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Posts posted by t@ndre
as I am new to this, no regrouping for me
damm i was too late
I added mine also!
yes very nice indeed! i am also interested
last couple of days...
ILYKI just love this portuguese coin congratulations!
I've only seen US events listed so far. Are there other secret events listed outside the US?
The international hosts declined to do an event (England, Germany, Holland, Czech Republic, Portugal), so they will all be US based. There's nothing secret about the events, they have been posted. People who have hosted 888 or 999 events were asked if they wanted to do another. Many opted out since it was different and the coin is expensive. Others never responded. The 888, 999, 10 years and 10 10 10 events (as well as 11 11 11) have all been openly posted in the forums... many chances to be a 'veteran'.
rather like who decides where the geocoin fests will be? is there some "group" that makes those decisions?Yes, hosts of previous GCFs.
Dam if only I knew about it, Portugal would never decline it ;)keep me inform for the next time please!
I have 2 packages left... 8 for $50.00!
I was away for the week, but still have a couple bags left if anyone is interested. All 8 coins are trackable, no micros. There might be a couple duplicates since I found a stash of older harder to find coins I forgot I had.
am I already included in that last bags?
Olhei para os logs do sistema e foi você que a re-activou há minutos atrás.
Desconheço o que seja isso ou como se faz.
Reparo com tristeza que actualmente é complicado e demorado criar uma cache e vê-la activa.
Assim que for possível... sem pressas.
Obrigado pela atenção.
Permita-me, mais uma vez, contradizê-lo. O processo de revisão de uma cache, tal como o site informa, dura entre 24h e 72h. Tenho por hábito de rever as submissões em menos tempo. Entendo, no entanto, que nas quase 7.000 publicadas até agora possa demorar mais do que o esperado. Posso-me esquecer de ver a resposta de alguém, posso não ter carregado no sítio certo, etc. Nessas alturas, os geocachers contactam-me directamente, enviam um mail, falam no msn, no gtalk, ligam-me para o telemóvel, etc. Do meu lado, farei o possível para os ajudar.
Nestes últimos tempos, tenho que admitir que a minha vida pessoal e profissional se tem intrometido nas minhas tarefas como revisor. Prometo que não volta acontecer. Vou fazer os possíveis por esquecer esta época Natalícia.
E que não volte a acontecer Super... vida pessoal.. bah... passar tempo de qualidade com a familia... bah.. desculpas...
Sinceramente creio que habituaste mal o pessoal ao publicares caches demasiado depressa depois tens destes reparos
A meu ver o Super tem se portado muito bem, e sempre pronto para rever e nos ajudar a criar as novas marmitas, quem conheceu o revisor anterior consegue fazer uma comparação, sem ela.. é mais que obvio que o Super demora muito tempo.. se não reparem, eu clicko no sent to reviwer e não é que tenho de esperar mais do que uma hora... bah não há condições
a meu ver, Super continua o bom trabalho, e um grande bem haja para todo o tempo perdido a tratar das nossas meninas!
BOM natal
good luck with the selling!
I will post mine after new year
wow new faces posting here. that is just great
will be there a 11 Years coins?
love this one. want list
not today but I received it some time ago... but only today I managed to take some photos (sorry for the quallity) from the mobile of my sister...
So... here is an amazing mystery coin....
Mr Gray mystery coin.... in Gold!!! Only 2 were made... and Mr Gray has the other! I win it in a cointest!
I am deeply honored by having the 001!!! WOW!!!
With the coin there was the beautiful letter from Mr Gray, the mystery devise (the light) and..... an other great collectable... thw 30 anniversary edition of the Close Encounters of the third kind, DVD!!! WOW!!!
thank you soo much my dear mystery friend
I know... I know... you want to see the coin...
one word amazing!
I really like the Davy Jones' Locker geocoins. They speak to me. They say, "Acquire me by any means possible."
So, I would like to try to TRADE for them first, and am interested in getting as many finishes as possible. They ALL speak to me. I know some are available for purchase, but since I should be thinking of others at this time of year, I am trying to justify my "personal want" by trading instead.
Any takers?
I have a trading list attached to an activated geocoin, and would prefer LIKE trades, meaning oakcoins for oakcoins. All offers will be entertained AND responded to. Thanks in advance for considering!
I have some but cant you wait for the math trading?
sorry the quesiton, but is there any reasons why you are asking 9€ just for shipping?
asking for news ??
cat always
Did I get mine?
yeap iam in also
congratz, but pic please
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in Trackables
wow!! how were you able to join so many??