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Everything posted by balga

  1. 1) go to the page with trip data 2) press OK - you get 4 options CHANGE FIELDS / RESET MAX SPED / RESET TRIP DATA / RESTORE DEFAULTS 3) selsct RESET TRIP DATA - press OK
  2. You need a data cable. If your notebook does not have a serial port you need a serial to USB coonverter too. It has been discussed in this forum before - i do not find the article. Garmin Shop: PC Interface Cable (RS232 Serial Port Connector) 010-10206-00 USB to RS232 Converter Cable (Requires Applicable Unit PC Interface Cable) 010-10310-00 Original Garmin equipment is more expensive than third party products. Software for creating / transfering data to the GPS: Mapsource works, OziExplorer works. Lots of other free and commercial SW works.
  3. 1) Garmin PN 010-10206-00 PC Interface Cable (RS232 Serial Port Connector) $38 Should be available second hand. 2) PN 010-10310-00 USB to RS232 converter cable from garmin: $60 USB to RS232 converter noname starting at $10. I got a noname adapter a few years back - it is still working.
  4. With my geko 301 I get Bravo Version 204 Software 2.70 see geko_301_sys.jpg My Date / Time is still correct - but the time I see below "software" is different to the correct time shown on other screens. For the Geko 201 there is also a Software 2.70 available - never tried an update? Update: The time below "software" on the system info screen seems to be the overall sysup time. That time just continues after restart of the geko. So my geko was running about 24 full days (about 72 hiking days). Do not know if a system reset and sw update resets that time too.
  5. see http://garmincolorado.wikispaces.com/Maps#toc14 and following
  6. I have started my good old geko 301 i did not use since 2 years. No date issue - after about 10 Minutes i got correct time and a fix.
  7. Once, after a Master Reset, (Software Version 2.4 or 2.5) my Colorado restarted the tracks log numbering with 1.gpx. I have never redone a master reset since then - and the log file names behave as expected.
  8. I have a colorado 300. There are two pros on the colorado, very useful in some occasions: possibility to attach an external antenne - I get a good signal in" difficult places" for example: In "modern trains" or even "in house" the external antenna can make the difference. the hot swappable SD Card, no need to restart the gps after changing maps. As I play around with own maps (and TYPs) it is very convenient to test modifications.
  9. Starting with TYP's may be, until you have a working procedure, frustrating. The procedure I used: 1) Grab an existing TYP File and decompile it (for Example with MapTk, Tools -> TYP Analysis will create a prj File in the Directory of the TYP File) (if you have maps without TYP files - get one like the following (German / Italien Site): http://www.garda-gps.de/download/GardaGPS.typ) 2) Have a look into the created Textfile (GardaGPS.typ.prj) - its quite readable, just a sample with lines and bitmaps out of it: [Polyline] Type=0x0a String=2,Fahrweg String=5,Strada Regionale Linewidth=2 Color=0,0x009500 [END] [Polyline] Type=0x16 String=2,Trail String=5,Trail Color=0,0x009500 Line=00000011000000110000001100000011 Line=00000011000000110000001100000011 [END] 3) Modify one Type (MapTk: File -> Edit Project File -> Selecte the prj File generated before) Modify Types If you start with Type 0x03 or 0x04 or 0x05 most probably these Types are used on your map. Check the modified prj File. 4) Compile it - set the correct Famliy ID in the prj File - TYP Files need the Family ID for the Map used. (MapTk: press the TYP Button) 5) Register it. (MapTk creates a reg file) I copied the Type File to the original place - the map I played around with had a registred TYP File. 6) Test it in Mapsource Mapsource (6.14.1) keeps a TileCache so: Stop Mapsource, Delete the Cache (c:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\<u s e r>\Anwendungsdaten\GARMIN\MapSource\TileCache\) (~c:\Documents and Settings\<u s e r>\Appliationdata\GARMIN\MapSource\TileCache\) Restart Mapsource. 7) Test on the GPS Recreate and send the Map to the GPS. 8) find out about the Types you realy want to modify Restart the process Maps using proprietary Types should have a TYP file (decompile it). The common Types (like higway, trail, forrest, ...) are known within the tools editor (example: GenTYP or online editor at http://ati.land.cz/gps/typdecomp/editor.cgi ).
  10. Other entry points to TypFiles: Online Editor http://ati.land.cz/gps/typdecomp/editor.cgi Another Editor: http://www.maptk.dnsalias.com/ Sample Swisstopo (Family 703) If a Map uses custom Types you will find a Type File in C:\Garmin\FAM_703\I00002BF.TYP Typ Files are per "Family" And there is a Registr Entries for Mapsource pointing to the Type File: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Garmin\Mapsource\Families\FAMILY_703] "ID"=hex:bf,02 "IDX"="C:\\Garmin\\FAM_703\\product.mdx" "MDR"="C:\\Garmin\\FAM_703\\MDRMAP.img" "TYP"="C:\\Garmin\\FAM_703\\I00002BF.TYP" Probably it works to create a new Custom Type File for a Map family and register them for Mapsource. It seems that the different tools create different "quality" of Typefiles. Its your own risk to play around - with the Colorado I had no issues. I heard that people with a 60 CSx it is no so straightforward. There should be threads in other forums about that topic may be soneone can point to them.
  11. I personally like the relief shading and elevation colors, except for the fact that it makes other map features nearly invisible. The worst example of this is the light grey lines of small streets at the 0.2-0.5 mi zoom level. Against a white background, they are barely visible. Against the greens/browns of Topo 2008, they are practically invisible. Turn on relief shading and they completely disappear. I don't know why somebody would choose such light colors for important map features. Since I heard a few days ago about the TYP Files for maps I am playing around with it. The links below show you samples (two different Zoom Levels, Swisstopo Map, small village in the mountains). The left one is the "original". The middle one is creatd by someone else. The right one is my actual favorite. Even Mapsource shows the same TYP's (third link). http://balga.ch/colo300/TypeSample200.jpg http://balga.ch/colo300/TypeSample80.jpg http://balga.ch/colo300/TypeSampleMapsource.jpg I guess that is possible with other topo maps too.
  12. Not in Spanner mode. You access those in drive mode. What is drive mode? In Setup -> Interface -> I can choose - Garmin Spanner - Garmin Serial - NMEA In/Out - Text Out - RTCM Did I miss a setting? Setting the CO to Garmin Spanner lets me connect the CO with my Computer via USB, not switching the CO to masstorage and communicate with compatible programs. I have tried gpsbabel and OziExplorer, both using the Garmin PVT protocol (The Spanner Program available for Windows PC's translats the PVT into a serial NMEA protocol). Wih OziExplorer a can use "Moving Map" (real-time position) but not sending or receiving routes, tracks and waypoints from / to the CO. With gpsbabel I can write tracklogs on the pc but not more.
  13. No Support for Waypoint, Tracks and Routes Support for real-time position and time as far as I have seen.
  14. Started my Colorado 300 this morning - the altitude is within the range I had before, - WAAS I get within 2 Minutes (on satellite 33, already found after the update but I did not notice how long it took, dit not disable / enabled WAAS after update) - EPE: nothing special Evening, same location: no WAAS at all (did not toggle WAAS off / on) Next Morning: WAAS again (I checked 5 minutes after starting device, device off during night) As I do not remember how well WAAS performed with the old chipset SW my observations are not very useful.
  15. Started my Colorado 300 this morning - the altitude is within the range I had before, - WAAS I get within 2 Minutes (on satellite 33, already found after the update but I did not notice how long it took, dit not disable / enabled WAAS after update) - EPE: nothing special
  16. Update worked see: http://forums.Groundspeak.com/GC/index.php?showtopic=205915 Colorado 300 is still working.
  17. Same with Colorado 300, got it under "Additional Updates":
  18. software version 2.70 Fixed issues with power off pressure trending. Switched off CO 10 pm Switched on CO 8 am Compared pressure trending with a nearby weatherstation -> see picture , looks correct the full picture from the colordo so scales are also readable.
  19. Out of Changes made from version 2.51 to 2.54: Improved map drawing to enhance appearance of trails Does somebody know what that enhancement means? I do not see any differenc with my Topo maps.
  20. here you will find lots of tips and information: http://garmincolorado.wikispaces.com/
  21. Manualy (I do not know of a program doing that automatic - but that kind of program may exist) Open the route in MapSource and delete some waypoints. Within the route editor use "Show on Map" (bottom right) and it gives a good overview for the route. Without a (topo) map it may be difficult to simplify the route.
  22. Is possible. You need a garmin serial cable for the geko. Make sure the route length is within the GEKO's limit, maximum 20 routes with 125 waypoints each (I have a geko 301)
  23. I want to create a transparent tourist trail map (to display over my Topo Map) The "tourist trails" I can export as route or track into a gpx file. In GPSMapEdit (not yet registred) I import these file(s), transform the routes to a polyline and delete the waypoints. The LineTypes are predefined from 0x01 to 0x2b. The 0x16 Walkway trail gives just a thin black dashed line. Is there a way to create custom line types visible in mapsource and on the colorado? Is it another predefined type visible as red dashed line on the colorado?
  24. I am not a geocacher, I use it for hiking, biking and tracking (even in trains) It is my first mapping GPS (before: GEKO 301). I like it! (Maps: TOPO Suisse 1.1 and City Navigator NT Europe) Most bothering for me (waiting for fixes) - Topo Maps with DEM hard to read in certain situations display / colors too dark ( a small black path in a dark green forest is almost not visible, the brown grade elevation is mistaken as a path on a green background) - Position failures may occure That issue is discussed in several places Example: I had a differencs of 90 Meters (GPS Accuracy shown 9m), after rebooting the Colorado the position was immediatly correct within the accuracy)
  25. Colorados PVT supports up to now only Position (Moving Map in OZI). Up- / downloads of routes waypoints and tracks are not working With the Spanner SW, Virtual COM Port on a Windows XP it does not work reliable. With gpsbabel ( http://www.gpsbabel.org/ ) reading the position form the Colorado and saving as track in a file works fine on Windows XP and Linux. /usr/bin/gpsbabel -T -i garmin -f usb: -o kml -F track.kml /usr/bin/gpsbabel -D2 -T -i garmin -f usb: ... Capability A919: Capability A1010: Capability A918: D918 Link_type 1 Device_command 0 Waypoint: Transfer -1 Type -1 Route: Transfer -1 Header -1 Type -1 Track: Transfer -1 Type -1 Sat Apr 12 18:13:04 2008 47.366243N 8.545481E 471.899902 Sat Apr 12 18:13:05 2008 47.366243N 8.545481E 471.899902
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