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Everything posted by Navdog

  1. What, no lunar caches? Well surely Bluetooth/GPS technology will enable the first micro cache to be placed in a Victoria's Secret store. The adventures of Navdog, Justdog, and Otterpup
  2. Too bad we can't get real time satellite imagery from the CIA, because with that clue it should be easy to spot the probable location of the medallion, by viewing a couple hundred people on the ground beating the bushes in some local park. My bet is that it will be found on Tuesday .20 mi. from a geocache and it won't be by me. The adventures of Navdog, Justdog, and Otterpup
  3. The legend of joedohn! What many folks don't know is that he was one of the most prolific finders of caches and found close to 150 caches back in the early days under the name of jaw2925. I had the pleasure of conversing with him on several occasions and was sorry to see him eventually archive all his caches. He was the epitome of what geaocaching is all about, travelling the countryside in his Volkswagon bus with his dog at his side, exploring new places and going where no cacher had gone before. The adventures of Navdog, Justdog, and Otterpup
  4. Hah! Too bad I'm busy this weekend. Thats one contest I could actually be competitive in! Nothing like fresh oysters and a good stout. The adventures of Navdog, Justdog, and Otterpup
  5. "A compass reads 21" That's something we can all relate to. "This ring stretches outward" A refererence to the 40 mile loop trail? "a menaced prince will have his say" Is this the clue that references the starting point for the two clues above. Maybe a statue or a historical plaque? Maybe we should start a pool on how close the medallion is to a geocache. The adventures of Navdog, Justdog, and Otterpup
  6. Here's my take so far: Clue No. 1 Treasure dawns with sunrise! Now it's quite okay to plan your course in pj's. Will that be java or o.j.? Just fluff. maybe means you can find this day or night. Clue No. 2 Count on the bounty if it numbers fifteen. From one of these, the treasure you'll glean. More fluff. Just means there are fifteen clues and one will eventually help you find the treasure. Clue No. 3 As sites go, this one is Bo. Nadia loves it, don't you know. Hidden at a perfect spot? Nadia loves it - reference to a perfect 10 score in gymnastics. Clue No.4 Do you work alone? An '03 conference could assist. Info passes by in dribbles. Men and women, do persist. Still think this is mostly fluff too. Do you work alone - Do you hunt this alone A 2003 conference - not sure about this but may be meaningful Info passes by in dribbles - These clues are dribbling out the info to the treasure. Men and women, do persist - Since there is a comma in the sentence, I read this to mean that men and women should persist in the hunt. I'm thinking the next couple of days will bring some clues with some real meat on them. The adventures of Navdog, Justdog, and Otterpup [This message was edited by Navdog on May 22, 2003 at 10:06 PM.]
  7. Well, a find is a find. It's up to the team members to decide how they want to handle individual finds. I cache under my name, but when I visit my friends over a hundred miles away, we use the moondog3 name. Every once in a while they may do a cache on there own or there may be only two of us out caching, but we always note if there was not all three on a hunt. The adventures of Navdog, Justdog, and Otterpup
  8. It looks like Jeremy archived one of his caches down at the coast last year and there are a few that have several no finds. No activity from this cacher in about a year? It may be a good thing to look at all his current caches and determine any adoption options if no contact can be made. The adventures of Navdog, Justdog, and Otterpup
  9. Nature Conservancy article Here is a link to one of the article in the series. The three article series starts on May fourth. I've always held the Nature Conservancy in high regard, so it will make interesting reading. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A9888-2003May3.html The adventures of Navdog, Justdog, and Otterpup
  10. Caching and photography has ben a fun mix for me. Our Moondog3 website has lots of pics of our caching adventures. I also know Zzzoey and Illdrive. These cachers really enjoy posting some nice photos of their caching trips also. The adventures of Navdog, Justdog, and Otterpup
  11. It's a Travel Bug not a Mail Bug. To me, mailing a bug in the middle of his journey somehow defeats the spirit of the idea of the travel bug, which I always thought was to travel with a cacher from cache to cache. Mailing a bug somewhere to start it's journey is a different matter. The adventures of Navdog, Justdog, and Otterpup
  12. I'll have to second this idea. I had made up some photo greeting cards based on some pics of a few of our caches and sent them this last Christmas to the finders of our caches as a thank-you/holiday greeting card. Would have been nice to have an easier way to email them. The adventures of Navdog, Justdog, and Otterpup
  13. Random complaints are to be expected. Hey, you can't please everybody. But if you get a number of negative comments about a cache, then doesn't that tell you there needs to be some adjustment to the cache? The adventures of Navdog, Justdog, and Otterpup
  14. That's good to hear his logbook is still with him! We haven't seen any pics of his travelling buddy. Thanks for the update. The adventures of Navdog, Justdog, and Otterpup
  15. Wow!!! Has it really been a year? You guys are a valuable asset to the Central Oregon caching community. Looks like your having as much fun with the new camera as you are caching. Keep up the good work! The adventures of Navdog, Justdog, and Otterpup
  16. After the heated thread last month about missing travel bugs, I just wanted to share this good news about our Moonman Travel Bug. He had been missing for nine months! Several emails to the cacher in Wisconsin that had him went unanswered. But it looks like the guy was in transition and recently moved to Seattle where he has started caching again. So don't give up hope too soon when your TB goes MIA. The adventures of Navdog, Justdog, and Otterpup
  17. I'm ambidextrous The adventures of Navdog, Justdog, and Otterpup
  18. Not just a cache...it's an adventure! The adventures of Navdog, Justdog, and Otterpup
  19. Thanks guys for the links about satellite predictions. I just recently placed a cache up near a headwall to a canyon and the walls on three sides make it difficult to get a sat lock below a 45° angle. Knowing the optimal time to get a good fix in a situaton like that will allow me in the future to plan accordingly to get a good reading for posting the cache coords, of course future finders may need a detailed hint, because they might not be so lucky, but at least I will know the initial coords are good. The adventures of Navdog, Justdog, and Otterpup
  20. Is there a website that will show the satellite constellation for a specific area at a future date/time? The adventures of Navdog, Justdog, and Otterpup
  21. I use six inch lenghts of velcro straps. These allow you to run the velcro strip through the belt buckle strap on the case and around the shoulder strap of the pack. You can cinch it tight enough around the shoulder strap to keep the case from sliding down. The adventures of Navdog, Justdog, and Otterpup
  22. quote:Originally posted by VentureForth: (Nostalgic for some of y'all ol' timers.) I remember that! Seems like ages ago and a great example of truly lame cache...except for the recent example Jeremy metioned about the locationless cache and the decaying bird. The adventures of Navdog, Justdog, and Otterpup
  23. Not just a cache, but an adventure! Moondog3.com The adventures of Navdog, Justdog, and Otterpup
  24. Web-footed and rust free! The adventures of Navdog, Justdog, and Otterpup
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