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Posts posted by preferida

  1. I'm new to geocaching. What I find confusing is all the jargon and initials in various logs. For example, "GJ SL TFTC" was used on one log. What do all these codes mean?! Does anyone have a comprehensive list of codes? Maybe this is how texters talk (I'm not a texter), so let me know if I just need to get with the times.


    I don't but I wish someone did. These are the ones I know:

    TFTC (Thanks for the cache)

    TNLN (Took nothing left nothing)

    GZ (Ground zero)

    GPSR (GPS)

    DNF (Did not find)

  2. I am wondering if anyone out there can help me. My brother is in the Air Force and while I was down visiting him at Langley recently I took him on his first geocaching excursion. He enjoyed it and saw his first geocaching coins. He asked me if I could take some of his Air Force coins and convert them into geocoins. I was at a loss. He gave me six of them and wants me to use them and thinks other geocachers with loved ones in the service (or who have been in the service themselves) will appreciate it. Of course these don't have a travelcode or anything. Is there anything I can do to make them be a geocoin? Thank you! Preferida

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