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Everything posted by TeamK-9

  1. I have yet to finish listening to the first one, and now I have a new one to listen to! Great job guys...
  2. Doing somethng other than geocaching..
  3. Assuming the sheriff in your county isn't too too busy, he'd probably be glad to send a deputy or two out with large guns to check it out, even if it might be fake. Call it in, and you've done your community service for the month... Even if they don't check on it, you can still have the weight off your shoulders..
  4. I'd have to say well-done, with the tendency to end up slightly rare. I've forgotten, water, and even my GPS on many occasions, but I generally seem to have at least 2-4 flashlights in my bag, plus two more in the car...
  5. I've run into cachers lots of times. A lot of times, it's just completely random. But on at least three caches, I've met people coming out of the woods on a new cache, just as I'm going in... One of the more recent events was the FTF race for a new local cache. I had hunted three times, before someone came and got some help from the owner. Next, another person who had a hunch where the last stage would be managed to find it without visited the first, incredibly hard stage. Anyway, on the first Saturday after it had been placed, the day after it had already been found twice, we loaded up and headed out. When we arrived, we found another team already searching. With four eyes, we searched for about an hour, until the owner drove by. Recognizing us from past meetings, he stopped, pulled over, and laughed at us, asking if we needed any help. Of course we said no. We then searched for another half hour, before the owner returned, walked up, and yanked the cache out of its hiding place, just inches from where I had been looking all along. After that, he drove off laughing. And so we entered coordinates in our GPSr's and got on our bikes to leave. Just as we were about to ride to the next stage, the guy who got FTF pulled up the trailhead and location of the first stage, and talked to us. So then, me, my dad, and the other group that had been looking when we first got there, rode to the next stage. After a quick search, the FTF drove up to this stage, and chatted a bit more. So, we ended up meeting three cachers that day.. IT was cool...
  6. Happy First Cache Day!
  7. I actually just learned about podcasts a week or two ago, and I immediately thought "wow, wouldn't it be cool to have a geocaching podcast?" Well, I guess I'm not the only person to have that idea. Thanks for doing this, I'll probably listen to it on the ride to school tommorrow. Maybe, this could turn into something thing like NPR's "This American Life" except with geocaching...
  8. Just the other day, I was well on my way to a cache before remembering that I was supposed to bring a pen. I ended up marking "TK9" on the page with mud, and leaving my dad's business card...
  9. Chances are the police and/or FBI wouldn't want anything to do with this. Somebody once posted about contacting police about a stolen cache. I think I remember the person saying that when you put your cache out on public land, for anyone to see, than it's not really your property anymore, and so it can't be "stolen." I dunno, if that's exactly how the law works, but I doubt any agency will take you seriously. I'd suggest stepping away, taking a nice breath or two, and waiting a couple days, maybe they'll mysteriously pop up somewhere...
  10. A local cache, that will remain unnamed was an army surplus motar tube. Basically a round ammo can type thing that looks like a sewage pipe. It was covered in bark and put at the bottom of a large pile of dead wood. It worked on me twice... I have a few plans that I hope to use...
  11. No. But it would certainly be better if all "questionable" topics were handled alike. And so, I propose a moratorium on the locking of "questionable" topics!
  12. Thank you UMC, you nailed it In hopes of being on-topic and not-derailing Saxy's topic (not that he hasn't derailed a few of mine before) I'd like to say that UMC put it very well, as did Saxy in his agreeance with UMC. If you don't like a topic. Don't read it. And if you discovered that you didn't like it after you read it, forget it, click the back button and find a different topic...
  13. I love watching geocaching on TV!
  14. Well, like I said, ask yourself if there's any particular reason for wanting to place a cache there other than that you want to place a cache. And if you still think it's a good idea, then I'd recomend going to all the neighbors with houses adjacent to the park with geocaching brochures, and explain what geocaching is and what exactly they will be seeing with park visitors so they don't get alarmed...
  15. I don't think a park can be too small. I don't particularly like micros however. My main concern would be your intentions Are you just placing the cache there to place a cache, or is there something cool, or interesting that you want to highlight to your area's cachers...
  16. One cache I was at a while back was on a ledge next to a bluff. Man was I glad I had brought rope for whatever reason. It made me feel slightly safer...
  17. Could I do autorouting on the Garmin 60 if I got city select, or is that feature only for 60C/60CS?
  18. Yah, the four hundred is only a normal black and white screen. I'd love to get the color model, but it's just a bit too much..
  19. Okay, after taking a look at it, and getting some information from people who have the eXplorists, they're definately back in the running. So, now its the Magellan eXplorist 400 or the Garmin Map 60 Still looking for any info... Specifically pros and cons about the eXplorist...
  20. I really don't mean to be replying to my own topic so much, but I'm trying to find out the most I can. Anyway, I've actually heard that argument about patch antennas. I understand that they're now better than they have been (probably better than my dad's old etrex) but am I correct in assuming that they still get better sat acquisition when held horizontally? That's my argument against patch antennas. Generally, I like to slide my gps into my pocket or onto my belt or sometimes even the back of my backpack, all of which it has gotten perfect reception with my GPS, but I wonder if it would work that way with a patch?
  21. For a while now, I've been looking into the services provide by MotionBased. For those of you who don't know, they offer some pretty cool mapping software that allows you to upload tracklogs, and interpret it from a statistical point of view. Giving you split times, and even allowing you to put your information up against a previous log. Unfortunately, they "neglect" the magellan community, and it's a lot harder for magellan users to upload then garmin. That's not my problem however. My problem is the price. They offer a "Lite" membership which is free, but looks to be kind of restricting, but they also offer a paid membership for something around $97 a year. That's not a whole lot of money I guess, but for that much, I'd rather have something specifically on MY computer, that was actually software that I paid for ONCE and not recurring. Anyway, are there any programs, free or not, that offer similar services? (ie, track logs overlaid on maps, statistics, split times, cool stuff?)
  22. The major thing I have against the MeriGold is size? Is it really as bulky as it looks?
  23. Hi, I currently own a recently broken Magellan Sportrak Map. It still works, and I plan on using it as a backup GPS. But I figure this is my excuse to get a new GPS. I really like my Magellan, and I'd love to have one of the new eXplorist's but I've heard so much bad stuff about them, specifically the lack of a quad-helix antenna, and the utilization of new map files (meaning I'd have to buy new software, which isn't an option) I currently have Garmin Mapsource (from my dad's gps) and whatever Magellan uses for their topographic maps, so I'd like to stick to a unit that has maps and uses one of those software programs. Pretty much, I've narrowed my choice down to a Garmin GPSMap60 and a Magellan Meridian Gold. I've been thinking about both of them, and the crazy thing is that the pros and cons of eachother are pretty much the same, and there's like no way to decide one over the other. So, I dunno, some advice would be helpful. Here's some of the pros and cons of each model that I can think of, feel free to add anymore, I'd also love feedback from owners of either device to help in my decision. Magellan Meridian Gold Pros: Quad helix antenna uses Magellan's topo maps that I already have waterproof and it floats slightly cheaper than the garmin SD expansion Magellan Meridian Gold Cons: Really big slightly older Garmin GPSMap60 Pros: relatively new device can be used with my dad's map software quad helix antenna quad-helix antenna i think it has some kind of special functionality for geocaching works with Motionbased.com (a service I've been considering using but could never get to work with my Magellan) Garmin GPSMap60 Cons: first of all, it's a garmin, and i'm sort of screwing up my "brand loyalty" it too is kind of bulky the maps i have for it are not topographic, only street Right now, I'm slightly leaning towards the garmin, but only because I've done more research about it. I have about a month to decide though, because I still have to save the money. Any help would be appreciated...
  24. If it still doesn't work after playing with the contrast, try a fresh set of batteries.. It can do wonders...
  25. I don't know specifically about the caches you're referring to, but I'd assume that they maybe use some special html coding on their site, maybe music or lots of moving images? Something that takes long to load could possibly doing it. Trying loading it on a fast computer (maybe at your local library) and see what happens...
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