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Posts posted by salmoned

  1. Swag is a gift from the hider to the finder, as is the hide itself. Any other attitude is fraught with grief. If something is left in exchange, that too is a gift. In other words, it's all good...

  2. I saw a note in July asking for status, and there was no response on your part. I have done the same thing on many occasion. Many times I run accross a cache that someone unchecked the "inplace and ready" box and let it sit for ages.


    My suggestion is that you finish your research and when it's ready, either ask if it can be unarchived or resubmit the cache from scratch.

    If you're talking about my cache, I responded by editing my first reply rather than creating a new response. How can I now see the archived write-up? (I don't recall the waypoint)

  3. Yes, I have it from a reliable source that ShadowAce has received the $40 prize. Unfortunately, this cache may soon be disabled and/or archived due to technical difficulties. In any case, no secrets will be revealed as the cache (and concept) may undergo resurrection. High difficulty caches fill an important niche in this activity and are, by definition, 'NOT FOR EVERYBODY'.

  4. I know of a geocacher who called and asked for help on a perticular find. he was not from our area and truly was experienceing a difficult time on this one cache. We moved him on from stage 1 to stage 2. Then He called back to say that, that one wasn't there either. Within 10 minutes we get another call from said cacher. He was having a time locating another cache. Again we provided him with an additional clue. (mind you these aren't our caches, we had not even found them recently). 15 calls later, we are like dude come on, are you even trying to find these things by yourself. Then in his log for those perticular caches, he didn't mention the fact he had to call for help. To me this is cheating. This geocacher has a high number of finds. To me he was just asking me to tell him where it was. It took me a while to realize this actually happened. I felt like I was cache raped.




    I serve as a phone-a-friend for any geocacher that wants a clue. My contact info is widely published and it is a rare day that I don't get at least one call from a cacher that needs help.


    I also tour-guide folks when someone wants to come to town and have company hunting caches, wants to see the best our area has to offer or wants a local to take them on a numbers run.


    In both cases I will give them as much or as little help as they ask for... a discrete hint, blatant clue or dead-on instructions.


    Few want more than a hint, unless they have DNF'd it before or they are traveling and won't be back this way for a while.


    I know most of the cachers around here and none have objected. Two have asked me not to give up the finals on difficult multis, although they say it's okay to give hints on each stage.


    This is a win-win for everyone.


    Interesting how geocachers can reach such extremes of opinion; I don't think DNFs are any fun and believe that those who so desire should be able to reach out for help, you apparantly think having help is cheating!


    I hope my way of thinking prevails! :(



    I believe the question of provinding additional hints should be decided by the cache owner. They may want to be the only provider of hints, or they may allow others to do so, but explicit permission should be obtained prior to providing hints by anyone else. In the case mentioned above, it seems the cache owners are the victims (if any). There is nothing wrong, bad or 'unfun' about a DNF. If an owner want every seeker to be a finder, they'll hide accordingly.

  5. I placed a cache near a scenic location requiring a 1/4 mile swim and a steep hike that was found by two muggles in the week I put it out prior to listing it. They took the FTF prize and logged in, leaving the cache (it was chained in place to discourage incidental movement). Naturally, I removed it and am still working on a less obvious location and/or better camo.

  6. Frankly, I find ju66l3r's comments bring new life to this thread and a position with which I agree. Memorial caches don't fit into the "fun, light and apolitcal" category in my book. Rather, they are dreary, heavy and politically charged. The "deaths of everyone before us" cache doesn't get accolades from the peanut gallery, does it?


    America was attacked; attacked viciously, ruthlessly, and without provocation. Innocent people were killed in an attack driven by nothing other than hatred for our people, our religious diversity, our freedom, our affluence, and our way of life.


    The caches in question are AMERICAN.


    When did it become somehow improper to stand up and be counted as AMERICANS?


    When the news of 9-11 hit the countries that hate us, their people DANCED IN THE STREETS!


    Are we not allowed to even REMEMBER and MEMORIALIZE our innocent slaughtered dead?


    If the Iraquis or Saudis or Afgans or Palestinians or any other country that doesn't share our beliefs in personal freedom and religious diversity wants to place a cache celebrating the unholy infidels righteously killed in the holy gihad, let them place it ON THEIR SOIL. But don't stop us from placing OUR memorial caches on OUR SOIL.


    It is one of the things we have to accept if we TRULY prize freedom, that there will be people who will do things we dislike intensely and they will do so with the full protection provided under that freedom.


    But why must the people who TRULY prize freedom, and whose forefathers fought and died to purchase that freedom with their own blood, THEMSELVES be the ones commanded to KEEP SILENT?


    I am sick and tired and FED up with whiny politically correct complainers and self-righteous protectors of the freedoms of the EVIL doers in our world, who do so by TRAMPLING underfoot the same rights of the GOOD people and the INNOCENT people of our nation.


    We are AMERICANS. We are a free and diverse people. Let's quit APOLOGIZING for that!


    Thank you for agreeing that ALL sides of the issue are validly expressed. :laughing:

  7. I can't disagree with t1m2inkgeo more! S/He doesn't have a group of hunters, but rather a group of finders. Hunters are perfectly happy not finding.


    Example: My brother loves to fish. I, however, only love to catch. Therefore, I don't consider myself a fisherman.


    As for hints - it's a question of personal style. In other words, if you haven't got any I can't help you there...

  8. Clan Riffster apparently believes everyone should independently re-invent the wheel! If the cache hider has permission, isn't it easiest and best to contact that geocacher, rather than bring the matter to the attention (or re-attention) of outsiders? If an SBA "feels" like a slap in the face, I can only wonder what a real slap in the face feels like, a fatal wound [to the ego], perhaps?

  9. Reminds me a car chase I once had. I suppose the guy thought I had cut him off or something, but he chased me all over a neighborhood, even driving on the sidewalks to finally cut me off. He got out of his car and started walking up to my car. So I pulled out and sent him flying over my hood, never looked back. The next day the police called me up to answer some questions. They determined over the phone that my actions were justified self-defense (no, I didn't kill him, but he was injured).


    Our area has property tax records online, so it's fairly easy to check if a cache is on private property before going out for the find.

  10. Frankly, yes, your guess is correct. However, even were I to use a one of those containers you mention, I wouldn't be copying someone else, I would use it as an independent idea of my own. It doesn't matter that that idea may have also been thought of by others. In fact, I do have ammo cans (none deployed as yet), but they will each have their own individual 'look' once deployed.


    Addendum - My obviously constructive criticism is oriented toward the philosophy behind this thread, not the specific content. I don't believe there is much of an audience 'out there' wanting to be spoon-fed ideas for caches, cache containers, etc. Those seeking such advice are fully free and capable of asking for it, and they can be informed directly without unnecessarily impinging upon the collective consciousness. :shocked:

  11. I suppose wandering360 is implying a preference for unintelligent or unintelligible answers, since smart answers are so disagreeable. How anyone might be 'run off' by the constructive observations previously made is beyond my ken. I hope, Gerboa, you or someone else does eventually find these caches so as to prove their viability. Then, if I ever visit your area, I may follow.

  12. If I were getting a buck or two from every finder, I might consider hiding easier caches in greater quantities. Until then, I see no reason to "attract" seekers by overstuffing a trail or area. All it attracts are those most concerned about the numbers.

  13. Random musings - It never fails to astonish me that anyone would feel motivated to hide caches without having found any (unless, of course, there are no caches to find...not the case here). FINDING caches has been instrumental in helping me determine what I like and don't like, which then gets incorporated into my own hides. For instance, I don't like the needle-in-the-haystack type of hide, or the cache that gets moved about, so I work to exclude those features. Inexperienced cachers often err in cache descriptions/placements, so I rarely seek their offerings on a FTF basis. As a puzzler, I don't really see anything in these particular puzzles that would spark my interest in solving them (unless I were planning on visiting the area). I have solved a dozen or so puzzle caches not in my search area, just because the problems posed attracted me, but that doesn't hold in this case.

  14. My area has a corps of avid puzzle-solvers, in which I include myself. I admit I once asked a finder for a hint in a moment of weakness, but thankfully I was rebuffed (I have never asked an owner - if a clue was necessary, it should/would have been included). Puzzlers rarely resort to sharing, IMLE.

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