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Posts posted by markandsandy
Actually, no urbans.
So in the country or up in the foothills. Drive ups if it's somewhere worth driving to, but hikes would be great.
Looking forward to this trip.
In that case, I would recommend caches near Beehive Reservoir (N 47° 19.539 W 120° 24.007). Not too far out of town (10 miles by road) and there are 25 to 30 caches to find within 4 miles of the lake. Lots of great scenery and good caches.
Looks great on the map. Thanks for the recommendation.
Anyone have any cache recommendations?
What type of locations are you looking for? Around the city? Out in the country? Down by the river parks? Up in the foothills? Drive ups or hike to? I could recommend a few but it would be helpful to know what part of the Wenatchee or surrounding area you're interested in exploring.
Every LPC in Wenatchee....NOT
Actually, no urbans.
So in the country or up in the foothills. Drive ups if it's somewhere worth driving to, but hikes would be great.
Wenatchee has usually been a place to drive through and pick up some fruit while heading somewhere else, so it would be nice to see some of the area more up close and personal.
Looking forward to this trip.
One of the principles of Leave No Trace is Leave What You Find.
I guess CITO is out.
Hey hydnsek!!
We know of a place that you can stay Saturday night, but the only thing it is only 30 miles away from the mustering location. If you need a hint try solving GCYMFK, this will give you a good idea where,
Do not let this scare you and we have the same distance to travel also. I believe I have your cell # (some where). If not I will be in touch by e-mail.
You're sweet, Gene, thanks.
But this non-morning person needs to be as close as possible (without camping). If I come over, I'm thinking Wenatchee. Maybe a cheapie hotel.
We're going the cheapie hotel route. Heading over Friday evening after work, then have all day Saturday to check out other caches in the Wenatchee area.
Anyone have any cache recommendations?
DNF = Did Not Find
A simple statement of fact. No details.
It doesn't say we looked for 30 seconds; It doesn't say we looked for 30 minutes.
It doesn't say we knew the cache was still there; It doesn't say that we thought the cache was missing.
It doesn't say any of the things that people have posted that they assume it means, other than that we Did Not Find the cache.
Indeed. But you're still expecting people to assume that you actually physically looked for the cache container...or are you?
If you never got out of the car, or if you hiked half way then turned back, you also Did Not Find the cache. That's still a fact. DNF then? That might sound useful, but IMO a note is more useful in those circumstances.
No assumption necessary.
You should have quoted one more line of my post.
It said, 'The DETAILS are in the logs'.
I agree there are times when a Note is appropriate. And to keep people from assuming anything, I will not post DNF's on the 99.99999999999% of the caches that exist that I have not even thought about looking for.
Personally, I don't care that much if other cachers log a DNF or a Note, as long as they log something.
DNF = Did Not Find
A simple statement of fact. No details.
It doesn't say we looked for 30 seconds; It doesn't say we looked for 30 minutes.
It doesn't say we knew the cache was still there; It doesn't say that we thought the cache was missing.
It doesn't say any of the things that people have posted that they assume it means, other than that we Did Not Find the cache.
The DETAILS are in the logs.
I've posted a DNF because there were too many muggles near ground zero to safely expose the cache. Why a DNF? Because we Did Not Find the cache. The details in the log could alert other cachers that they may want to choose thier time to look for this one carefully.
This past weekend we were caught looking for a cache by someone who knew where it was. He even told us we were close before he left. Even with his clues, we couldn't find it. Logged the DNF. Not because we thought it might be missing, we knew it wasn't, but because we Did Not Find it.
We've recently logged DNF's on a couple of micro's in the woods. One was last logged over eight months ago, the other even longer ago than that. Both had occasional finds before that. Has nobody actually looked in all that time? Or have they just not logged the DNF's? We'll never know. If I were the CO, I'd want to know.
We even hold the only DNF on a cache that has had 118 successful finds. We logged the DNF, because we Did Not Find the cache. The details let other cachers know that sometimes you don't find them, for whatever reason, and that's OK.
Can a couple of Wet-siders join in the fun?
Yes you can. If you're able to meet with us at the scheduled time, you're more than welcome to join us.
Count the two of us in. I'll drive, but the truck only holds three max, so could only carry one more if needed. We'll probably come over either Friday evening or Saturday, so the 7:45 meet time willl be no problem.
Looking forward to meeting you all.
August Hike of the Month
Save the Date: August 17, 2008, Sunday
Meeting Place: Lincoln Park (Ski Link Parking Area, South Mission Street between Crawford St. and Parkway Ave.)
- Meet at 7:45 AM
- Depart at 8:00 AM
- Return 2:00 PM
Destination: Altitude is Your Friend (on ski slope of Mission Ridge, location of 1944 B-52 plane crash site)
Driving Distance Lincoln Park to Wenatchee Mountain: 24 miles
Hike Distance: 1.4 miles one way with 300' elevation difference, Downhill to cache, Uphill back out.
Road Terrain: Rough, vehicle with clearance recommended
Other caches available along the way: See Bookmark
Please let me know if you plan to join us on this hike, and whether or not you will drive or need a ride.
Can a couple of Wet-siders join in the fun?
I found a hand grenade while caching with a friend. You sure get good response when you call 911. We had three cruisers, 2 K9 units and a bomb squad within 5 minutes. As I had suspected, it was a fake but better safe than sorry.
Darn, there goes my idea for a Hand Grenade Cache Container
I am 20....... +20...... +20!!!!
You seem creepy. What is your address so I can call 911?
He's not creepy, just Canadian
I've had the same problem, using XP.
The zip files appear to be corrupted if more than 100-200 caches in them, can't be unzipped in or out of GSAK.
I just switched to non-zipped PQ's.
Over the three-day holiday weekend:
30 finds.
One of these had been disabled because it was missing. We had old data so found it anyway
One of the finds had been replaced because it was missing. We found the original
Only two DNF's.
Unfortunately, one of the DNF's had 112 finds and no previous DNF's
Don't get discouraged. Just found several of your caches today and enjoyed them very much
. Find a way to work with your reviewer so you can keep hiding.
Be careful when shaving mosquito bites.
Thanks for the reminder, we've got some in the fridge -- snack time!
Closest Found 0.15miles
Closest Unfound 0.8 miles
Uh duh... Duh! AMAZINGLY, most responders up till this point have forgotten to mention the most basic and obvious course of action, so let's dive into it right now, as follows:
Most GPS receivers have a little red button on them. When you briefly depress and release that button, you (and the GPSr) become invisible to all geomuggles for three minutes. On some GPSr models, if you hit the button twice in rapid succession, you become invisible for 10 minutes. I also hear talk in the forums that some newer models of GPSrs have a little button bearing a shilouette image of a man on it. Apparently, if you aim the top of the GPSr at the geomuggle and depress this little button briefly, the person is immediately (and permanently) removed from our world (apparently transported to an alternate universe where geocaching does not exist) without a trace.
Do you actually know of any specific GPS models which have the red button? And if so do you have any pictures of it?
It's invisible in pictures - that's why you don't see it in the manuals.
I just purchased a new laptop (with Windows Vista Home Edition) and I'm trying to connect my Garmin eTrex Legend so I can upload caches from GSAK and use it with nRoute. I'm using a serial to USB converter, I did install the driver that came with it. I also went to the Garmin website and downloaded the latest drivers and updates.
The laptop still tries to figure out what to do with the GPSr when I plug it into the USB port. I can't even figure out what number each USB port is so I can tell GSAK. When I go to the Device Manager, it lists the GPSr as "Other Devices," "USB Serial Controller." I have 3 USB connections and they each show Port_#0001.Hub_#0004 - Port_#0001.Hub_#0005 & Port_#0001.Hub_#0006 when the device is plugged into them.
Please help.
It's going to show up as a COM port, not a USB port.
Mine's COM4, your's may be different. Look in Device Manager at the COM ports.
in General geocaching topics
I'm proud of our 3 FTDNF's
One has only had 4 finds, and the last of those was last November - could be gone, could be we just missed it.
One had 56 finds, then a string of 6 DNF's, ours being first. If nobody logged the FTDNF, the owners might not have checked and found that it is missing.
One had 114 finds, then our FTDNF, then 7 more finds. Most say it is easy, some that it was harder than they expected, but they found it. I don't feel humiliated. Maybe we'll find it next time we're in that area; If not, we may be STDNF (Second To DNF) .