My first trade wasn't on here it was at a local geocachers event just this past Sunday. Does that count of are you talking online and mail trades? I would be open to that as well
I'm sure you can get a brand new not a used Legend for that much. I'm just starting and I paid less than the 111.00 delivered to my door. I'm sure a high sensitivity receiver would work better but I find almost everything I'm looking for with it. Re-think it 'cause it's a fun game!
You can go ahead and put me down for a few if you do it
That's a great idea for a coin
I don't think it makes a rat's to any real collector of coins if it's trackable of not. I know when I look at a coin I don't even look at the tracking number on a coin unless it's part of the artwork.
I say make it!!
One more thing: Why not have a non trackable coin dedicated to a non-cacher?
I'm not sure if this was mentioned but get on all of the coin producers emailing lists. That way you'll know when new coins that have will be for sale. Most all of them send out emails to people on their email lists announcing new sales.
[ (Hopefully no one was foolish enough to have written the Tracking ID in the log book - if they were and they have the log book then it all becomes possible).
Unless they see this first
My thoughts exactly.
Mine too..... I say we send out a lynching mob to get it back.......they have it but they didn't see it?..... Yeah right....... If they are near to St Louis let me know I'll get it back!!! Strong Arm style!!
My worst one was a dragonfly design - so tiny.
I am grateful that the micro "don't forget your pen" coin is legible.
Black on silver or white on black is great - forget gold, it's too hard to read in most cases.
The bushwacking Pirates Swords are for me I have one I still can't read.... I have yet to sick the young eyes on it as of yet though
While I don't carry a magnifying glass in my TOTT bag In the field I rely on younger eyes.
I have two sets of those they come in really handy for that small number reading, extra hidden caches, and decoding the hints.