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Everything posted by Doggiewoggie

  1. There's thriftiness (an attractive quality in anyone), and then there's the plain ole "look under the table! there's free gum there!" cheapness (do you really wanna date that?) Hey, grousing about the park fees when you can well afford it is borderline "mmm! looks like doublemint!"
  2. Don't like park fees and your hobby is metal detecting for coins? Jeez! Sounds like they need to give all you deputies down in Texas a raise!
  3. A way of life, and an integral part of a happy, meaningful existence.
  4. Logging your own cache is so totally lame (I found it! Well... duh!)
  5. I don't think anybody has a problem when a reasonable, non-arbitrary cache owner is strict about their logs... but when someone is obviously a weird troll variation, and uses their cache to get emotional kicks off of the players--boy, that sure sucks. But what can you do, other than cast the evil wamba coise? (it works, you know!)
  6. Oh, he was here just a little bit ago, promoting one of his locationless caches... he got no responses. And I sure am glad I'm not the only one who's had trouble with the wackadoo--he actually CHANGED the rules of one of his caches, so he could delete my log.
  7. Ay no! Cuidado con el CHUPACABRAS!
  8. I'm pretty sure I know who that cache owner is. If I'm right--that person is nothing but trouble, and has been rude and dismissive to me on several occasions. Has a screw loose and very few people skills, if you want my opinion--and has been a source of incredible aggravation for me. And it takes a lot to aggravate me. So... if it's any consolation, you're not the only one. In any case, if you really want to log it, try to meet the "stringent" requirements of this insane control freak--otherwise don't do this person's caches anymore. Unfortunately, it's up to the cache owner.
  9. Absolutely, Doc-Dean... for me it's hard to stomach LD being taken lightly. In my case, I'm very happy the partial seizures are gone, but I'm not sure I will ever recover the mental capability that I lost, or that I'll ever not have crippling arthritis. LD is a very serious illness that can affect people for the rest of their lives--both physically and financially. It's no rite of passage.
  10. Wow... as someone who had to take a year off and suffered incalculably from LD and its residual complications, I'm not so sure congratulations are in order, dude... hopefully they caught it early--because if they catch it when it's chronic and disseminated, it's very, very, very bad, and harder than you can believe to kick it. I had to have 6 months of oral and 6 months of intravenous antibiotics, at a total cost of over $100,000. Oh, and the tests are unreliable, so don't take them at face value.
  11. The guy was rude. Nuff said. There are ways to express displeasure without resorting to abuse.
  12. OK... just had to share-- check this cache out... the cache owner doesn't want you to "whine" about the cache's poor coordinates.
  13. I wouldn't put my hand in anything evilcacher designed. Not after what he's done to those travel bugs
  14. Congrats on having such a kewl niece! Yay! A new kindred spirit!
  15. I appreciate Muddy Shoes' courtesy. That's really nice.
  16. Nope. Bad idea. It's not just a problem for children--certain adults may be offended too... i.e. recovering alcoholics. And if you left some of that non-alcoholic champagne, that would be a food-stuff and against the guidelines. It's a sweet thought, but you better steer clear of the whole mess. I, personally, would never consume anything I found in a cache anyway--just like I wouldn't eat something I found in the street.
  17. Oh, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings or say you're not a serious outdoorsy person. I take it back--that Victorinox looks pretty cool! (Still sticking with the Leatherman, but eating crow with it )
  18. I never go anywhere without the Leatherman Wave, but that Charge looks pretty darn magnificent. I just may do the unthinkable and trade. Victorinox, etc.? IMHO, they have their target market, but they're not for the serious outdoorsperson.
  19. This being the watch right here Well, it's a neat idea, but that's way more than a Garmin 60CS! Oh, well, I guess you'd save money on the bicycle mount...
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