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Everything posted by TeamK-9
I know I'd want something with the Palm OS but how much memory should I be looking at needing?
I'm looking for a cheap palm I could use for paperless caching, ummm, would a Palm Zire work?
I think he was looking for the other less, eco-killing logging... ...The kind that involves getting on some website called geocaching.com...
Sparky-Watts I didn't really mean anything offensive. I do it for the fun that I have getting to the places, but really, I mean, there are perks to doing a normal geocache, that there really don't seem to be for bm hunting. I'm sorry if I offended you, it's just, I don't see the fun in benchmark hunting, I mean mostly because there's no guarentee that you'll even find it, (if it's even there.) I mean with geocaches there's logs and you can make a fairly good guess of wether it's there and wether you'll find it, but I mean it's just guessing with benchmark. I'm sorry if I offended you Sparky, or anyone else, but I have opinions, just like everyone else at this board does. I don't look down on bechmark hunters, but I don't look up to them. But I don't wanna get into a flame war, so I'll just leave my opinion at that...
I don't have much of an opinion on this, but Benchmark hunters aren't "padders" cause it doesn't actually effect your normal cache find rating as far as I understand at least. I don't look down on benchmark hunters, it's just I, along with probably a zillion other people, don't see much fun in trudging thruogh the wilderness to find a little disk that might not even be there. (Oh wait, that sounds like normal geocaching) but it's not, cause there's no real reward other than getting to log it...
But seriously, the only reason my parents really seem to be involved is so that me and my dog get a ride to the parks...
Yeah, one thing you have to look at is that really there are very few bold RULES in geocaching. One of them being no caches placed on NPS land. But seriously, all Groundspeak/TPTB/Jeremy have really given us is guidelines for play. Those guidelines are to be interpreted however you want. However, as geocachers, (and not as cheaters) we have developed our own form for geocaching. Not really rules, but stuff that can earn/lose people's respect for you. Once again, you don't even have to really follow good form, but if you don't people'll lose respect for you, and you'll be looked down on, but there are no penalties. Yah, there's penalties for breaking groundspeaks "guidelines" but nothing serious. The question is really, what is good form and what is bad form? And will anyone ever make a solid decision...
Do your kids really participate in the caching game? I am the kid and not only that it's my parents who I take along who just sort of sit around and try to help. Are they really interested in seeking the treasure? Yeah, I am. Do you let them use the GPSr? It's my GPSr for pete's sake. When they use the GPSr, what do you do? same as above Do you allow your kids to have a personal account? I might eventually let my dad have his own account, but for now, I like having a team account that I control. Do your kids help plan geocaching trips? Yes, I AM the PLANNER of ALL geocaching trips. How old do you think kids should be before they are allowed to cache without supervision? I don't really mind my parents being there, because they're the ones actually driving me there. Do you know of any organizations built around kids and caching? Well, no, but I'm working with a few people trying to maybe make a website for one... Like I said, not only do the kids in my family cache, I AM the kid in my family, and it's me who does the caching, my parents usually just try to help me find it or hold the dog while I'm crawling around.
I agree with the person who said it's just a game. And with Renegade_Knight in the fact that Geocachers, REAL Geocachers, are fair, and non cheating people. Those people who cheat, are something other than geocachers, they're cheaters, plain and simple...
TresOkies++ is entirely correct. You're basically screwed with any kind of translator, online electronic or otherwise. It will just read the words and translate it into what it thinks the words are and it doesn't really look at what you're trying to say. I'm sure if you went to the forums for Spain here, you could find someone who could directly translate it for you into normal, commonly used and understandable spanish. But like I said, if you try and use any kind of translator, you're screwed...
Umm, I don't know if you guys have heard of this or not, but KeenPeople now offers a html thing you can put on your cache page so that people can rate it, I've seen it on a few caches, and it seems to work great...
Does the second course about GPS come with a free global positioning satelite so you always have a fix, or maybe a free GPSr, or maybe just a free cow? ...Everyone could use a free cow, I bet you could get some from Canada real cheap (no offense to any canadians)
And you can't forget the ADDED BONUS of lack of respect from older geocachers. But best of all, we'll throw in a FREE ammo can, filled with fun, explosive goodies, ready to go, and be placed near a major public structure. Don't worry about getting caught or the bomb squad being called, we'll ALSO give you a high value but completely free GET OUT OF JAIL FREE card, to be used anywhere that dirty cops can be found. Newbie Voice: Why didn't I get one of those when I signed up, it would have been really useful... Announcer: Because you didn't get in on this great deal available only to those who call or log on in the next twenty minutes..
That really sounds cool... Actually, oddly enough, I just jokingly mentioned this to my mom and she said "You know, I have connections at the westmoreland county community college, I could probably get a course design on this there if I wanted..." She seems to think we have a thorough knowledge of the game and are very good at it because we found a 1.5/1.5 cache in less then twenty minutes.... But really, that sounds like a cool idea that would even make me wanna travel the 3 hours to get there, but I allready know how to do what they're teaching, heh, maybe I should teach my own course...
Thanks FISUR, I knew I had remembered seeing your site somewhere, just couldn't figure out the link. But yah, FISUR's site lists just about every geocoin (metal and all types alike) that has been made and is known to him... Check it out, it's really informative and can give you some great ideas if your looking to design your own...
I'd recomend the video guide to the Magellan Sportrac made by GPS Outfitters (www.GPSOutfitters.com) you can probably get it at the same store you got your GPS, if not, probably try a more specialized place, like a sporting goods store, and they should have it, if not you can get it online. It really got me on my feet with my sportrak really quickly. In fact, I don't think I would have even figured out how to put in the batteries if it weren't for that video...
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This question was just asked here. I'd give you more markwells but I'm too tired, you didn't even need to search to find the one above, it was maybe 6 topics below yours...
Yeah, my teacher told us about it last year is english class, never took the time to read it though. Now's a good time...
I like different, but come on, spit it out, show us some of your ideas....
Is that the one where the guy sets people loose on his island and he hunts them because he's tired of hunting animals and wants a better challenge?
Well I can tell you for a fact that if you wanted to CREATE your own geocoins it would be very costly, but if you just wanted to buy them, you can get them at www.usageocoins.com they are the national ones that are officially endorsed by Groundspeak that you can track just like a travel bug at the main site. Also several state organizations (I believe california is one) have their own coins... Just do a search in these forums for geocoin and you'll get a lot of hits with info...
I got chased out of my neighbors yard by a raccoon (during the day)... ..Oh wait, I was looking for a tennis ball, not a geocache... Umm, my dog freaked out on my first attempt to find a cache and dragged us around the park chasing some snake or something for about 5 minutes that's about all...