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Everything posted by rbsb178

  1. Got mine the other day. This is a stunning coin! Thank you for offering them.
  2. Just got mine and they are simply gorgeous. Excellent job!!!
  3. They came today and they are gorgeous!! Thank you.
  5. I hope mine get here soon, I am getting anxious to see them!
  6. Just got our fire version today. It is a beautiful coin! Thank you.
  7. 74
  8. Got my antique silver with dark blue glitter today and what a gorgeous coin. Thank you for creating this wonderful coin!
  9. Usually I pick my favorite style and get that one but this time I had to pre-order one of each! Thank you for making this beautiful coin.
  10. Stunning coins. I have changed my mind. I love the antigue bronze and my daughter likes the antique silver!
  11. Our Mercury TB made it 410 miles and then was picked up 6 months ago by an individual who has released 10 map@syst geocoins. I have politely emailed him to move the bug and even offered to pay the postage to ship the bug back to me, but no response no nothing. He was on the site today so it's not like he's not doing it anymore. Yes I am whining and BPMing. I want my TB back!!!!!
  12. They are all gorgeous but I really like the copper.
  13. We have 4 indoor cats and our outdoor barn cats but my special kitty is Angel. He walked around the side of our house when he was a little kitten and adopted us. We think someone must have dropped him off because all of the other cats were tiger. He must be part Siamese because he has the crossed eyes and the meow that they are known for. Angel used to be an indoor/outdoor cat until one night when he drug himself himself home. We aren't sure what had happened to him but he was a mess. His back leg was a mangled mess, so we made an emergency call to our vet and left him in their capable hands. When he came home he was minus one back leg, several toes on each front foot and had a permanent kink in his tail. We made the spare room into "his room" and he healed remarkably well. A year or so later he developed urinary tract stones. After numerous surgeries they finally cleared up although he is once again minus a few parts. I think that he has a wing named after him at the vet clinic. So here he is, looking smug as ever, with the daughter part of rbsb178 . In the background on the couch is one of our other cats Snidgewhistle but we will save her story for another time.
  14. Got my 2009 Cachin Crow coin in the mail today. It is beautiful! My 2008 is very happy to have a companion, the cat coins were making him nervous.
  15. 88 Dale Earnhardt Jr.
  16. Got home after a wild day at the 911 Center and my husband said I got something geocaching. I couldn't figure it out so I opened it faster than a six year old at Christmas and it was Geo-Bandit coin #308! How cool is that! Our first ever Mystery coin. Thank you Geo-Bandit for making our day. PS Love the postage stamp.
  17. Love the coin. Reserved the fire edition for my husband who is a volunteer firefighter. Thank you!
  18. 1. Cat Geocoin 2. Cat Got Your Cache 3. IDTimberwolf 4. Carrion Crow 5. 2007 Sneaky Antlers
  19. I have to get a 2009 because the 2008 I won just told me he is lonely. Looking forward to them!!
  20. My husband is the nano in the forest Five difficulty Five terrain Hard to find But once found Happiness, Jubilation, Satisfaction
  21. This beautiful coin is a must have because it will go with my snow owl tattoo! E-mail sent.
  22. 1974 AMC Matador Sedan
  23. 1974 AMC Ambassador Sedan
  24. 1974 AMC Javelin Sedan
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