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Posts posted by kc0dxh

  1. I'm new to geocaching and I wanted to say thanks for the great website. I've seen a lot of negative comments and suggestions lately in the forums and elsewhere. One particularly irksome to me is the idea that geocaching.com and it's programmers are deciding the future of the sport and even defining what it is. This simply is not true. Certainly Groundspeak has a significant influence, but anyone with a map and a compass can participate.


    To me the crux of the argument is founded in misunderstanding. The first amendment makes clear each person's right to speak. Nowhere is listed the right to be heard, or conversly, The Creator has not endowed any with control over another's choices. Those, myself included, that choose to visit your site are choosing to listen - voting with their eyes. Any individual that does not like the choices you make is free to erect a site which they control and may endevor to attract and influence individuals to behave in a manner which they find pleasing.


    It is said of the internet that it is a network of ends, that is, there is no central control and each networked computer is a participant whose operator may participate at a level of thier choosing. It seems to me, in conclusion, that others find your greater participation offensive. To date there is no moral or constitutional protection from being offended. Balancing this influence is the time-honored principle that to whom much is given, much will be required.


    Now the short version... thanks for doing what you do. I find it helpful and enjoyable. Keep up the good work.


    Dean Morrell

    kc0dxh in the site

    Klinger in IRC

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