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Johnnie Stalkers

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Posts posted by Johnnie Stalkers

  1. There are plenty of people here who constantly challenge the system but do it in a way so as not to be outwardly confrontational. Some seem to understand that change is the result of active conversation, an exchange of ideas. Some seem to think its anarchy. And some are just trying to raise the big H. If there is a "LIST" I hope it contains the people whos single contribution is to flame, insult and sock puppet. I believe the mods are smart enough to seperate the trouble makers from the idea'list'. Viva la Cache!

  2. Really just to bump this topic, but I thought the idea above about putting a meter at the grocery check out lane ranking the cashiers IQ was brilliant. Oh, wait that was MY idea. Look at that a shameless self promotion of ideas. Does that make me a pot stirrer too?

  3. Well, we had a romantic getaway planned, but the "better (best) half" of this geocaching team deployed to Iran yesterday as part of the Virignia Task Force One Rescue & Recovery Team. She won't be home until after the start of 2004...so I'll delay the getaway, and the romance until she returns. Happy New Year to all of you.



    Best wishes and a safe return for the "better" half. She will be in our hearts and prayers. Happy New Year.

  4. I like where you are going with this RK.


    How about meters on the backs of cars, that way we will all know who the #%$@& bad drivers are.


    How about on the check out lanes at the grocery. So I can tell ahead of time that there is a reason this line is almost empty. Who puts a mathmatically challenged foriegn exchange student with no depth perception and 1 arm in a cashier position?


    A meter at the 1 hour photo place....next time they tell me it will be an hour AND a HALF I think my head will explode. Save me the trouble of ruining the envelope, I'll go elsewhere.


    A meter at the ATM, so I can see BEFORE I wait in line that it isn't dispensing cash. Of course the einstien in front of me can't read, so he just keeps trying lower denominations while my blood pressure slowly melts away my grey matter.


    I envision a world of meters, and it is fine. :unsure:

  5. One of my favorite things about this sport is returning to our cache to read the logs. We also leave a camera in ours so cachers can snap a pic of themselves. Just got the first set of pics back. Kinda fun trying to play match the faces, and it helps us know the other cachers in the area.

    If you have the gift of gab and a tail to tell, then write your heart out Shaky. I think the only thing you can do wrong with a log book is get it wet or use it for a call of duty. (which I guess would apply to rule 1) But most cachers are the outdoors resourcefull type. If you need a sheet or two from my log book for a potty break then by all means, just don't include that in your story. :unsure:



  6. Ani lost her grandfather this past Thanksgiving. It also happened to be her fathers birthday. I cannot imagine losing my father on my birthday. The entire family is having a tough time with it. We are all together and trying to make the best of it we can. I only knew pops for about 4 years, but he was without a doubt what your (Sparky) father was to you. A teacher and a mentor. One of those people that fills a room, whose presence you can't help but feel and appreciate. My deepest sympathies to you Sparky. Hope that you can have a Merry christmas and remember the great things about a great man.

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