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Everything posted by seaeye

  1. Wouldn't want to be on the bottom there now would you?? WINNER WINNNER, WE HAVE A WINNER!!! Now this is one photo call ! Cmon - we need a photo - of the outhouse, that is Oh yeah this is a photo I just gotta see
  2. SoCalGeocoins P.O. Box 1266 Lomita, Ca. 90717 (562) 964 4004 I found this if it will help? I didn't like the apartment number next to the addy. That reeks of small potatoes to me <personal information removed, business information added by moderator>
  3. Oh Yes I'm in for a few of these Way Cool
  4. email sent
  5. Reply recieved and payment sent
  6. email sent
  7. Fun Cointest....... ...... Thanks!!!
  8. seaeye

    Time Caching

    they always deliver the goods in the end ........I'm waitin'
  9. Oooooooooh nice!!! .........and all I got was a pair of shoes.
  10. I thought this coin was on everyone's "hearts desire" list. I know it was on mine!!
  11. Kinda like those TB tags they sell to put on what ever you choose.......sounds like a fabricated problem to me? I agree with the line that says it's yours do with as you wish Neat idea
  12. seaeye

    Time Caching

    From the few times I have ordered from them I have found they are NOT known for their speedy shipping and constant communications. But they eventually always come through with the product..........Kids I'm guessing?
  13. and here I thought Karma was nice.........she seems nice everytime I talk to her
  14. I got a v1.0 dorkfish fish in a fish bowl you all know the one and a Dorkfish aquarium coin in the BN metal Ones I have wanted for a while I love Karma's coins!!
  15. This is such a cool idea!!! I musta missed this one doing all the flood stuff but I've got it now
  16. I second this one! Close to home. Daughter lives there. Free lodging (for me anyway) Perfect! This years is faarther than we'd want to drive & flying is not in the budget. Center of the country too. CF30 I'm down with Kansas City too they do have great BBQ
  17. Thank you and I did get something in the mail today. It was a 2007 Antique Bronze Compass Rose.
  18. Mine came today as well and they are awesome.....but that pin is to die for I LOVE IT I guess my big question at this point is how do I get more pins??? Thanks for sharing your talent.
  19. Oh goodie, goodie, goodie the turtle ropin' must have been successful and I didn't hear of anyone getting injured or stampeded by the rampant turtles I was even watching the news to see just in case....... Good job ropin' all them there turtles up little missy!! I'm lookin' so forward to these little critters arriving Payment cheerfully sent Thanks for sharing your talents with us all
  20. This is welcome news to me I love turtle ropers!!
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