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Posts posted by jimmarshall

  1. Unfortunately, some of the segments still have the meter bug present. Take a look at H3, H4, H5, I3, I4, and I5, (between Phoenix and Tucson, basically) for example. Those're just a few that I noticed right away. There could be more; I'd be happy to check the rest of the state and make a list if it'd help.

  2. You might need to futz with versions; not necessarily using the Mapsource .exe version from your particular Garmin CD, but installing something from their web site instead, and then installing just the maps that you've got. Or trying different Wine releases until you get the "magical" one (and noting that version in case a later release breaks things again).


    Right now, I'm using Wine version 0.9.58 and Mapsource 6.13.6, and everything's great, but it has been a PITA getting the stars to align at times.

  3. Looks really nice.


    Is anyone else's version of Mapsource interpreting the elevations as if they were in meters, though, when they should really be feet? I'm seeing things like "Mount Fagan, 6174 ft, 20256 ft," where the (correct, more or less) "6174 ft" looks to be part of the description string. If I switch Mapsource to displaying elevations in meters, then it'll say "Mount Fagan, 6174 ft, 6174m."


    I should mention that I am running Mapsource with Wine under Linux, so this could be related to that, although I am not seeing the problem with any of my other maps (Garmin Topo 2008 and IndyJpr's among them).


    Edit: D'oh, should've refreshed the topic before I hit reply. Looks like you guys are on it. Really nice-looking stuff, again.

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