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Everything posted by TeamK-9

  1. Most of the ones that have been archived are archived for good. That is, until they are ressurected under the new "revamped" site with a separate section for LCs.
  2. If you did a search like sax man did, except you had it from your home coordinates it would show how far the caches were from your house. If you were to post a screen shot of the cache list with the caches closest to your EXACT location, someone could easily triangulate it and find it out. That is only if you posted the information here... Sax was just sharing his way of staying safe when posting this info. I mean who wants a bunch of loonies with GPSrs at their door at six in the morning?
  3. My question is, how would you get it to stay in place. I mean, the buoys that can be like anchored in one place are kind of expensive aren't they?
  4. I think you just need to email contact@Groundspeak.com or whatever the main email address is. But I don't know if they're really looking for much help. But it's worth a shot...
  5. My funny money is on Keystone, if the bug comes my way, I'll sure be sure to get it towards Pittsburgh...
  6. Great site, my only complaint however is the forums seem a little scarce, maybe make a few more categories...
  7. Might have been some kind of buudhist prayer cloth thing?
  8. Somebody posted a while back about Consumer Reports finding out that the best battery. I think they decided it was Rayovac but I'm not sure...
  9. I read that "Extreme Geocaching" thing and I thought it was an interesting read, (not good enough for a movie) but I thought it was interesting. Until the end, that's just dumb...
  10. I still like the idea of like a Hannibal Lecter movie with Geocaching..
  11. You know, if I were to write the screenplay, I'd make it like a murder thriller... A guy kills someone and then sends cops on a multi/puzzle cache across the country finding clues and then eventually finding the body...
  12. I couldn't disagree with this more, sorry. How can you let this one go and then be consistent with the enforcement???? If it specifically says no night time caching, I would delete the log, remove the entry from the log book, and give the next cacher the legitimate FTF. Play by the rules or don't play at all. Well, he already has the First Finders prize, so what good would just deleting one of his finds really do, unless he was solely after the count... Anyway, I guess you do need to be consistent, but I dunno..
  13. That makes sense, but also, I wouldn't recomend buying them in bulk from a printing company like that. You can run out to the office supply store, get some avery business card paper and business card magnet things and just print the business cards out on your computer and stick them to the magnets... I mean that way, you can make them on demand when you need them, and I mean what's to say that you're not going to quit before you find 500 caches, or even 250, even if you put like 5 or 10 in ever cache, you'd still need to find 50-100 caches before you were anywhere close getting rid of them... And what if you like decided after using maybe twenty that they weren't exactly the design you wanted...
  14. I'd say it's not that much of a problem...... I mean he already has the first finders prize doesn't he, so maybe, turn his find into a note or something, but make another note yourseklf stating again that no night caches... This person was probably just after a FTF and it may not be a major issue all the time, but enforce your rules if it happens again, and be consistent...
  15. Legs of a multicache can be as close as you want them to be... Within reason of course..
  16. I'd like to hear the candidates views...
  17. If whoever's in charge of courthouse grounds approves of it, just note that in the note to approver when you submit your cache. It might be approved...
  18. *Cue corny news music* "Good evening, I'm TeamK-9 with your political news. Today, in what seems like an extreme change of heart, both major geocaching political parties, The Garmicans (Garmin Users) and the Magellacrates (Magellan Users) have decided to endorse Moderator Keystone in his race for the White House. More news as it becomes available.." *Cue corny news music*
  19. Yah, that reminds me did anyone see on one of the news channel's they cut to I think it was Kennedy and he had this look on his face like "Enough with the BS"
  20. Just thought I'd bump this topic and show my unsuperior photoshopping abilities, I know people could do better (heck, I could probably do better) but this is just a template I download really quickly and edited a little bit...
  21. I'm definately placing a cache for release on CITO day to celebrate CITO day and Casey's birthday, but really, if I can convince my parents, I might head out to a local CITO event or maybe just go out to a nasty local park and clean up..
  22. Only you and the mods can see it. Let's call it a teaching tool... If you get rowdy, it goes up, and up, and up, but once again, you're the only person who can see it...
  23. Yes you need a license for GMRS, but really, operating without one is a fairly common "crime" if you want to call it that. You're best off getting the GMRS license, but I know lots of people, (not including myself) who use GMRS frequencies whenever they want, they don't care...
  24. Out in Western PA today I went caching, with a temperature of approximately 18 degress with a wind chill that made it feel like 6, and quick falling, almost blinding at times snow. I can't say it would be an experience that would turn the average person on to geocaching, but for me, I found both the caches, and I'm happy...
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