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Everything posted by paganfrog

  1. cointest #1 hmmmm this is hard i cannot think of anything worthwhile. the only thing i can think of doing if i won the cointest is to leave one of my personally made pathtags in a public place for a non geocacher to find in the hope that they will log their find. i take a photo of me putting it in public place and leaving it there, and if it gets logged i would post on here to tell about it. either that or i would do something that team van stoffelen suggests
  2. for cointest #3 i have had many hobbies throughout my life. i have collected various items like stickers, erasers and badges, i have been a philatelist and have on and have kept nice postcards that have been sent to me during my teen years and again since my late 20s. you could say i have the heart of a magpie because there has never been a time that i havent had a collection of on thing or another. my very first and longest surviving collection of of frog ornaments. my uncle gave me a little plastic frog when i was 5 years old. and because of that i became a fan of all things amphibian. i have quite a collection of frog ornaments around the house. i have frog ornaments from various countries, like the uk, france, germany, corfu-greece, etc. (if you find an attractive frog ornament from your country that you feel should go in my collection i will gladly accept, lol) apart from my frogs, i love to collect geocoins and pathtags (duh. obviously heheh) i also like to collect and keep any nice little trinkets and siggy items that i find in geocaches (rarely cos i dont go out caching much and mostly the caches have the usual junk thats rusty and broken) as a result from recently setting a new geocache hotel in my area(well i have to feed my addiction of another collection of mine which is collecting the coin icons) i stumbled over an old glass bottle. its not an antique bottle though, it turns out this area was a landfill site done in the 50s so i had found a 1950s glass baby feeding bottle. this revived an old interest that has lain dormant since i was about 10. i have always been interested in bottle dump digging for antique bottles, and also real treasure hunting with a metal detector. so with my dormant and ignored interested revived i have started visiting websites and forums for bottle dumps and treasure hunting and started to learn about it more. i am eagerly awaiting my metal detector that i recently bought to arriveso i can start to use it an explore.....legally. i really do get angry when i read about irresponsible and greedy treasure hunters who have no respect for private properties and protected historical heritage, or even nature. i dont like thievery or disrespect to private owned land or to ruin the look of nature by leaving big holes dug everywhere. anyway i have started to waffle a bit here. i could write lots here but then there would be nothing left to say for the future.
  3. congrats for winning geoguino and yay for yet more cointests for fanatics like myself and gatoulis to participate in
  4. congrats team moxiepup for winning. was a nice cointest to participate in
  5. hiya there my friend. i hope the wee one is ok? give him lots of huggles for me. im sure that who ever is waiting for your mission packages will totally understand. missions are fun to get, but are not as important as loved ones who are unwell. you take care of your wee one one first, then missions can wait for a while. love the paganfrog clan
  6. That is nielsenc 2006 St. Patrick's Day Geocoins and it is oakcoins. lol. i feel so silly. i have been a bit muddle headed recently due to being busy with my children and them stressing me out. after trying to activate my coin on oakcoins and having problems with the activation. i have another look at the coin and decide to do a search for info online about it. its not even a neilsenc coin. its not even a trackable ( thats why i feel so silly cos you would have thought i would have noticed if it said trackalble at geocaching.com or not wouldnt you?) its a non trackable personal coin made by SWx4 (now i slope off to hide cos i feel very silly)
  7. That is nielsenc 2006 St. Patrick's Day Geocoins and it is oakcoins. thank you maine family, much appreciated
  8. hiya. i have a coin that has no info card with it and neither myself or my friend who gave it, know the origin of the coin. its a four leaf clover coin. on one side it says "the search for a cache is more precious than its treasure" on the other side of the coin it says " one leaf is for hope, the second is for faith, the third is for love and the forth is for luck. can anyone tell where to activate it. and also any further info on the coin itself please?
  9. congrats to you winners my friends. and thanks for the pleasant cointest atmouse
  10. congrats to the winner and thanks for the nice cointest hollora
  11. and a thankyou from me also tennessee jed. i meant to post earlier but i got waylaid by the pollywog and forgot for a short time. thankyou my friend
  12. heres a picture of my favourite geocacher. (not my own photos as the ones i did have of our meet up were lost when my computer had a conniption fit one time) yes its tooey. shes a genuinely nice and funny person to know. we both live in the highlands but are seperated by a longish roadtrip called the A9 that takes you through mountains valleys and twisty turny bumpy bits that last about 4 hours. she was the first person on here to talk to me and helped out by answering my stoopid noob questions.
  13. id try to look appealing by looking cute and fluttering my eyelashes at you,....but i dont think my husband would like it. lmao
  14. we dont celebrate thanksgiving in the uk. but in my household today we had something to celebrate anyway. since monday we have been without furniture to sit on in the living room. we got the old stuff takenaway on monday because we were told the new was coming on monday. it didnt. it finally arrived today at 6pm (when it should have arrived at 10am. my husband spent al day pacing and i spent all day shut in another room with my two children trying to occupy my 3 year old from getting bored. after all that we were so tired we couldnt find the energy to cook up proper dinner. so we had a thankful dinner of pizza, chips and garlic bread that i just threw in the oven to heat up. nothing special but was delicious.
  15. im thankful for having a close nit and loving family (despite spending much of my earlier life trying to push them away and distancing myself from them. i am also thankful that about ten years ago i found the love of my life and soulmate and realised this in time to not ruin it by doing my past usual of being blind to it. im thankful to my family for those who i have mentioned as without my family being annoying to me by not backing off for my wishes and for my beloved coming into my life when he did. i dont think id still be alive today. back then i was suffering from depression and was starting to feel suicidal. so im thankful for my family, my husband and children and for still living.
  16. to further gatoulis idea, we should send our childhood pictures to TVS and he uses them in a guess who cointest
  17. i think the coin is under the inflatable turkeys left foot (right side as we look)
  18. what would you do to win a geocoin cointest. this would involve having a photograph of yourself in a public setting depicting you doing something very strange just to win a geocoin. must be lawful and ok for posting in a child friendly forum because that what we are isnt it
  19. mission name - paganfrog mailed out - 24 november 09 received - not yet
  20. thanks for giving the true amount, i just wasnt sure, i thought i was incorrrect
  21. wow!!! beautiful coin the klomp one!!! I do not know the other that is mentioned too.... windmolen?? A windmill? It is a little strnage or.... Well..it looks like it is made of porcelain??? Oh! If it is, it is fragile! Is it a homemade coin? trackable? its a very rare and hard to get coin. i think only 20 of each were ever made (im not sure of the numbers produced but only a small amount were produced.) beautifully made coins but i havent got a chance of holding one for real as they are highly sought after and pricey
  22. thankyou for considering me as a stand-by for the coin waifs and strays.
  23. OMG! i didnt know about this thread. theres some brilliant siggy items in this thread. can i hint that i love to accept siggy items but that i havent recievedany for a long longtime. hint hint love the creativeness here.
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