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Perfect Tommy

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Everything posted by Perfect Tommy

  1. Assuming this thread is not Jersey-centric (although this forum in general is), here are some cemetery caches on the other side of the Hudson that I am aware of: In Sleepy Hollow Cemetery in Tarrytown, NY: Headless Horseman Cache (Regular) Knickerbocker Boneyard (Multi) In Gate of Heaven, Mt. Pleasant, NY: The Sultan of Swat (Virtual) In Assorted Cemeteries in Darien, CT: Darien Cemetary Cache (Multi) Drewsclift Cemetery near Brewster, NY: Wish You Were Here (Regular) and Woodlawn Cemetery, Bronx, NY: Mourning Lady (Virtual) Check out the pictures for the Sultan of Swat virtual at Babe Ruth's grave - wonder how that would fly in South Carolina.
  2. There was another cemetery cache in Rockland but it was moved by other geocachers who had family buried in the cemetery. The cache has been in limbo ever since. Many cemeteries are private property, not public parkland so, if you're placing a physical cache, you'll need permission. EDIT: I just don't get South Carolina. First, they fire on Fort Sumter and now this. Where's William Tecumseh Sherman when you need him?
  3. At least it's handicap accessible. Though humble, perhaps the mobilitity of the LIer's cabin may help explain the thrashing the natives of the long island are administering to their Joisey opponents in the CTF game/rout.
  4. This may be too late in the day, but if you are going through Connecticut on I-95, you may want to consider snagging one or more of the caches that are part of the "CT Solar System." At present, your first stop would be Venus not far from the NY border. The Solar System stretches along I-95 ending with Pluto on the RI border. All the caches are close to I-95. Good luck on your trip.
  5. This would be interesting but it presupposes that people accurately rate the difficulty and terrain ratings for their caches. When I use the Clayjar system, I usually find myseld knocking off a star so the cache rating more closely reflects my own experience as to what a 1/1 is as opposed to a 3/3 and also to conform the rating to match the D/T of similar type caches in the area. I'm sure we've all encountered caches that were either overrated or underrated whether in difficulty or terrain. On topic, it is all about the numbers. Otherwise, there would only be about a third of the people participating in this activity - it would be more akin to letterboxing which, to my knowledge, does not maintain stats or rankings. As one of the early 'cachers in the area (4 years in July), I admit that numbers were important (hell, I remember the days when Stayfloopy was in double-digits) and a lot tougher to come by. Nowadays you can't swing a dead cat around at an Event without hitting a kilocacher. <Dr. Phil>Sure numbers matter and you should take pride in your numbers but don't geocache just for the numbers - do it for yourself. </Dr. Phil>
  6. I don't think I ever got an answer.
  7. dadgum the luck two years running. The 14th was good; the 15th is not. Off to Spamalot for the matinee so we'll have to wait for next year. Dadgum? Is that the equivalent in the expletive filter for d@mn?
  8. That's right! Where only the strong ... or mutated survive! Not surprising that The Toxic Avenger is from New Jersey. Don't shoot me - I didn't bump the thread.
  9. But we are allies! Kinda like how Churchill and Stalin were allies.
  10. If your talking about heaviest bugs that can actually fit in a regular cache, then Hammerhead is the heaviest one I've encountered. Here's a picture of the bug which is an ax/hammer head: Pound for pound though, my own bug, Chip Off the Old Block, carries some heft. The bug was cleaved from a 28 pound lead brick. Here's the brick and the chip:
  11. Let's recap the action. LI jumps out to a commanding lead and Jersey rebounds by changing the rules in mid-game! Is Calvinball great or what!
  12. Is there a mercy rule?
  13. Last call.
  14. And Neutrals can move them any distance. Right?
  15. Congrats!
  16. Keep up the good work.
  17. Following that theme, I tried it on the following lyric penned by some obscure guitar plucker from Asbury Park: My tires were slashed and I almost crashed but the Lord had mercy My machine she's a dud, I'm stuck in the mud somewhere in the swamps of Long Island. You're right. It just doesn't sound right.
  18. The NJ bug states: "Please do not take this bug out of either NJ or Long Island" But the LI bug has no similar prohibition. The rules (for both bugs) state: "A team loses a point for each day their flag leaves the playing field (outside NJ and LI)" Obviously the rules contemplate that the bugs may wander outside NJ and LI so why the inconsistemcy in the Jersey bug's description? Also who are the "team members" - you guys have rosters?
  19. drinking...hash...piles of white powder...are we talking about geocaching or college?
  20. That was fast! Congratulations on reaching that milestone. Keep up the pace!
  21. Congrats!
  22. Since it's Lawn Guyland vs. Joisey and I am effectively sidelined, I just wanted to post my availability as a geocaching mercenary for hire by either side. For a small fee, I will be happy to grab your opponent's flag and put it in a Westchester cache, maybe even one of my annoying puzzle caches. Cash and money orders only.
  23. lucien is still around. He just archived this cache in Westchester County last week. Whether he knows about the new Park policies is another matter.
  24. Actually there is no dispute that both Liberty and Ellis Island belong now to the federal government (which is why they are already effectively off limits). Turning to the question of whose territory the islands are situated in, I did some further digging. According to this source, "The islands of New York harbor have been part of New York since the issuance in 1664 of the colonial charter that created New Jersey... This charter stated that New Jersey "bounded by the Hudson River" rather than from the middle channel, as was common in other colonial charters. That is, as everyone understood at the time, the NY-NJ border did not go through the center of the river channel as one might naturally assume. An 1834 compact between New York and New Jersey, which primarily concerned the status of Staten Island, set the boundary line between the States as the middle of the Hudson River but reaffirmed that Staten Island and the other islands belonged to New York." I'm sure splicingdan is relieved at that news. Thus Jersey has riparian rights to all the submerged land surrounding Liberty Island, extending eastward to the boundary line but New Jersey has no claim to (and has never claimed) any legal rights to the dry land of Liberty Island. When New York created dry land on Ellis Island by landfill, that landfill portion belonged to Jersey (or so the Supreme Court held in 1998). So JMBella has not been living a lie, or a prevarication or a deception, etc., the Statue belongs to New York, not Jersey City.
  25. Well, the Yankees were once tenants at the Polo Grounds and Babe Ruth liked the short porches down the lines so I can take the Giant bug to Monument Park at least. If you can grab the bug, I'll send you my address by email.
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