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Save The Murlocs

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Everything posted by Save The Murlocs

  1. Don't be too sure everyone is just "lazy" or whatever...we'd love to do difficult 5 terrain canyon hiking ones...but we use cell phone GPS and cannot get signal in remote places.
  2. Yeah, I'm sorry to say it, but this site is so SLOW...I don't want to have to refresh any more than I have to.
  3. I like puzzle caches. Only done a couple so far, but they're a good fun extra challenge. Do what you enjoy most.
  4. I also have a little peeve about people who quote the OP asking the original question/comment...I think since everyone knows that's what the thread is about, you don't really need to quote that part... I'm not sure this makes sense but hopefully you all know what I mean.
  5. Yeah, you can only "find" it once...after that you know where it is, so just write a note.
  6. Here is my highly educated and intelligent comment on this cache: EWWWWWWWWWW.
  7. I try to write longer logs. But I'm just not a good writer and not very wordy. It doesn't mean I didn't enjoy the cache. I do feel bad not writing longer logs, but the words don't come easily to me for some reason. My most recent find was the longest log I wrote, and I surprised myself with that one lol. I do make effort to always write more than TFTC.
  8. As I'm readying to get my own TB's out there sometime soon, I'm wondering if I should even HAVE any goal other than simply "to travel." It does seem like goals are often not paid attention to...oh well. It's still lots of fun to see where they go.
  9. I don't count it till I touch the cache and sign the log. But, I could understand some people thinking differently...in this technology day and age, maybe they think online-only logging is the easiest and most efficient way...*shrug*
  10. I'm feeling kind of panicked because we've ended up having 4 right now and one of them we've had for about a week and a half.
  11. I bet many times it's kids, as a lot of TB are toys or cute things and the kids just beg mommy and daddy to let them keep that cool toy and the parents don't have the heart to say no. Whenever I see a cutesy one that's gone missing, I wonder if that may be the case. Otherwise, I don't understand why people keep them. When I find really awesome bugs/coins, I really want to move them on so others can enjoy them too!
  12. Not sent out any of my own just yet, but, as everyone has been saying, I've seen some that have been out for a couple years or more still going, and some that "die" after only going to 1 or 2 caches. A lot of it is just luck. I'm sorry you're luck has been rather bad so far. Don't give up!
  13. Well, yay for us Utahns. Cool stuff, thanks for compiling that list.
  14. My goodness, and we just picked up one of his a few days ago! Lol. It's already moving on again, so I guess even if he was still active we wouldn't be in trouble.
  15. Besides, it's more fun to attach it to something so it'll be more unique. (But not so unique people will want to keep it rather than moving it on.)
  16. Um, yeah...if you want to do that for your own little personal collection, that's cool. But don't post them on the site!
  17. Over the Hills and Far Away by Led Zeppelin has a geocaching "ring" to it. The line "Many is a word that only leaves you guessing, Guessing 'bout a thing you really ought to know" reminds me of useless hints...i.e "It's too easy for a hint." LOL.
  18. I don't even have any trackables of my own yet and already feel the despair lol. Seriously, why people have to be rude is beyond me. There's always a way of saying what you want to say politely and respectfully.
  19. 6! The big SIX!! We kind of go in short bursts, rather than long days with many finds a day.
  20. It's best to start out just doing really easy 1/1's. The first couple we tried to find were 2's, and they were far too difficult for us. So we practiced on easier ones. We still do easy ones, we're still beginners and still learning. The 1's will help you learn what to look for.
  21. If you still need help, I could place some here in Utah if you want. masterpokemon80@yahoo.com. Good luck!
  22. I think we've found a new geocaching term.
  23. I'm LOVING geocaching. Even the "easy" ones, even the micros and parking lot ones. Because, sometimes they're not as easy as they may seem. (Though I'm still mostly a beginner granted lol.) Because several micros I've found have been hidden at awesome locations. Because even parking lot caches may give you a sense of accomplishment at your find. I have found SO many cool locations while caching, and I've never done one in the mountains or in the woods yet (due to using a phone GPS which doesn't work in those locations.) So I do have to stand up for urban caches, so many people whine and hate and ignore them, you just may be missing out on some great stuff! I'm sure I will love the more "woodsy" ones when I get to do those too. I love how geocaching gets me seeing places I've never seen before, that I never knew existed. I love that there's these mysterious hidden "treasures" that "ordinary" folk don't even know are there. It's just plain great fun.
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