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Posts posted by avroair
No vendors on the event committee.
They can be volunteers, like cache addict was for CO (I'm sure JoeFriday can explain that relationship if you ask him), but a vendor in no way can be on the event committee - due to bias, the unfairness to all other vendors, etc. A vendor is described as someone who produces coins or merchandise directly with the mint and/or has vended at past events.
That's right. It's a conflict of interest having a vendor running the show. They can be available as a close consultant for answering questions about event coin design and minting, vendor relations for the event, and can certainly make tags or coins for fund raising efforts. And of course promoting the event locally. But can't be the ones calling the shots.
My question would be too, which club is this for and what does it cost to receive a monthly coin?
Geoswag and Pin club
I have a few event versions left over if anyone would like to buy 1, they are $10 each or $19.00 for two + shipping. They are trackable with a unique icon. Shipping international will be expensive but we can work something out.
Email me: avroair@sbcglobal.net
Geocoinfest was conceived in 2006 and went to Temecula, CA in 2007.
2008 saw it travel to Steel City: GCF Pittsburgh 2008.
The following year it traveled to the Crossroads of the West and Salt Lake City.
The Event moved north to the Twin Cities 2010 (Minneapolis).
Then east to Charlotte, GCF 2011.
Last year it hopped up a Mile High to: Denver
and this coming fall what happens at Coinfest Las Vegas stays at Coinfest Las Vegas!
And it is time to start thinking about where the event should move to in 2014 and beyond? If you want to host it, put together a team, a plan and a vision and then a bid.
Some things people need to think about:
* this event(s) take time to pull together, at least 7 months
* the Geocoinfest is held in the fall typically on Columbus day weekend
* the city needs to have a major airport that is generally accessible
* city needs to have nearby attractions rather than just the coins and caches
* there needs to be ample hotels in the area
* geocoinfest is typically an indoor event; the actual event site needs to hold a mega-sized crowd
* there needs to be 2 (preferably 3) local coin coordinators, we need coin people, not just general cachers
* vendors are not allowed to bid, this is a conflict of interest
* need to work within a team environment
Bids are due June 1st, 2013:
Previous organizers of Geocoinfests will receive each bid and vote on their merits under 10 criteria. There will be two finalists. This will be finished by August 1st. The winning bid will be announced at Geocoinfest 2013 in Las Vegas.
I have a sheet of what to expect if anyone is interested, I also have the bid proposals that can help.
If you know your city would be good to host a mega event, post it here! And see if other cachers in your area concur!
Where am I coming from? I haven't decided yet!
I never realized Africa looked that shape on it's side. Cool! At first glance i thought it was Australia.
So really this is a more then just one question.
It's not only about how you design them but also about how you get through the process of making it? Is it stressful? does the price of the coins break the bank? etc.
I design coins for fun. So no, it's not stressful. The process of design is different for every coin I have done. Some I have an idea, sketch it and it's done in 30 minutes others percolate for years, others I join forces with another designer... all depends on the coin.
Minting a coin is easy but can be stressful: it all comes down to communicating clearly what you want and how you want it. Coins can be fun and profitable, don't need to break the bank.
Landsharkz, Gizmo, The Hunt, Alberta GAS 2007, Calgary Parks, DEFCON
Which ones of these are rare?
I might need one of these....
That might be arranged....
Found a 2003 USA geocoin in a cache:
Loved the icon, then went looking for more icons, which led to me making a personal coin in April of 2004 and trading with Moun10bike.
Moun10bike 285 (please don't virtually log it)
Just wanted to give people a sneak peak for the May club coin and my annual King Tut Pyramid Event. Worked with an artist on this one for a long time and it finally came to fruition. I'll post the samples pic later. This will be the last one I am doing in a while.
He had these posted up on his facebook page
The events went berry, berry well! I have been asked multiple times what versions\editions are out there. Sadly there is no b0tl database but here are the versions, I don't have the minting numbers for the event versions, nor do I plan to post them here.
Mountain berry pie (Colorado)
Peach pie (Georiga)
Plum pie (Washington)
Blueberry pie (South Carolina)
Green Apple pie (Utah)
Mulberry pie (Minnesota)
Apple pie (New Jersey)
Key Lime pie (Missouri)
Cherry pie (Michigan)
Strawberry pie (Texas)
Pecan pie (Florida)
Pear Pie (Indiana)
Radioactive Neon Pie (Cache Addict) 42 made
Pumpkin Pie, XLE 12 made
Mud Pie (Artist Edition) 25 made
My event went really well, although my participation was cut short due to work schedule. I sold all the coins I had in hand for the event. I set aside a few for trades so if anyone is interested in the Plum version let me know.
I just recently found one of these in a cache (Alchemist's Magnus Opus Multiplicatio (red/green))and immediately came to look where I could purchase some for myself. Are these still available ANYWHERE? Thanks in advance.
They have been sold out for over a year.
Mud Pie: I have 25 of these.
My really bad shots of plum pie:
The Minnesota, Mulberry pie coins are fresh out of the oven and on the cooling rack.
We are all ready to have some geocaching over pi(e) GC43VXA.
Oh those look cool!
Here are some pics:
Artiste Edition
Soleil + pin
Where will they be available?
Verde is available on Geoswag. I also have a couple of each to trade if anyone is interested.
So I did a Pi event for March 14th, (3.14)
The front consists of a Greek and Math design based on the antique origins of the Pi Math number.
The back is a Pie
Washington's version is a purple and gold, Plum pie:
There are
Minnesota = mulberry pie
Georgia = peach pie
South Carolina = blue berry pie
Texas = strawberry pie
Michigan = cherry pie
Utah = pear pie
Indiana's = lemon meringue
Missouri's = key lime pie
New Jersey = apple pie
Florida = pecan pie
Colorado = currant pie
There will be some available on cacheaddict's website in mid-March
Cache Addict = black berry pie (radio active glow)
Cache Addict = pumpkin pie
AE = mud pie
coin oh the month?
ILYKThat looks about right for the coin of the month. It's all coming back to me now!
Viola (purple edition) - shiny gold
Azure (blue edition) - nickel
Rosetta (red edition) - shiny gold
Verde (green edition) - shiny gold
Soliel (yellow) - shiny gold (club edition)
Artist Edition - satin gold
Here's a bad mint pic. I'll post the other versions when I get pictures. Club coin: Soliel (orange and yellow):
There are:
Azure (blue)
Viola (purple) shown below
Rossetta (red)
And our US Postal Service wonders why they are losing money and customers ...
maybe they should quit sponsoring bike races to the tune of millions of dollars a year. what do they get on that return? lance armstrong.
It's not really all the post office's fault, it's hamstrung by Congress. And a couple million dollars is nothing compared to the $5.5 billion default on loans and lost of $12 billion since 2007. Stamps should be $1.00 --- not the annual 3 cent raises. And they should phase out operations that nobody uses, such email replacing regular mail (20% down and 12% loss in revenue), but the USPS costs have not adjusted accordingly... it's still cheaper than UPS or FED EX on most packages.
I messed up on a couple of coins and used the wrong column. No biggie. Just getting a couple of coins I wasn't looking for.
Edit to add: Thanks for setting this up Chuck!
Overall happy to get some different stuff!
King Tut Event - Anubis Coin
in Trackables
I have a couple left if anyone is interested.