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Posts posted by drdick&vick

  1. OK my PAF has just confirmed that it is a medical museum near Aldershot and that it came from the Victoria Military Hospital which explains the connection between the medal and it's original location.

    Must admit 60% of this came from my PAF at Aldershot base so I am not that clever. So if anybody else wants to set a question feel free, going off line now so will check in tomorrow am and if no question I will set one.

  2. He was most certainly was one of the Four Tops, in fact he was the bass singer.

    They were a truly fantastic vocal group, I remember one performance when Levi Stubbs insisted on going on stage for every performence of the tour despite being in agony with blood poisoning in the foot.

    They are truly missed. There is only one member still alive, The Duke Abdul Fakir.


    So DING to the Dorset Girly and here whoofer

  3. From the hints provided 'members of a certain age and the fact that he was a copper' I would hazard a guesse that it was a really early cop show so it's either the Scotland Yard one called, I think 'No Hiding Place' or the real king of the old blue lamp himself 'Dixon of Dock Green' and that is really showing my age as I used to watch both.

    Excuse me while I go and sit down as all that thinking has tired me out and I suddenly feel very old.

  4. Another nice easy one for you all.


    Who is or was Richard Bolitho?

    Wan't he a character in a historical novel... Sailing ships or navy warfare, something like that?


    Close enough, he was a fictional character, who came from Falmouth, in a deries of novels by Alexander Kent. He started as a midshipman and the series followed his progression through to Admiral.


    So I will give the DING to Pharisee

  5. I would honestly suggest that, if you want to use the TOPO maps, you spend another £30 or so more and get the Legend HCx as this will accept a micro SD card and you will be able to load as much of the TOPO as you want. The Venture is handicapped by the fact that it will not accept any memory cards.

    IMHO spend the bit extra.

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