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Posts posted by Koolbrez
My idea is to hide a cache that is handicap acessible and or kid friendly. The attributes must be selected in order to count. There is never enough for these two groups. One twist is that the GSA choses the required attributes and the first to have a cache placed with his attributes activated wins. In a way we will hide the GSA's dream cache.
Make a suggestion. I want a suggestion for a top notch mission. CRITERIA: The mission must do something good for geocaching as a (our) hobby or promote geocaching in a positive way.
I will review all of the suggestions Monday.
This is the mission if you choose to accept it. To the victor goes a V2 GSA Geocoin. Good Luck.
Open to all perspective agents, even those wishing to become double agents.
What will your prefered method of contact be? PM, Forum Post, smoke signal(LOL)?
True, Karma can get you. But congrats on your find!
Agent Wanna-B V2 with final mission report:
Mission was complete on schedule (per original instructions) at about 1230 hrs PDT, with the exception of posting the number of coins activated and dropped.
A total of 32 trackable geocoins, each with a different icon, were activated on Tuesday, July 22. Additionally, each was drilled, and some sort of tag or toy was added with metal split rings or cable key fobs. Each was given a mission (of sorts), most being very similar.
On Wednesday, July 23, they were released to two travel bug caches, the first being:
Cummings Lake T-Bug Stop (GCNVJQ) received:
SA Cache A Day Geocoin
SA Curse of the Pirates Treasure Geocoin
SA Generic Geocoin
SA Red Cross Geocoin
SA Team S&B Geocoin
The remaining 27 geocoins were released to Stargate P47122 TB Cache (GCV49Z) with specific instructions to travel to the following countries through the stargate:
SA 2007 California Micro Geocoin
SA 2007 Evil Micro Geocoin
SA American Cacher Geocoin
SA HAM Radio Geocoin
SA Hawai`i Micro Geocoin
SA Loved This Cache Geocoin
SA Magellan Armed Squad Geocoin
SA Mailbox Geocoin
SA Night Racer Geocoin
SA Purple Haze Cacher Geocoin
SA WSGA Puget Sound Geocoin
SA Australia 2007 Geocoin
SA Live to Cache Geocoin
SA Luminous Energy Geocoin
SA Newfoundland Geocoin
SA NOLEFAN9399 Geocoin
South Africa
SA FTF Midnight Cacher Geocoin
SA Grey Owl's Beaver Lodge Geocoin
SA I Love Geocaching Geocoin
SA Pirate Treasure Geocoin
SA Triple Dragon Geocoin
SA Caching in the Holidays Geocoin
SA Dawn of the Faeries Geocoin
SA Hunt Geocoin
SA Seize the Day Geocoin
SA Symbology Geocoin
SA Team Jsam Geocoin
I was accompanied by Junior Agent Wanna-B Barkman, who was invaluable as he assisted by concealing the bag of coins in his sling, and by keeping a lookout for wayward muggles. Unfortunately, I was forced to employ a somnolence spray on one muggle who insisted on parking too close to the Gate. Fortunately, he remained unaware of our mission, and awoke and drove off a few minutes later.
(Above) Unfortunate muggle.
Final Mission status:
Activate coins -- Check!
Drop in cache(s) 10+ miles from home -- Check!
Post number of coins activated and dropped -- Check!
In the final analysis, mission accomplished, awaiting further instructions.
(Edited for tense agreement.)
Amazing!! Great Job releasing that many coins. If I had the coins I would have too. I understand not wanting to release coins. (since the only one I have is a GSAv2) but hey if you can then why the heck not.
SA Cache A Day Geocoin
Congratulations to the newest members of the League of Justice!
Maybe the justice league can hook up with the GSA agents for a co-op mission.
WOW! This coin is amazing! Imagine if the world really could be at peace. It really goes to show you that there are still good people in this world. Thanks all Mystery coiners for the happiness you bring to the world of geocaching.
I'd probably get one of those custodian key rings with like 200 keys on it and hide the key coin on the ring. I would weigh about 5 pounds and be enormous. But that is just my sense of humor.
AWESOME idea!! What fun that would be to watch some one look for it amist all the look alikes.
BTW great idea to add to a real key ring
I'd probably get one of those custodian key rings with like 200 keys on it and hide the key coin on the ring. I would weigh about 5 pounds and be enormous. But that is just my sense of humor.
AWESOME idea!! What fun that would be to watch some one look for it amist all the look alikes.
Anyone that has one to spare I would be interested in obtaining one. I really think they are neat. I have no coins for trade. The only coin I have is a GSAv2 and it is way too special to part with. I can't even talk myself into releasing it. Afraid it my end up missing. Thanks if anyone can help
You have to visit "America's Hometown" in Hannibal, MO. This is the home of renowned American writer Mark Twain. Known for the classics "The adventures of Tom Sawyer" and "Huck Finn". While here stop at a cache on Lovers Leap (GC141TY) for a majestic view of the Mississippi and stop in a beatiful city park called Riverview. Many caches to seek in this park and in town. This place is a nice place to just slow down for a day.
Since I have just recently been infected with coin fever and actually have gotten to post 1 coin, I want to say thanks to all who post their new coins. There are really some neat coins out there. So keep post'n. I enjoy looking at all of them.
Maybe that could be the next mission.? Solve the mystery of V2 vs. V3. We all have seen the V2. Maybe the V3 might be the Dr.Evil coin. muh-hahaha!
a few minutes too late. I still like the idea of a Dr. Evil Coin.
Maybe that could be the next mission.? Solve the mystery of V2 vs. V3. We all have seen the V2. Maybe the V3 might be the Dr.Evil coin. muh-hahaha!
First and foremost congrats to all the new agents. Second I too want to know the mystery between V2 and V3. I bet the Boss is having margaritas with the senoritas. (shaken, not stirred of course!)
One time early in my caching days, I tried to tug at a coin-hostage holder's heartstring to get my coin moving by saying my daughter was really upset that the coin wasn't being released (she was miffed but not upset)....it worked, but then karma got me and the coin was stolen from the very next cache.
I never tried that again.
Mostly you just have to be willing to let them go and be happy when/if they get moved. FWIW, the more you have out there, the less it seems to hurt when one gets stalled for some reason.
Karma has it's ways.
My GSA coin arrived today. I love it so much! It is even better than in the photos. Thank you GSA!
Seems like the mailperson was very kind to a few of us today. Congrats!
Definately, I recieved one of larry739 coins in a cache week ago. It was marked as a unactivated coin. But it was not. So I will get it on the move again. I never had a coin to call my own and it was a let down knowing it was activated, but knowing i could get a coin moving again that lay dormant for nearly a year was more satisfaction than that. I have recently won a GSA V2 and now have a coin of my own. Maybe it was Karma on my side. But I will not let this coin go since it means so much to me. Keep trying to contact them and I hope they will set your coin free.
Is everyone in the list also on the address book. I recieved an e-mail and I am in the address book.
It don't bother me much if that is where they got it from. That's why I am in there.
Ahhhh.....the address book. Of course!
*whacks palm on forehead*
Since I recently joined the book is the only reason I thought of this. Getting the e-mail was almost like getting a mystery coin in the mail (though I have never recieved one out of the blue). I am glad people use the book for notifications like this. As long as no one abuses it.
Is everyone in the list also on the address book. I recieved an e-mail and I am in the address book.
It don't bother me much if that is where they got it from. That's why I am in there.
The wait is over. It arrived. OH YEAH I'M HAPPY. Ask my wife. She thinks I need proffesional help. "Tisk, Tisk" Oh, well happy travels GSA and thanks for the V2.
Congrats to this great Coin.
I agree with your wife, you need some professional help. I can, noooo i will help you! Send it to me, you will feel mucht better, when this Coin leave your house
Having the coin is help enough. Can I send you the wife instead. LOL!!!!
The wait is over. It arrived. OH YEAH I'M HAPPY. Ask my wife. She thinks I need proffesional help. "Tisk, Tisk" Oh, well happy travels GSA and thanks for the V2.
What was in my mailbox today? Nothing much.... just a li'l ol' envelope... really small one, mind....addressed to me... from me... WITH A MICKEY DIVER COIN INSIDE!!!!!
Wanna see the back???
Not from me you wont! LMAO
Thank you sooooooooooo much, Mickey Diver Coin sender person, whoever you are! This is the coolest li'l coin! I will treasure it forever. I think I will put it into a cardboard flip with a bit of white paper covering the back! LOL!!
Thats the first I haver seen, NIIIIIIIIIICE!!!!!!
This was in my mailbox after picking up a new cache in town.
The GSA V2
Could it be that Dr Evil has a tighter hold on Europe than we thought? Special Agents. I think it is time to get to work.......Free Europe from his grasp and make sure that the GSA our leader makes it home safely!!!
New and old Agents we have definately got to get out there and do what we can. The GSA needs us all from what it sounds like in Mission #10. Got my camera ready!!
The Geocoin Secret Agent
in Trackables
We just had an article in our city magazine about geocaching. Good for the game but the author was kinda of biased and printed a few untruths about the game. Like caches are "buried".