. The final has a receiver that activates a laser, which points out the location of the final, an ammo can. I'm just hoping that I can keep up with the batteries.
  22. Hows about we keep this thread family friendly? I'm sure you could come up with other more appropriate examples.
  23. If you're going to go to the trouble to make up a sock puppet, at least make the posts worthwhile. Now run along, the adults are having a conversation.
  24. Wow, sure enough they claimed FTF on their own cache! Even if it was a family member and not the actual hider I'd still say it's pretty lame. FTF should be reserved for someone completely seperate from you or your family. The only time I've even claimed a find on one of my own (actually daughter's) caches is after we had to go look for it for the third time. Muggles kept relocating it, sometimes as far as 200-300 feet away. After the third time we figured we'd earned a smilie.
  25. It's a company. They can name it anything they want. If someone doesn't like it, they can choose not do business there. I'm sure if enough people were offended by it that their business was significantly impacted, they would quickly change the name. GC.com is smart enough to know that if too many people complain about something on their website they find offensive, they will change it.
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