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Posts posted by beerbaron

  1. excellent thats the info im looking for.  does anyone know what intervals the contours are on these topo maps?  2' , 10'? 


    to bad more gps dont have expandable storage thru sd cards.  im stuck between the legend and the vista.  i like the compactness of the etrex series.  and the internal compass on the vista is pretty enticing.  or however you spell that. :rolleyes:

    Expandable storage would be nice, but I've yet to see a need for it. I have maps for every place I frequent in my Vista. I guess if I travelled a lot, the expandable storage would be good.


    If you have the money, go with the Vista. It's a pretty good deal these days. Office Max.com had it for $159 for a few weeks. It was a mistake, but they apparently sold a lot of them at that price before they caught it.


    You won't see it that cheap, but a Vista now costs what a new Legend cost a year ago.

    yeah i missed that one. i would have been all over that. i really have to try and stay around 200 for the unit. then i have to figure out how i can afford the map software :rolleyes:

  2. excellent thats the info im looking for. does anyone know what intervals the contours are on these topo maps? 2' , 10'?


    to bad more gps dont have expandable storage thru sd cards. im stuck between the legend and the vista. i like the compactness of the etrex series. and the internal compass on the vista is pretty enticing. or however you spell that. :o

  3. hi all, im in the market for a gps for caching, hiking, skiing, and canoeing. i had a thread in the units and software question, but apparently this question is region specific.

    im only interested in topo maps, how big of an area will i be able to store on.. say 10 mb. considering im using it mostly in berks and tioga counties. i really have no clue, would i be able to store a whole county? or the state? i will be moving to alaska in the summer :laughing: , but im pretty sure the maps for up there will have far less features and thus be smaller in size. thanks for your help. this is my main factor in my choice.



  4. Unfortunately, there is no "Map=Xmb/Km2" formula.

    ok, i understand what you are saying, but for a general idea, what amount of area will i be able to store on, say 10 mb? a township? county? state? i guess for discussion sake lets say its an average area. rural, but lots of hills. im just trying to make sure i dont waste a ton of $


    thanks for all the help everyone. im starting to realize the most important options for me are.. storage size(i think), compactness/lightweight, and durability. it seems like all the other bells and whistles are not important. i dont need a compass, i would have one for a backup anyways.




  5. hi everyone.

    well, i am about to spend some $ on a gps unit, but im not sure what features are important to me. i know i will be mostly using it for hiking, hunting, fourwheeling. but i may also opt to mount it in my car from time to time. so most importantly i need good topo maps. im looking to stay under the $300 range, including maps and connector cables. how much memory sould i look for? is an internal compass important?(only the high end models seem to have them) what are waypoints, routes, and trackpoints? if i can store 50 routes in my gps, but i have 70 routes that id like to save, can i store some routes/ waypoints on my computer, and transfer them to the gps when needed? how detailed are the topo maps? 1' or 2' contours?

    a couple models ive been looking at are the magellan sportrak topo/ pro. and the garmin rino120/etrex legend. i like the sportrak topo because it has all of the us topo already built in. which is nice because im going to be living in colorado, alaska and pennsylvania all within the next year.

    any info or tips would be appreciated.

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