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Posts posted by GerritS
OK Some where in history I asked this question but now...
I do not know where the caching bag is...
I Take:
Long trousers (about the only thing I have learned in my time caching
Spare Batterys (when I remember)
A Pen/ Pencil (again when I remember)
My Daughter at 4years takes Caching bag:
Wellington boots or her "Stomping shoes",
Hat (sun or warm she decides),
A Snack,
A Drink,
A Pen (for when Daddy forgets),
Waterproof jacket,
Extra Jumper,
I started her taking a rucksack to carry her swops, the rest she started bringing herself.
She does not worry about shorts or skirts, when it gets prickly, muddy etc she sends daddy!
More than once she has got back to the car warm and dry where as daddy...
Who says with age comes wisdom
Also understand how these get set up not interesting, hides presently trying to set up a cache on a structure in a Natural England SSSI and in a national park... I am finding out more about how these institutions work by the day...
Presently know one knows who ones the structure! Its on a foot path and kids climb on it every day. Can some not just say Oh ok then... WHat a waste of tax payers money...
I think I have given up on this one one or two polite reminders to the Landowner, SSSI and English Nature (I think was the third). They seem to have no problems with the cache, they just do not known who owns the structure in the SSSI or on there land!
Cannot blame them they probably have more important things to do, than worry about a cache.
Think I might change the cache type and put a discreet 1" square sticky label there
Have just received my warning that the New Forest has its 150th cache so before too long mine will be up for archive, when it does I doubt I will replace it.
I now understand why caches are increasingly stuck on the back of road signs, dog bins and other less imaginative places. Its so difficult to place one any where else..
As a dog owner these caches sound great, If I'm ever caching in that area I'll know these caches will lead me to a place where I can dispose of my dogs waste
As an X dog owner I can agree with that being a usefull series... With the added bonus at least you are not likely to find the unwanted plastic bag/ paper bag/ tissue paper wrapped one lurking in the bushes instead of the cache!
Also understand how these get set up not interesting, hides presently trying to set up a cache on a structure in a Natural England SSSI and in a national park... I am finding out more about how these institutions work by the day...
Presently know one knows who ones the structure! Its on a foot path and kids climb on it every day. Can some not just say Oh ok then... WHat a waste of tax payers money...
"Halford's orange tyre sealant"
Swear by it my self but round here the cycle shops sell it as "Slime"...
Have tried various caching devices Etrex, Blue tooth, PDA & Various phones.
Have to agree if your hooked get a good GPS/ or PDA (if you can get your head round it and not break it).
I presently have Oregon and Samsung Galaxy S2
Oregon does give better fix and battery life (although touch screen is poor). I find myself using GS2 to navigate to parking then, turning GPS off on phone use Oregon on foot. At GZ I log them on GS2 that as I go better data entry, it also allows me to walk to the next using Oregon.
Doing this I guess a basic GPS could replace Oregon but a decent fix is useful under tree cover..
My problem is I need simple I tend not to cache for 2 months then trying to remember how to install PQ's maps etc can get a bit much...
Having read peoples comments as I understand:
The biggest issue is other cache types I can think of:
Open Caching,
Terra Caching,
That's 3 what are the other 2?
Those 3 all have rating systems of some form so that it could be possible to make a system that works.
As for how to rate a cache that is an old chestnut, not one will be perfect but improvement should be possible.
Yes initially the system would struggle to keep the old caches pre-favorites but they would be among the first to be archived, give or take a bit.
There is certain unfairness in the present rules, 3 users (or user accounts) on all 5 cache type could monopolize caches in the forest... Although I am sure at this point GAGB Would step up???
As it is the system works, but I think there is an opportunity to promote better caches. If its not possible in the forest maybe in other areas...
I have not posted this to GAGB (I cannot remember my user name and password). IF some one feels this thread is worth bringing to the attention of folks on there please feel free...
As for quantity of caches that's for greater minds than mine to decide.
"150 caches with built in movement beats 1500 crap ones." I fully agree here but how do we get 150 better ones??
OK Lets start with the first thing I AM NOT SAYING THERE ARE to many caches in the forest..
Just that the way they will get removed from the list is not necessarily the best way....
"2. There will be no more than 150 caches in place in the New Forest.
3. When 140 caches have been placed any cache which is older than 3 years will be archived.
4. When 150 caches have been placed and there are no more to archive, any new caches will not be published. "
This never struck me as the best solution, what would happen if the rules where changed to some thing like:
"3. When the cache 140 Caches have been reached the oldest cache that is greater than 3 years old and has least favorites per year* will be archived.
4. When 150 caches have been placed and there are no more to archive, any new caches will not be published."
* or some other similar formula: favorites per find? I am sure there are lots of others...
In this manner we can promote caches that cacher's enjoy and cache setters will have a reason to place better caches.
I believe that the people who set the agreements read these forums or it will get to there attention.
I know not every one likes all types of caches but in this manner in areas where agreements have to be made, the community can decide which caches are worth keeping.
Its only an idea it may of been discussed before, it will not be perfect (my local supermarket magnetic micro stuck to a trolley bay has 2 favorites!) it would be a way to promote quality caches.
Just an idea hope its not been hammered before...
Hi All,
Thanks for the advice, presently I have re-logged the cache with similar wording and sent cache owner a note asking why it was deleted pointing out it was considered polite to notify the logger why you are deleting..
Advising him I will carry on logging...
I had also come up with two other options.
1) Place a cache exactly 0.1 miles from theres make it as similar as possible and then give an boniest description. Ask people not to find it
and those that do to log it as honestly as they can!
2) Place a cache on the adjacent common it could make a nice cache if allowed, suprissed there is not one there, between his two caches and call it best of the worst? or something similar.
3) Log it as it happened:
"Drive the recommended route up the road past the Common I thought this might not be bad after all. Hopes rising I drove on past the workmen digging the road waiting for the cars coming the other-way.
Getting near GZ I found parking across the road. I wait for the casr to pass before I opened the door, WOW where did that one come from he was going quick.
Only having phone GPS I knew I was relying on clue, stepping on to the bank I quickly found what looked like disused drinks pot as described by clue. Stepping back onto the road ooops another car, hard to see on this small bend.
I open said pot to find it was indeed the "cache" with a log, logging find and replacing it carefully watching for passing cars...
Back in the car glad that one is over, I think did that "Cache" have a cache note in? The container was not marked as a Geo-cache in any way, no "contents harmless - geo-cache" on the outside of the cache.
Well at least I have done it and its not in a plastic bag like the last one I found in the area."
It will probably keep getting deleted but thats life... I will keep logging it. I have written some harsh logs in the past this is the first to get deleted.
Most harsh logs get over compensated for in the following logging. Really flowery logs, finally it averages out more honestly. it always makes me smile.
No matter how bad the cache people write automatically write good, until some one brakes the trends....
Seems petty but I am sure I am not the only one who would rather not have his area clogged up with drive bys on the edge of a national park!
If some one deletes your log do you still get the find?
Can you even tell if logs have been deleted?
Was my log that bad?
"Found this one today, a definite drive by. I must remember to ignore this type of cache. Watch the road not all cars drive slowly along it, probably best not done with children...."
IN outline the owner has found less than 40 caches and placed 3 all drive by's on small lanes, ok not in the town but in my mind fairly pointless, two of them on roads I would not want to walk down with or without children.
I guess there is some past history, after thier second cache I politely mailed them to say, you should not wrap a cache in a plastic bag.. Whilst trying nicely to pointed them in the direction of one of the forum threads about what makes a good cache...
Seems they know better and enough to delete a log, good luck to them.
Is there a way I can ignore a user?
I am not being spiteful its just the caches are so close I know I will not be able to resist the temptation to bag the cache. Less than 0.5 from the end of my road. I resisted 2 weeks this time...
As I said in my last post:
"its better than writing an honest log for what in my mind is a poor cache..."
It seems if not your logs just get deleted.
Thanks for all the feed back, maybe I posted a bit early. I felt it rude not to reply in some way...
"it WILL return - I can assure you of that!!" True, sort-off ish...
"because it takes you to somewhere off the beaten track" That is one of the reasons I started caching. I could be guided to new and intresting places by the caches
.. Now I spend more time looking at maps and footpaths again, then as an after thought caches
Other thoughts for you:
A)"If at anytime I'm 10m from a cache and can't be bothered... That'll be time to stop altogether. "
"ignore list?...no, i don't have one because i can't possibly know ahead..." (I used to think like that but now to be honest it is my friend).
C) "i don't put certain people's caches on ignore either" I think I should do it more..
I am guilty of all of A-C above, I have come to a decision: its better than writing an honest log for what in my mind is a poor cache...
So my ignore list may well keep growing for some time...
"Maybe a couple of clear "fave" caches would reinvigorate the OP's interest." They have to some degree
... Then a few of poor ones set you back
I will be intrested how the favorites develop, it may take time to settle out. Is there a way to search by the % favorite? that might help.
2 of my multi's no one has favored (normally get good logs
), then some one has favourited the local "Off your trolley" (A magnetic on a trolley shelter
)I think it will always be more of a guide than a rule
"because it takes you to somewhere off the beaten track" thats why I started caching. Not to try crossing a lane that is used as a short cut, to get an old plastic drinks container out of a hedge, my log is not very kind
"There is still enjoyment to be reaped, it just need all our best efforts."
Now that I agree with
PS Caching is far from my only hobby, its my bad weather, rainy day, and way of noting when and where I have been doing other things kind off hobby...
PPS The only members of my family who are into caching I introduced to caching, having found it by accident myself...
PPS the worst of it is you might still find me popping in the forums form time to time..
Hi All,
Its a real long time since I have posted and a long time since I've really cached...
When Do you stop being a Geocacher?
1) Your areas of cleared of Caches are getting smaller?
2) You can be 10m from a cache (A micro in this instance, today) and think why bother?
3) You go on holiday and are more interested in what you are doing than logging just one cache to say you where there...
4) You stop checking if there are caches where you are going?
5) More caches are going on your ignore list than find list...
6) Some one produces a circuit of caches and you think why did I even go there first time round for one cache? never mind a circuit!
I think for me it is all of the above, I liked caching but recently its gone crazy... To my eyes there are just to many poor Caches.
Caches where I do not want to find, I can no longer be bothered sorting the wheat from the chaff...
You might see me out on the cacher's trail, with my daughter or friends. Most likely Caches I have done and know are a quality... Or even a cache ring but I will probably not look for the tub-aware, just enjoy the walk...
My Caches I will maintain for now, as they are the caches I would like to find. Its probably for that reason they do not get many finds...
I have looked at other types of caches but I think for me the caching moment has gone.
Happy Caching, may you always find the cache's you seek (unless you do it another way
Hello all,
I'm hoping you can offer us some advice on caching (and in general) on a trip to the IOW.
We'll be heading over this Friday afternoon and returning Monday afternoon, armed with nothing but a bus pass and some walking boots.
We're arriving in Ryde and staying in Shanklin.
We're not planning a Dr. Solly style numbers run, but we'd like to take in any good quality caches that people would recommend whilst seeing some of the sights. Obviously we want to spend as little time as possible cooped up in buses, but this will be a necessary evil.
At the moment, the only things we'd decided on were spending a day in the west, visiting the Needles, taking in caches around Totland bay, and a little time in the south around St. Catherines point, visiting the lighthouse.
What else would people recommend/advise?
Many thanks in advance!
Mark + Deb
Not certain of the bus logistics but you could try getting the buss to Yarmouth and Walking accross to freshwater up to the needles and getting the bus back from Alum bay.
I got the ferry across to Yarmouth and did aload on bike/ foot a couple of years back cycled back to yarmouth. On foot with a bit of planning it would make a great bus/ walking route great views caches and walking as I remember...
Just my 2 pence worth.
There is also a Wherigo app for the Nokia 5800 (or any java enabled phone really) called Openwig .
Thanks for that, I did not know of that one. On my first Wherigo crashed my GPS then sticky fingers bugged the other Andriod app. So we had to start again, could of done with my phone on the job to!
Is there a site for reviewing Caching Software? and tips?
I have use/d:
Smart Phone:
Geocache Navigator
Smart GPS
Geocaching Live
Google Earth
Nokia Maps
Easy GPS
Have played with GKSA but never got into it.
Garmin Maps (when no internet but running from PQ's)
Google Earth
and a few others I cannot remember.
Doe any one out there has a site that reviews them in one pace?
If not if some one has a site wants a hand with info reviews instructions/ tricks for this software I would happily help keep it together when I am on leave. If nothing else I tend to shift phones equipment regularly and would find my own reviews useful...
Just so when you buy a Symbian Windows or Andirod Phone or a GPS there is one place you can look for info about what the software does?
I have tried using geocacheing live with my nokia. But for some reason it will not connect to gps, even though i can have the onboard gps working.
I use my 5800 for caching and can manage a good day out before it dies, but im really irritated that the gps function on the 5800 wont work with live.
Has anyone else had this or is it just me?
Thoughts and suggestion appreciated
Try running google maps in the back ground... Geocaching live is slow picking up GPS Signal so it looks like its not finding the GPS...
Once you have position you can shut google maps... It worked on my N95 and E75, although on my E75 Goecaching Live seems to be prone to crashing the phone all together!
Our magnetic TB was on the back of our yellow camper for the whole week that we were in Cornwall, and hasn't been logged once
And we were definately going slow enough for anyone to get the tracking number
Well for about a month now I have had a rather large travel bug on the back of my car. Its never been logged, even met one cacher in the carpark who took a photo to log it but then did not..,.
Seems people do not like to log cars...
I spend half my life abroad and can agree about using your UK Sim Data is not cost effective BUT...
If you get a local Sim you can get some great deals, in the most unlikely places...
I have used skype on a data tariff that cost me £5 a month for unlimited internet... Worth the investment in a local sim even for a short stay...
Worth considering...
When we were newbies we visited a few and expected pens to be in the caches. Now we would never be without a pen! I think it's probably quite forgiveable if a newbie doesn't sign the log as long as they admit it. Maybe just send them a nudge that they need to always carry a pen, as some owners may not be so forgiving and perhaps ask them to describe the cache location in detail just to prove they found? I signed a few caches with a stick and mud, but I did admit it!
Even if you are not a newbie and know you should have a pen, it can be possible to find yourself without one. The one and only time I found I didn't have a pen, I am sure I put one in my pocket when I set out. It could have fallen out.
Hell over 800 finds later I still regularly find cache in hand and no pen... So easily doen or maybe its just me
Ah, 4x4 caching. Always an uncontroversial topic! Good luck with it
Guerilla Gardening
Base Jumping
+ many more I can't think of right now..."
Green Laneing is quite the opposite it is becoming a Subversive Activity
. Similar to hunting, people become scared to put their head up and say that's me
. Not just because many people (often poorly advised) take a very anti stance without really knowing all the facts.
Having only seen the publicity that comes after a track/ field has been destroyed by idiots. Few see the good that is done, keeping tracks and lanes open for ALL to use...
Well that's my comment over, yup if you find some I'm up for it
I have downloaded said file and installed them on my Orgeon but cannot seem to find them! Can I get them to show on the maps? I guess they are in POI's? I used Garmin POI Loader is that correct?
Yes, download the simple 'Garmin' option & you'll be sent a .zip file containing a .csv list and .bmp icon - put these wherever you run the POI loader from.
Also maybe not your field but some one might know. Is there a piece of software you can use to edit your POI's I seem to have casinos in France but none in the UK! Seems bit random local post office is shut but still listed that sort of thing...So I can get rid of random rubbish?
Thanks for any help..
With my Vista, running the Garmin POI loader automatically overwrites previously stored POI files. Don't know how it works with the Oregon. Presumably you can attach that model to a PC in USB mode & just examine the contents of the external drive?
Yes I can do that but do not want to remove all POI's just the ones I do not need. Having done a bit of googling to modify a GPI file which is basically what I want to do may or may not be possible...
Thanks for your help I seem to have found the bits I wanted... Next I will be logging ye old survey monuments
Now for the really stupid questions
I have downloaded said file and installed them on my Orgeon but cannot seem to find them! Can I get them to show on the maps? I guess they are in POI's? I used Garmin POI Loader is that correct?
Also maybe not your field but some one might know. Is there a piece of software you can use to edit your POI's I seem to have casinos in France but none in the UK! Seems bit random local post office is shut but still listed that sort of thing...
So I can get rid of random rubbish?
Thanks for any help..
I must admit they look great buggys, I liked the mutsy as it could go from trail to town. Although I wonder how many could follow the muddy tire marks round town...
I also liked its articulated steering so easy to push 1 handed most of the time... most 3 wheelers need 2 to go round corners, along slopes etc... SO much easier...
Although serious trails might become to much?
I do agree LARGE AIR FILLED tires are the big thing...
Welcome, I hope that your stay is a friendly one and that the forum users behave.
Really doubt you should happen, but then if it did you would not be needed
Have fun.....
Ivan is the son of Little Miss Naughty and Million Candle Power, and was born this morning - ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Congrats to LMN &Mcp!
Shouldn't curtail caching too much yet, but when he gets bigger it'll get harder to do the more involved or higher terrain caches. i can heartily recommend a carrier or a STURDY 3-wheel chariot (not on of those fashion pushchairs)
Ivan is the son of Little Miss Naughty and Million Candle Power, and was born this morning - ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Congrats to LMN &Mcp!
Shouldn't curtail caching too much yet, but when he gets bigger it'll get harder to do the more involved or higher terrain caches. i can heartily recommend a carrier or a STURDY 3-wheel chariot (not on of those fashion pushchairs)
WIth regard to buggy I have to disagree, inflatable wheels, large wheels is important... 4 is even better than 3 but hard to find!
Now for the action shot
Down a high street you can push it with one hand easily no fighting to keep that center wheel on track.. Ok it does not have the turning circle, but you can attach "shopping wheels" when the urge takes you
The only thing that stopped it with me was stiles
and trees or posts so close together you could not fit it through
... Although in really soft mud you have to drag it backwards, although by that stage you are normally ankle deep and worries about keep your boots on yourself
Ivan is the son of Little Miss Naughty and Million Candle Power, and was born this morning - ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Congrats to LMN &Mcp!
Shouldn't curtail caching too much yet, but when he gets bigger it'll get harder to do the more involved or higher terrain caches. i can heartily recommend a carrier or a STURDY 3-wheel chariot (not on of those fashion pushchairs)
Ivan is the son of Little Miss Naughty and Million Candle Power, and was born this morning - ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Congrats to LMN &Mcp!
Shouldn't curtail caching too much yet, but when he gets bigger it'll get harder to do the more involved or higher terrain caches. i can heartily recommend a carrier or a STURDY 3-wheel chariot (not on of those fashion pushchairs)
Have to disagree, inflatable wheels large wheels is important... 4 is even better than 3 but hard to find!
Now for the action shot
Down a high street you can push it with one hand easily no fighting to keep that center wheel on track.. Ok it does not have the turning circle, but you can attach "shopping wheels" when the urge takes you
The only thing that stopped it with me was stiles
and trees or posts so close together you could not fit it through
... Although in really soft mud you have to drag it backwards, although by that stage you are normally ankle deep and worries about keep your boots on yourself
Time for a new GPSr
in United Kingdom and Ireland
If some one offers me the right money for my Oregon 450t? I will take it!
I want a Montana! Sorry but having played with one recently at a show they are so much better than Oregon...
My Oregon might be up on an auction site before long