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Everything posted by TeamK-9
I think he's just planning a puzzle cache, with this being the clue. In my opinion, it doesn't look that hard, but I'm the kind of guy who's too lazy to sit inside and do the math, and would rather be outside doing it. I think it's a great hint though, just not the greatest for people who just want to get out there and cache. ---- Extra batteries for GPS, don't leave home without 'em.
I know this may sound stupid, but is it possible that no one has actually found the cache your watching? ---- Extra batteries for GPS, don't leave home without 'em.
We all continue to pray for your family, but we also rejoice for her wonderful return... ---- Extra batteries for GPS, don't leave home without 'em.
If there is a website listed or some kind of tracking number, it's best to check it out to make sure that it's not someone's own personal travel bug/hitchhiker, but other than that, this question has been debated many times. If you collect them, you might as well keep it, unless you feel like passing it on to someone else. ---- Extra batteries for GPS, don't leave home without 'em.
You Never now what you might see in the woods!!!!!
TeamK-9 replied to IWILLFIND's topic in General geocaching topics
ROTFLMAO!!! Strange, very strange. I have no clue how I'd react if I came upon something like that... I definately wouldn't have been as calm as you were, but I'd be laughing my *** off. ---- Extra batteries for GPS, don't leave home without 'em. -
I know Jeremy said we shouldn't sit around and debate charities, but I think no matter who the money goes to, it should help better the sport of geocaching, for one the National Park Service wouldn't mind getting a few hundred/thousand dollars from smuchks like us, but they wouldn't care about anything else, if you want them to start allowing geocaches, talk to your congressman. But like I said, the NPS could put our money to good use, but they couldn't really give us any recognition, or even the right to place caches. Plus, they get money from park admissions and stuff, maybe the National FOREST service.... But here's my best idea yet, how bout the National Association for Search and Rescue (NASAR - www.nasar.org) ---- Extra batteries for GPS, don't leave home without 'em.
I think this sounds like a great idea if you could get it approved by the ski resort involved and TPTB... It could also be cool to have a cache somewhere on just a normal cross country skiing area where you wouldn't need a pass or anything... ---- Extra batteries for GPS, don't leave home without 'em.
POLL: Should physical caches have a set lifespan?
TeamK-9 replied to TEAM 360's topic in General geocaching topics
I know that in the fine commonwealth of Pennsylvania, a cache LEGALLY placed in a state park (that means after you register it and everything) can stay active within the parks boundaries for no more than 2 years. I know by looking at the pole results that mostly no one will agree with me, but in my opinion gc.com should adopt a guideline to the extent of archiving your cache after more than two years, (and not a full rule) or at least someone should go in and give it a FULL maintenance workup after a year. (ie, replace the container, restock the trade items etc.) ---- Extra batteries for GPS, don't leave home without 'em. -
I saw a post sort of like this in my regional forums and I thought I'd post it out here to get more responses. Really, I just wanna know your style in what caches you do. I know some people will go up to 200 miles to log a cache, but have 20 or 30 in their area that they haven't gone to yet. So basically, I have a few questions: 1. Do you prefer urban micros or large caches that are more distant? 2. How do you select the cache you do? (Difficulty, closeness, convenience, boredness, etc.) 3. Are you the type of person who logs clusters of caches (3 or 4) every weekend or so, or the type who caches everday, or the type that caches whenever they get time. 4. Do you prefer caching in places that you know well or caching in unknown places. 5. How far have you gone to log a cache (not including special events such as vacations or business trips) Um, I know I forgot some of the questions I originally wanted to ask, so feel free to add anything else about your "style" of caching. ---- Extra batteries for GPS, don't leave home without 'em.
I'd recomend going to the forums for your region, it seems that a lot of people will post in there, but not out here, so just give a holler in the northeast regional forum and you'll probably get a crapload of responses. ---- Extra batteries for GPS, don't leave home without 'em.
I say, have a stolen towel cache, where people can trade the towels they've stolen from hotels and hospitals.. ---- Extra batteries for GPS, don't leave home without 'em.
I know the other day someone posted something in the hunt forums about caches that have been a real pain in the *** to get to. And there's the adventures of GeoNap trying to get to an interesting one placed by Oregone (sp?) anyway. The thing about this cache was that you had to cross a chanell to get to it, and some times you could get to it without getting your feet wet, other times you could walk on stones, yet other times, you'd need hip or chest waders, and still other times you'd need to take a full out swim or bring a boat. Like I said earlier, to make this idea work it would take quite a bit of coding, and millions of caches worldwide would have to be updated to allow this info. My solution to this, if the terrain if a 4 or a 5 you're probably not gunna find it without getting your feet wet, or without trashing your bike. ---- Extra batteries for GPS, don't leave home without 'em.
This seems like another article where geocaching is slightly misrepresented. How often does anyone here walk away with pyrite or a digital watch (or at least one that's not broken) but I guess some incorrect publicity is better than no publicity at all... ---- Extra batteries for GPS, don't leave home without 'em.
I think these ideas are all pretty awesome, and the idea about getting the coordinates to a certain area and then having to follow a scattered trail of glow in the dark paint or something would be awesome and make it IMPOSSIBLE to take at day (which is a good thing) My only question, and this is more or less reguarding my own plans for a night time cache. But I was wandering if a cache that would require people to buy blacklights, or find/borrow would be abiding by the "Commercial Caches / Caches that Solicit" policy of geocaching.com I'm pretty sure that this would be exempt from that rule, because technically it could be considered a cache that you need special equipment for, but if people could only do it at night with the aid of a blacklight, is that abiding by policy? Like I said, I'm not trying to get you in trouble, or to second think this, but I'd just like to know your opinions, and I'll definately get the opinion of my regional approver person when and if I submit a cache using the blacklight idea, but like I said I just want to get your opinions. PS. Sorry if I repeated myself, it's been a very long day, and I'm tired. ---- Extra batteries for GPS, don't leave home without 'em.
Oh my folks. It looks like my vote has to be changed. I have to agree with bender in that the "official" term should be "mctoy finder." ---- Extra batteries for GPS, don't leave home without 'em.
I looked but did not find this question.
TeamK-9 replied to Shadow's's topic in General geocaching topics
As far as I could understand, you want to use a virtual cache as a landmark/clue referring to about where the cache is placed. And as far as I know, that's perfectly fine.... But my spyder senses are telling me you were talking about something else, and in that case, I have no clue. ---- Extra batteries for GPS, don't leave home without 'em. -
As funny as this was reading all the responses for a "term for those who hunt geocaches," aren't you guys being a little harsh on a newbie? I mean obviously a newbie with no common sense , but a newbie nonetheless. (sp?) Anyway, my vote goes to, the genius who came up with "geocacher" I think it's going to start a geocaching geocacher revolution. (Cue corny superhero music) ---- Extra batteries for GPS, don't leave home without 'em.
Try amazon. ---- Extra batteries for GPS, don't leave home without 'em.
I'm not the guy to shoot down ideas, but something like this would be a fairly big project to code, and would probably end up slowing down the servers signifigantly. Not that it's a great idea, IMHO (which might not mean much) this is alot to ask for... ---- Extra batteries for GPS, don't leave home without 'em.
Excuse my french But what the hell is a chigger? ---- Extra batteries for GPS, don't leave home without 'em.
I've only had a run in with police once while caching with one of my friends. I knew the officer, and he's your typical donut shop cop, but he's good friends with my dad, so he didn't care what the hell I was doing. But it does seem that most cops who patrol areas frequented by geocachers seem to know what it's about, and possibly are even interested. ---- Extra batteries for GPS, don't leave home without 'em.
I'll probably be stupid enough to near lose my GPS too.... Maybe I should order some handcuffs, as an "accessory" for my GPSr, just in case... ---- Extra batteries for GPS, don't leave home without 'em.
I need help in 14 different states!
TeamK-9 replied to El Diablo's topic in General geocaching topics
I dunno if this is what you're thinking, but in my opinion, the person would need to get a number from each cache, and then email you with all 14 digits to get the coords for the cache. Anyway, I may or may not be able to help, but I'd love to be part of a bigger cache circle. ---- Extra batteries for GPS, don't leave home without 'em. -
I need help in 14 different states!
TeamK-9 replied to El Diablo's topic in General geocaching topics
I can be your rep for Pennsylvania. I live on the outskirts of Pittsburgh. ---- Extra batteries for GPS, don't leave home without 'em.