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Everything posted by CacheCreatures

  1. As I understand it, the CITO logo on the user stats page is reserved for CITO events. What if a new category for type of cache was created, specific to CITO? Yeah I know, the abuse potential is enormous, but I for one would find it kind of neat to look back years from now and see how many bags of garbage I carted out of the woods thanks to geocaching. edit: spelling
  2. Hats off. Got a family member in Korea right now with orders for Iraq in a couple of months. I don't know how you do it, leaving behind those you love for a year or more. But, this citizen is grateful beyond words.
  3. Too true. Complaining for the sake of complaining... B&S, no worries at all. Your point was well taken. Closing this one down before someone decides to fan a fire that doesn't exist.
  4. Fair enough. I, actually, completely agree with both of you. The wife and I love nothing more than the hunt. Finding the cache is a very very distance second to actually getting out there, together spending time seeing things we've never seen before. I only brought this up in response to the myriad of complaints lately about fake logs. Thought it might spark some constructive talk rather than constant negativity...
  5. Yes please do expand on this. I really like the SD slot... can it read .gpx files?
  6. Nah, I hope not. Its a decent question I think. I think if we followed bons logic all the way out, we'd have to ask why sign the log at all? Why try and prove at all that you found the cache?
  7. Hmm... a CD full of classical masterpieces ranging from Hildegard von Begin to John Williams. What better way to introduce all those alien cachers to the human race?
  8. Whoa, didn't mean to ruffle the feathers. Does this mean you never pick up TBs?
  9. ... how come one isn't required for caches? This question stems from the generally accepted idiom that states signing the log in a cache is the proof you were there. However, as we all know, this doesn't stop some folks from logging the find, having never been there, anyway. From a logistical standpoint, it would probably be a fairly benign change. When our cache is approved, we'd get the standard email along with a unique ID number. We would then need to place that in the cache (or on the cache, stuck right next to the geocaching blurb). To log the find, the finder would need to enter the ID number, during the logging process, ect... If the changes to the website are problematic, what about issuing your own ID number, and stating in the description that the finder needs to email the number or risk having their log deleted... you get the idea. No doubt this has been covered, so I'm sorry if this is old hat. As this sport grows, so does the chance for it to be taken advantage of.
  10. Reviews by a couple different PPC magazines and online sites applied that term. One reviewer dropped a rock on the screen from 4 feet with no problems. Google is a wonderful thing.
  11. I recently posted this over on the GPS Software forum. Basically, its a geocaching proof PDA solution. To my surprise, the complaints weren't about its price or features... they were about its looks! Now, I'm not saying the comments weren't justified (in fact, it definitely isnt the most attractive device...). But, to dismiss it because of its looks? Isn't the caching crowd one that usually turns a blind eye to fashion? I mean, ain't we the geeks out there on the side of a road, butt in the air head stuck in a bush muttering under our breath profanities I won't repeat here? When considering cache equipment, are looks a major factor in your decision? edit: fasHion, geez sorry bout that...
  12. Boing boing boing, to the cache we bounce! Erh, well size is important, but it isn't everything (no good way to say that ) The thing with this is that it is probably best clipped to your bag or belt... maybe hanging around your neck... a PDA with this level of protective case is about as big as this anyway. But, like anything, to each his/her own...
  13. A PPC, or PocketPC actually refers to the operating system that runs on a PDA, or personal data assistant. Palm is also an operating system that runs on a PDA. In other words, Palm and PPC are two different methods to run a PDA. Because they are so different, they of course run on different hardware. So, you cant take a PPC operating system and install it on a device designed for Palm, and vice versa. Think Apple and PC. So, if someone says they use a PPC, they are specifying an operating system and a hardware type. Also, applications (software) are generally designed for one or the other. Just like the hardware, an application designed for the palm wont run on the ppc. Make sense? As for the iQue, it is a Palm based device with a build in GPS. Very nice, save one big thing: I hear the battery life is pretty bad. You can add a GPS unit to any PPC that has a compact flash slot (CF for short). For details regarding that, do a search on "CF GPS" or "compact flash GPS" or maybe even "bluetooth", but thats a different story. I know, it sounds really complicated. Its not though. There is a learning curve, but you're in for that no matter what you choose, Palm or PPC.
  14. Alright all you PPC fans. If you’re anything like me, you’re always on the lookout the next best thing. Well, for caching, I think this might just be it. I’ve never actually held one of these, but from the looks of it is one tuff device. I sent the Aussie based company an email inquiring about it and received this reply very promptly: It has been interesting on how many fields our 2007S has been applied to. I am quite happy if you can post the information on your Geocache message board. I was very interested on your pleasant pastime something like discovering a new place with a purpose at the end. I also believe the 2007S could be used for Orienteering another sport where you need to run to different points in the bush and the person who gets to finish line with the all the points visited in the shortest time wins the event. Unfortunately Micronics takes a lot of my time to keep up as we are a small private company, and I am lucky to get a few hrs on the weekend to surf my long board on local breaks. At the moment the exchange rate of Aussie dollar to US is 0.78 and price of 2007S is AUD 1,800 complete with cables and accessories. However we do have a field installable kit that fits a 38/3900 series iPAQ, and I am sure some of your members would have one of these PDA's. The price of the Kit is AUD 700. However I am prepared to offer kits that we call "seconds" at a reduced price to your members where there might be a small surface bubble on the case top in a non critical area or a machine tool mark inside the case bottom. If there was interest, your members can email me directly on above email to see what was available from the production workshop. Thanks again for your interest I am attaching some images you may use for you posting. John Koles Technical Director MICRONICS GPS micron@iinet.net.au. http://www.micronicsgps.com/2007s.htm Expensive? Yes. But consider that this is a complete, bombproof, PDA/Bluetooth solution and the cost starts to make sense. Also, for all you iPaq folks, the “seconds” thought might be a great idea. Thought you might like the heads up. That last one makes me shudder just thinking about. I can just see my Axim sinking right to the bottom...
  15. <Deep Breath> Ok here we go... First, as you've probably read choosing a palm over a ppc is a highly personal choice. Its analogous to asking ford or Chevy, Garmin or Magellan, Pepsi or coke... each have their pluses and minuses, and each has a die hard following. Having said that, I'm a PPC fan. To answer your question specifically, I have found that using a PPC enables caching with 2 applications only: GPXSonar and Mapopolis. GPXSonar displays all the caches and Mapopolis gets me there. Here is what I do specifically: 1) I'll create a pocket query (PQ) for a given area/type of cache I'm interested. I scheduled my PQs for once a week so I stay current. 2) Each week PQs will show up in my email box in the form of .gpx files. 3) I'll take those .gpx files and copy them to my PPC. 4) Also, I will use a little utility on my PC created by Mapopolis to convert .gpx files into .mlp files; mapopolis maplets. 5) I'll take those .mlp files and copy them to my PPC. 6) Now, on my PPC, when I open GPXSonar, it will ask what .gpx file to load. I'll specify one and it will open all the caches within that file. 7) When I open Mapopolis on my PPC, it will load those mlp files and show dots all over the place, for each cache. That sounds like a lot, but it really isnt. From start to finish the whole process takes under five minutes to get the files up and running on my PPC. After that, its just a matter of finding one and hunting away! I've never tried this on a Palm, but my impression is it is not nearly as straight forward. Maybe a Palm expert can comment. Hope that helps! Don't hesitate to ask further questions.
  16. Waterproof iFinder. Wouldn't this remove the worry many of you have expressed? Edit: Wow, check these specs... -Dual processors for higher speed screen updates and scrolling -Dual Easy/Advanced operation modes -Built-in, detailed Lowrance background map featuring interstate exit services -One MMC/SD digital media memory card slot for mapping and recording capabilities (that right there might sell me) -1,000 waypoints/1,000 event markers/100 routes -100 savable plot trails/10,000 points per trail -40 map zoom ranges, 0.02–4,000 miles -42 graphic icons to mark special spots Now if there was only a way to run GPX files on it...
  17. Alan, You can find the "Load in Memory" option within a pop up menu that appears when you tap and hold a map on the "Tools->Choose Map" screen. I'm thinking the soft reset didn't work because the software remembered you had this checked, so when you reloaded after the reset, it loaded them back into memory. This is just a total guess on my part though. I too use an external drive for my SD card. Sooo much faster Hope that helps!
  18. Yahtzee! Don't ask...
  19. If its one thing I hate, it's arguing facts. At this point, if anyone is still interested, please do some research for yourself and don't just trust what you read here. This isn't some arbitrary, ambiguous ether derived technology that behaves in a mysterious and subjective way. Its limitations are known, as are its uses and applications. The study is a good one because it makes no claim at completeness, nor global validity. It seems like it was a fun thing to do for a given set of circumstances.
  20. Fair enough. I too use a pocket pc, and with BMGPX it is as easy as you describe. Perhaps this might be a good interum solution for you, until the PQ's are avaiable.
  21. Hehe nice read. You might want to note, though, that the paper characterizes the worst case, one direction effect as being 20mm, or 2cm; far beyond the current capabilities of consumer GPSrs. Also, those other guidance systems you refer to are redundant in the case of main navigational failure. Why have 1 system when you can have 2 at twice the price? As for the industry standard, perhaps I spoke out of turn. I'll rephrase and say the 2 meters is the current goal of consumer grade GPS. Really, this and all your other questions can be answered here: http://gps.faa.gov I mean, they are using GPS to guide airliners down into weather so bad mountains cannot be seen. And to quote a very wise man: "...thats all I have to say about that."
  22. Perrin, If I remember right, you're on a Palm. v4.33, v4.41 ect... refers to the Pocket PC version. From what I've heard, they are two very different applications. Alan, If I had to guess, I'd bet you checked "Load in Memory". This basically opens the file once for copying into memory, and doesn't look at it again. So, your deletion of the file wouldn't have any effect since all the data is resident in memory. The only way I found to get rid of that problem is to perform a soft reset. That should clear out all "working" memory and thus remove the marks from the map. Since you deleted the file (not just unhighlighted it) from your handheld, you'll need to reload it next time you sync.
  23. 1) Go here and download all the BM data you want. 2) Use Parkrrr's BMGPX program to convert the NGS archive file you downloaded into a GPX file. 3) Now work with the GPX file like you normally would. NOTE: if you plan to use Spinner, make sure you have the absolute latest and greatest. Been using this setup for some time without any problems. By the way, I extracted this info from a few posts over on the benchmark forum. The search feature is a very powerful tool in situations like this. Good luck! edit: added links
  24. If you're talking about "Selective Availability" (SA) you're almost right. It's accurate to 150 feet. However, as I'm sure you know, this feature can be enabled/disabled. Current legislation prevents enabling of this feature, and as a result we have the current, industry accepted 2meter accuracy. As for military expectations, believe what you will. All I can say is you're wrong. GM-130 Missile, AGM-154 Joint Standoff Weapon, AGM-158 Joint Air-to-Surface Stand-Off Missile... are three unclassified weapons that come to mind that rely on GPS technology. The unclassified, listed accuracy for these is 3 meters (if gov lore is to be believed, this number is inflated by a factor of 8). Edit: the above military info is as of 1999 by the way; thats 5 years ago, if you are counting...
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