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Posts posted by dead_white_man

  1. While caching last weekend, I came across another lame micro in a small roadside park. This park had several acres and some nice wooded land and older landscaped area. But this was a film container in the bark of a tree in the lawn. When I logged it, I posted this statement; "There are plenty of good places here for a regular size cache, why did you place this silly micro."

    I got an almost immediate response from the owner saying "Could you please refrain next time from the harsh uncalled for negative remarks from the cache and delete it and put something not so opinionative. If you have a question and opinion on one of my caches msg me dont put your negative remarks on the cache log. Thank You "

    After reviewing what I had written, I thought it was very polite, except for 1 word. So I edited to delete "silly".


    Was I too harsh??????

  2. Just a tip - CVS will develop the film from a disposable on disk only - if you ask. It costs about $5.00 - which is cheaper than getting prints done. That way, you don't have to get prints (if you don't want them) and you don't have to scan - all you need is a photo editor (and most XP systems include one now). As a bonus, you also get the negatives in case you would like prints made later.

    This is all true, wal-mart will do the same. almost any processor will. Furthermore, although they give you back the negatives, they are rendered unnecessary since few labs are actually making optical prints from the negs. If you take them a negative they will proceed to scan it then sen the file to a digital LED printer which will print it obn high quality photo paper, just like the negative, only quicker and with a more accurate color balance. Therefore you are better off taking the disc back in to make reprints. Also the disc is copiable so you can have back-up.

  3. When I go into our local public library, there are lots of books I don't want to read...romance novels, biographies, books on beekeeping, etc.


    Man, would it be terrible if I had to read all of those books!


    The good news is I don't.


    Do I wish my library had more of the books I like and less of the ones I don't? Yes.


    The thing is, our library, like geocaching, is meant for everyone to enjoy, even people who like books or geocaches I don't like.


    I can influence my library by giving them the types of books I like (and influence geocaching similarly by placing the types of caches I like), but in the end, these things belong to everyone, and so should be representative of everyone who enjoys them.



    Man! I really like this analogy.

  4. I'll third that. Some of the best urban micros I've done had no mystery in how/where the cache was hidden. The fun was in being able to remove and replace it without being seen.

    I'll second that third which should make a sixth......I think.

  5. Me, I just don't do those. If I drive by a location and it looks too neighborhood-y, I'm outta there. Small urban parks...eh. Maybe.


    What I really want is a nice, long walk in the woods anyway. So, until I cache all those out in a radius around home, I can afford to be choosy.

    I agree with your thinking, but I am not able to just leave and forget it. I am compulsive I guess.. The only ones I can leave alone are those annoying ones that say "worlds smallest micro" (edit spelling)

  6. I can't tell you how much my wrath gets stirred every time this subject come up here.  I am literally disgusted by the number of people who will rationalize and justify stealing!

    1) I was not trying to justify copyright violation, I just thought the wording was strange.

    2) Copyright violation is not, legally speaking, stealing.

    Copyright violation is illegal it is called "theft oif intellectual property".

  7. I would never do something so insidious as to suggest that you have insulted your president when I am perfectly willng and able to do it for you. As for the alleged WMDs in Syria, it's going to take more than the word of some fearmongering website to convince the world that the war was about anything more than stealing Iraq's oil.

    Heck yeah! Look how cheap gas is now!

  8. I cannot speak for other countries, but in the United States you -cannot- sell or otherwise make available to others (for fee OR free) the copyrighted materials for which you do not personally OWN the copyright.  Period.

    That doesn't sound right - record stores, book stores etc don't own the copyright to the material they make available (for a fee).


    And I don't own the copyright to the material on CDs I've bought - does that mean that I can't sell them or give them away (without keeping a copy)?

    I believe he meant "copies of" copyrighted work.


    In making CDs available for sale from the copyright owner, they create a license of ownership that does not remove the copyright. It's the legal term: "First sale" doctrine. For each copy the owner makes, if they sell it, they can't control its distribution thereafter...only it's duplication (in whole...or enough part that it's a derivative work).


    So you can sell, destroy, lend, etc. a legally obtained copy of copyrighted material. You can't duplicate it and sell or lend that copy though.

    I can't tell you how much my wrath gets stirred every time this subject come up here. I am literally disgusted by the number of people who will rationalize and justify stealing! Speaking from the position of one who derrives his living from creating and distributing intellectual property, I can't believe the dishonesty of people. Make no mistake about it, stealing is stealing and cannot be justified. One who participates is a thief! Thanks ju66l3r for attempting once again to clarify that for people, but I suspect that it falls on deaf ears. Those who steal, will probably continue to steal because they have warped ethics!

  9. Despite dead_white_man's insistence, I stick to my previous point. Treating people with disrespect and rudeness is NOT excused by "free speech." I can certainly tell the difference between someone who's being helpful and contributing to the forum and someone who's just here to kick people around.


    I see a lot of dialog here that is anything but "innocent words on a screen." The intent is quite clear. Like my parents always told me: "There's no excuse for poor behavior."



    Please understand, I don't mean to excuse rudeness and poor behavior only tolerate it!

  10. In a flooded canyon in Tennessee which did not used to be flooded

          (called "Squeal Like A Pig")  -- how many of you will get this one?

    Ok--You old guys on the forum have just gone too far this time--Insulting my family. Just because I married my niece and can play the banjo . . . . .

    Why in the world did YOU marry her? Did your nephew get tired of her?

  11. Actually, free expression is not what these forums are all about... it is merely a place where we can discuss things, express opinions, etc., to the extent that the owner of the forums (Groundspeak) allows.

    You are absolutely correct here. Groundspeak being the owner of the forum can and does edit where they like, just as a newspaper edits as they see fit. along that vein however, every publisher knows that when you impose too many restrictions, then your column no longer has interest.

    That being said, I want to point out that the whole reason for a forum is the FREE exchange of ideas.

  12. Hi Keailia,


    Well said. In one of my computer ethics classes the professor was talking about email and forums. He said something I've always remembered:


    "Keep in mind that there is a PERSON on the other end of that thread. Never say anything in an email or forum post you wouldn't say to them if they were standing right in front of you."


    I'm new to Geocaching and even newer to these forums and I have been pretty disappointed with the behavior I've seen here so far. I've been around Internet forums way back to the original Usenet where EVERY thread eventually turned into a flame. I'm seeing the same thing happening here.


    I sincerely hope the moderators of these forums take notice of this. Flaming someone and then standing behind "free speech" is not an excuse. We all know the difference between a helpful post and one that's meant only to belittle someone.



    Woah! Woah! Woah!


    While I agree with the basic oppinion of your post.. You went way over the line right here:

    Flaming someone and then standing behind "free speech" is not an excuse.

    If you lived in some country where free speech is forbidden or restricted. I might excuse that statement as uninformed. Since I see by your profille you live in North Carolina, I cannot find a reasonable excuse for this type of naive ignorance except to perhaps blame it on our failed educational system.

    The right to free expression should NEVER be taken lightly. Freedom is fragile. A person will give it up so easily for mere comfort. Free expression is what these forums are all about. If the founders of this country had not intende to protect ALL speech, there would be no need for the constitutional guarentee. You don't need to protect non-offensive speech. Clearly they intended to protect even the most offensive speech. Offenseive speech, although often in poor taste and rude, is and should always be protected.

  13. Take your time - after all they're not going anywhere <_<


    I've been taking as many digital pictures of headstones as I can and embedding them into my paf files. Adding a lat/long would be a nice touch especially for the hard to find ones. Now we just need a snappy name for the process - gencaching perhaps or what about coldcaching errrr maybe not. Someone more creative than I am will come up with something.


    Yours aye,

    The Prospectors

    "Road? Where we're going we don't need - roads!" Dr. Emmett Brown

    I'll vote for GENEOcaching

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