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Everything posted by TeamK-9

  1. I say email the cache owner and talk to him about it, and see if he'd allow you to log a find or not...
  2. That really seems like a cool idea to get some new caches. But I have seen also larger caches filled with a bunch of ready to go film canister micros, and other cache containers inside...
  3. That's really king of cool looking, did it have anything at all with it? It might be a Travel Bug or something...
  4. I have a bright orange parka, and if I just put maybe a patch on it, that sort of resembled the DCNR patch, I could probably get away with lost of stuff... I am like the king of looking important when your not really important. Slap on a security badge and you can get almost anywhere...
  5. Well, if it were placed with permission, I think it would be a great history lesson for the kids, or maybe a mini lesson on the whole idea of "Death and Dying" Really, the only majorly unappropriate places would have to be parks next to strip joints, or parks used for sexual activity (affectionately known by me as pickle parks)
  6. I agree with just about everyone in this thread so far. There are caches rated 5/5's that may require some equipment or something but that are rated a little higher than they should be, and then there's 5/5 caches that are rated fine, and then there's extreme caches. I'd say blood and guts would fall under extreme...
  7. I wouldn't necessairily call it bias, it's just the fact that, Magellan and Garmin are the major name brands, and thus, they are more readily accessible. And that in turn gets it more mentions in websites. Personally, if I had researched GPSrs a little bit, and if I would have actually bought my own instead of my parents getting me one for Christmas, I would just look for the one that reviews were best for and I could find the most info on it...
  8. Yah, and quite possibly, the float trip is mostly easy, and/or once you get to the location it's an easy walk. It better have one heck of a FTF prize though...
  9. Question, why don't you want anyone to keep them?
  10. I'd say if the approver allows the cache (which I think he or she should) just put the listing of the cache off until you get a response from DNR...
  11. Finally, I'd like to recognize your final question.... Why was the GC.com logo and name included on the plaque? Geocaching seems to be what the sport is formerly recognized as, how many people do you hear saying they're going stash hunting, or navicaching?
  12. I agree that it looks fine as is. If and when people hear the word Geocaching, and it interests them, they'll google it, and find geocaching.com. And really, though, even though the logo is copyrighted, it's come to represent the sport, and I don't think anyone really thinks of it as the logo of a copy, but more as the logo of a sport...
  13. First aid supplies.... ...Enough said...
  14. Yah, but if the director was saavy, he'd eventually find out, and he'd probably be more ticked off that this wasn't mentioned during the meeting... I mean what good is one completely legally placed cache when there's half a dozen others that the directors weren't asked about that the director will eventually 'find out about...
  15. And check for caches already in the park. They probably don't have permission if you're just meeting the park director now, so talk to them about those caches and see if maybe he could allow them, and otherwise they could be removed...
  16. I was actually gunna save Criminal's letter, until I noticed that it was Criminal's letter, and so I actually read it and decided downloading it wasn't the best idea. And then I read BrianSnat's letter. With a few personal touches, that would be great for first contact with a park administrator, just be sure to enclose a geocaching brochure...
  17. Just a plain old magellan sportrak map...
  18. Oh what a freaking (obscene word.) That man is the most arrogant newscaster I have ever heard. He must have thought he was pretty funny making fun of us. Someone needs to teach him a lesson...
  19. In that case definately a 9/10 but for difficulty rating, I'd give it a 10/5, that's gunna be confusing as heck...
  20. A local cache in my area (GCGJMR) is actaully in an area with lots of old rusted out cars in the area...
  21. Check in your local forums. They can be found near the bottom of this page, above the international forums...
  22. I think it's very creative, but I don't quite understand what you mean by having the coords hidden in the chords on the song? Forgot to rate it, I'm giving it a 7.5 until you explain it better, once you explain it, I'll upgrade to a nine probably...
  23. I was actually thinking of leaving it in caches, and aiming it more for a great thing for dog owners. Always having a plastic bag handy. I mean, one film canister, witth a plastic bag in it doesn't take up much space, but I can tell you, if you're crushed for space in your geocaching bag, having several plastic bags laying around isn't helpful. But anyway, you guys think the general idea is good? Now, I just need to get a hold of a bunch of film canisters, and some labels that would be the right size for a film canister. Anyone know where I could get either?
  24. Go to this cache page and look through the multitude of pictures posted by The Leprechauns on January 19th. It might also be beneficial to you, to read the logs also, but I dunno. Just for the record, this was completely played out by The Leprechauns and Questmaster..
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