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Posts posted by silvertop1

  1. Yes I have. This happens at initial start up of the unit when you go to maps. For me it was anywhere from 5 to 15 seconds of a white screen. Also I had trouble getting the unit to go into serial mode when plugging into the computer. For the first time ever I reverted back to 4.02 and the map situation works fine. Unit used Montana 600.

  2. To the OP, use Pocket Queries instead of downloading the individual caches.


    With the new Pocket Query system, you can have the Pocket Query name included in the Pocket Query file name.


    And as noted above, you don't need to use Easy GPS, just copy the GPX files directly to the GPX folder and you are ready to go.


    I very seldom use Pocket Query. I understand the advantages, but for me I would rather load caches off Geocaching.com one at a time. I really do not use EasyGps except for a quick way to open up a icon in the GPX folder to see the name so I can delete it. I can remember the cache names that I have found when I see them, but not the codes. I understand that I can only load 200 gpx files and that a pocket query only counts as one file. I just have no reason to load more than 200 caches at this time. It is possible that what I am asking can not be done the way I am trying to do it. I just would like to open the GPX file and see cache name and not cache codes. Thanks for your help.

  3. I am using a Oregon 400t. As my transfer agent I use EasyGPS. When I plug in to the computer to manage my caches is there any way to show cache names instead of cache codes in the GPX folder?

    The title for this post should read Cache names in GPX folder.

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