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Posts posted by rwsmith123

  1. You can change the way the map is displayed by generating a .typ file to use with City Navigator. Do a search and you should find some info on how to generate it.


    Perhaps a dumb question... can I customize the color scheme of City Navigator as it displays on the Garmin Colorado 400t? I just bought the unit this weekend, and I have been feeling my way around to get used to how things work with it. I have figured out most things, but I can't seem to change the color scheme from the very white background it's giving me now.


    Many thanks!

  2. Where in NC do you live? I'm in Raleigh and have done a lot with custom maps. Do you know about customizing maps with .TYP files? There aren't many choices when picking a polygon type to use for a map, but with .TYP files you can create polygons of any color.


    You can run into problems with large amounts of data. Sometimes you'll get a warning or error message that the detail is too high for the level. Sometimes the .img file is created but if it is over 8Meg it will cause a problem with mapsource. In those cases you'll need to split up the map.

  3. Hi Mike330R, it is a problem of the Nuvi range. The main reason why I bought a GPSMap60CSx also.


    Try the following, after setting Navigation to "OFF ROAD" go back to the main screen. Tap on the signal strength bars icon left top, some has to be hold down for a few seconds and then the Satellite page will show.

    On the bottom the coordinates of your current position are shown, match it up by moving about, with the coords of the cache (piece of paper needed.)


    Not ideal obviously, but the Nuvi has other strong points going for it.


    The 760 has a direction arrow in the lower right corner of the map screen which shows the direction to the destination when in offroad mode. You can tap the lower left corner to view the trip computer which will show distance to the cache. You can just keep tapping the lower left corner to switch between the map screen with the directional arrow and the trip computer with the distance to the cache.

  4. Okay, I finally got around to trying this and I'm seeing some strange messages in the display. In the first part, I get warnings such as this:

    00210107.mp(330268) : Warning W008: Element spans more than 10 degrees!

    Then later, I see:

    Elements to process -->153535
    Processed		   -->105268
    Split			   -->1283
    Skipped because of wrong data -->4400

    The "element spans more than 10 degrees" seems like a weird error. How is that possible when the segments themselves are tiny? And the "Skipped because of wrong data" is a bit concerning, too. I realize these are just warnings, but is it going to be missing data in the output? Any idea what might be causing these messages?


    Not sure why you're getting the first warning since the combined segment covers a smaller area than 10 degrees, cgpsmapper can handle segments larger than that anyway so I'm not sure why it gives a warning about it.


    The "skipped because of wrong data" is normal. I get it all the time. I don't know what it means but I have a program that will gather statistics for the maps and I ran it on the original map and on the combined map and the results are the same.

  5. I tried our nuvi760 for the 1st time yesterday while geocaching. I quickly found that it on seems to get me with about 100 ft of the cache. It's says I am there! Once at the cache area and walking around it doesn't move, just stays locked onto the destination location.


    How do I make it get me within a few feet like an old handheld GPS I use?


    If I can't it will have to be returned :blink:


    If the cache is near a road then you will need to set the navigation mode to off road otherwise it locks on the nearest road.


    I've used my 760 to find a few caches and it got me as close as my 60CSx, although not nearly as conveniently with the lack of a compass screen.

  6. Thanks RWS. I can get close using your XML code; can you tell me what the 32 1 2 1 each mean? Plugging those into the XML code in MapSetToolKit creates a very faint line.


    32 is the width of the bitmap, 1 is the height, 2 is the number of colors in the bitmap, I don't remember what the last 1 is.


    The next two lines define the colors for the bitmap.

    "- c #008000" means that a "-" is a pixel that will be dark green

    " c #000000" means that a space is a pixel that will be the background color.


    Here is an example of a 3 pixel wide bitmap:

    Xpm="32 3 2 1"
    "* c #000000"
    "  c #000000"
    " ***			 ***			"
    "*****  ******** ***** ********  "
    " ***			 ***			"


    This will create a small dot followed by a dash.

  7. Thanks RWS. I can get close using your XML code; can you tell me what the 32 1 2 1 each mean? Plugging those into the XML code in MapSetToolKit creates a very faint line.


    32 is the width of the bitmap, 1 is the height, 2 is the number of colors in the bitmap, I don't remember what the last 1 is.


    The next two lines define the colors for the bitmap.

    "- c #008000" means that a "-" is a pixel that will be dark green

    " c #000000" means that a space is a pixel that will be the background color.


    Here is an example of a 3 pixel wide bitmap:

    Xpm="32 3 2 1"
    "* c #000000"
    "  c #000000"
    " ***			 ***			"
    "*****  ******** ***** ********  "
    " ***			 ***			"


    This will create a small dot followed by a dash.

  8. I looked through the manual and searched here and could not find an answer.

    Is there a way to change the color of the route from Purple to something else like Yellow? I have a hard time seeing the purple during the day over the red highways.




    No, but you can use a .TYP file to change the color of the highways.

  9. I'm using GenTyp to create TYP files for my custom maps. I've determined how to create solid line elements, but cannot see how to create a dashed line, for example.


    Does anyone know the trick to creating a dashed line?


    I don't use GenTyp, but this is an example of how you would do it using cpgsmapper directly. It does it by creating a 1 pixel wide bitmap.



    ;Unpaved Road



    Xpm="32 1 2 1"

    "- c #008000"

    " c #000000"

    "------ ------ ------ ------ "


  10. Some of these have been mentioned before, others haven't.


    1) More than 2 data fields on the map screen.


    2) Add distance option when doing finds near current route (like on the iQue and StreetPilot 2xxx series).


    3) Add a setting for the zoom scale to switch from track up to north up on for the map screen (like on the iQue, 60csx, and others). I normally like to have the unit in track up mode, but like panning to be north up. On other units this is solved by setting track up when the scale is under .8 miles, then when I want to pan I just zoom out a bit until it switches to north up and then pan. It still works this way on the Colorado but it doesn't switch to north up until you zoom out to the basemap level which isn't nearly soon enough. At the very least add an option to the map screen to easily switch between north up and track up.


    4) As others have mentioned have an alternate method of text entry. I really liked someone's idea of three concentric circles, one for upper case letters, one for lower case letters, and one for numbers and symbols, you would use the directional part of the rock & roller to highlight the active ring.


    5) Menu option on compass page to turn compass on/off.


    6) All settings should profile specific, no exceptions. The profiles become somewhat useless when I want one profile to have certain settings that are global (for instance what map is displayed and the compass setting). Could allow the user to pick what settings should be global and/or when changing some options that Garmin feels should be global ask if the change should be made globally or not.


    7) Trip computer stats should be kept separate for each profile and not be global.


    8) When you have a current route active two shortcuts appear, detour and stop route. These should be options for the active route screen, not shortcuts. If Garmin insists on them being shortcuts then they should allow for them to be put in the "Others" category and the order in which they are displayed be changed just like any of the other shortcuts.


    9) If there is no current route active a dialog should not appear (which requires dismissal by selecting ok) saying that there is no route active when selecting the current route shortcut. This becomes a problem when you setup the unit to page through the shortcuts by pressing the soft key instead of using the wheel. If there is no active route but you have the shortcut for it in your list then you get stuck on the dialog and have to hit the select button before you can use the soft key to go to the next screen.


    10) Most pictures are taken in landscape mode, but the picture viewer displays them in portrait mode. If the width of the picture is wider than the height, then display it in landscape mode. Also add an option to rotate the image.

  11. This is going to seem dumb - but which way is the right way to hold the Colorado?


    Flat, parallel to the ground, or pointing up. or does it matter?


    I read somewhere that which way depends on the type of receiver or something I can't really find any more.




    Steve C.


    If you have the compass turned on and you are traveling at a walking pace or slower then you need to hold it flat. If you have the compass turned off then it doesn't matter that much which way you hold it although sat reception will be a little better if you hold it vertically.

  12. Not sure if this has been mentioned yet, but I was changing time zones and noticed when you change time zones it only changes for the profile you are in. So if you go to another time zone, you have to change the time zone in each profile. It should only have to be changed in one.

    Don't really agree with that. There are those of us who cross time zones with some regularity. Its nice to have a profile that is setup for the home time zone and one for the away time zone. For me its a feature, not a bug.




    I would think that would be a very small percentage of the users. Iwould think the vast majority of the users would not want to have to go through and change multiple profiles everytime you cross a time zone.


    I guess what would be the best solution would be to allow you to select which items are sticky with the profile and which one is changed universial.


    There are some options that are global that shouldn't be such as which maps are selected, the compass mode (off or auto), and probably some others. In my opinion there shouldn't be any options that are global, they should all be able to be set independently for each profile. However for some options such as battery type, language, time zone and maybe some others it would be nice to have a popup that asks if you want to make the change for all profiles or just the active profile.

  13. I would guess that the actual distance is between your penned out route and what the track log recorded. When you made the route unless zoomed in really tight and used a lot of points then you chopped off some curves making the distance shorter. Also unless the terrain is completely flat then your route isn't going to include the extra distance of going up/down hills.


    The track log will include the extra distance traveled going up/down hills. However if your sat reception was poor in areas because of trees/terrain then you could have erroneous points adding distance you didn't travel. The accuracy of the track log will vary depending on your speed. In general the faster you go the more accurate the track log will be, the slower you go the more impact the accuracy of the gps position will have, for instance if you are standing perfectly still, your position will drift around the spot you are standing and the distance of the track will slowly increase.


    You will also get a third distance from the trip odometer. The trip odometer is probably more accurate than the track log since it uses doppler shift of the gps signals to measure speed & distance instead of a calculated gps position.

  14. ....but it is advertised to have all functions of a gpsmap (also with the games if you need them)...


    Go and find an advertisment from GARMIN and THEN we will believe you........

    there was an advertisement on garmin.de




    but i did not make any screenshot and now they removed it.


    You could check a website archive such as the one at http://www.archive.org/

    however since the archive isn't available until 6 months after the snapshot you may have to wait a while before it's there.

  15. Ok, I know it is somewhere, but the clock on my 400t does not change until I get Sat lock. Is that what is normal?


    Just reasking, still looking for an asnwer.


    Thank you.

    My 300 has done this from day one, and after v.2.40, too. Garmin techsupp told me it is a firmware issue and is being worked on for an upcoming update.

    Nobody has been able to convince me that this isn't a hardware problem. My 400t always has the right time, even without a sat lock.


    It could be a hardware problem. It could be a firmware problem, for instance a specific combination of prefrences, or a timing problem. It could be a hardware problem they are trying to resolve with firmware.

  16. Another issue today. I was doing some cache maintenance so had created a PQ that had nearby caches, plus had disabled caches that I owned. For some reason, I couldn't get the GPS to go to ANY geocache in the list. It would come up, and I could see the cache info, but it would never activate (compass wouldn't show the arrow, map wouldn't show a line from the current position to the cache, etc.)


    Has anyone else seen something like this?




    Yes, exactly same with file I loaded from GSAK, but direct file was fine. I'm wondering if there's a format thing with the CO. I hope somebody smarter than me can determine the issue.


    I had the same problem yesterday with a gpx file direct from a pocket query. I did a reset of all user data (hold down both soft buttons and power on) and the problem went away.

  17. I'm trying to combine segments for Roads & Recreation but Mapsource is crashing.


    I thought I would start out small to test the waters. I created 2 segments. Each of these segments contains only 2 original segments. Everything processes fine and I'm done with step 3. I can load it up in mapsource without any problem. I run through step 4 and again, everything processes fine. It's at this point mapsource will crash.


    I'm wondering if my problem is with mapedit and the original R&R overview file. As I mentioned before, I only created 2 small segments, each containing only 2 original segments. I don't have segments to cover all of the R&R coverage area.


    Could this be my problem? Do I need to have segments for the entire area that the original R&R overview file covers? Any suggestions?


    You can do a subset like you are doing. If everything is working ok after step 3, but mapsource crashes after doing step 4 then you made an error in that step. The key points are to remove the definition areas from the original overview map, then add the new definition areas. The most likely error is you didn't add the new definition areas.

  18. The basemap for the 300 is probably in 4 parts:

    Worldwide map that contains borders of countries and some large cities, also contains some DEM.

    Americas, Pacific, and Atlantic basemaps with major highways and interstates and DEM.


    I think there is no difference in the basemap of the receivers. I'm using a american version of Colorado 300 here in Germany, Europe and the basemap shows all highways, some important streets and towns. The DEM Map shows a very beautyful and detailed view of the topographic situatuion.


    As far as I could compare it with european Colorado's (only via Screenshots) there is absolutely no difference in the basemap between european and american C.


    I think the differences are only to find in different packages and printed manuals (only quick start). This concerns only the 300er Versions. The 400t makes no sense in Europe (only exception: Planning trips to US for walking and shopping)


    My point was that there is a difference in the basemap between the 300 and 400t.

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