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Posts posted by 68-eldo
Do a Google search for How to build a metal detector
There are a number of web sites that have instructions to do that for example http://www.easytreasure.co.uk/bfo.htm
Most of these will work at a depth about equal to the diameter of the coil.
My father had one with two coils, one on each end of an eight foot pole that worked to a much greater depth. It would be nice to build one like that that would find benchmarks at a depth of about two or three feet.
I’ll have to watch it online. I started watching and then I blinked and it was over!!!
I think Google Earth has a neat feature that's called back in time or something (Google Earth is on another computer I can't get to at this time). It lets you load older imagery up to maybe 10 years ago. If you could find your bridge on an older shot you may be able to enter the coordinates to pinpoint on the shot where the marker should be.
You are correct, and it is available on the tool bar. The icon is a clock. However it is limited to what ever images that is available. The area for the mark in question has four images, 1999, 2003, 2007, and 2009.
No railroad bridge seen in any of those pictures.
Street view on Google Earth verifies there are no bridge abutments there.
But then I get to snooping around and I find the Elkins station and what looks like the remains of a large roundhouse.
Then I see the bridge south of there is missing in 1999 and 2003, but back in 2007 and 2009. Curious.
I know off topic. Sorry. Google Earth leads me astray all the time. <sigh>
Thanks Patty.
I thought I saw them in the NGS site too, but I don’t see them now.
Must have been a mistake that was corrected later.
Something odd about JB1913 the 1970 COP. It has recoveries from 1930 and 1937.
Oops mistake, disregard.
I’ve added a link to Gmap4 to my Benchmark links page.
I did a Google search (Thomas freeman surveyor) and came up with a lot of information on him. You might have to do some digging to find the information you want.
Hope this helps
My first real job was Fire Control Technician (Gunnery) for the Navy. So I am not at all surprised that the locations of the fire control towers and gun batteries were very precisely surveyed as this had a lot to do with the accuracy of guns. The actual Lat/Lon was immaterial, the distance and bearings (azimuths) between the various components was the information needed to compute parallax, both vertical and horizontal. Without parallax your guns will always miss the target by the distance between the fire control tower and the battery.
My Garmin III+ from 1998 - 2002 can be set to hddd.ddddd; hddd mm.mmm; hdd mm ss.s and 12 other options including British Grid; Loran; USER/UTM and UTM. I leave it on hdd mm ss.s and I use an old version of GCALC to convert to other formats as needed. It’s pretty easy.
IMHO If you are going to submit to NGS you should go by their rules/conventions.
Not knowing that much about surveying, maybe there is an industry standard and to submit in a non standard format is problematic. Just saying.
Having spent many hours on the bridge of a Navy ship I can tell you there are too many things wrong with that story to be true. It does make a funny joke.
IIRC there was a discussion about this. The idea was to report a not found with a description of what was done to find it or the reason you believe it was destroyed. Then ask Deb to mark it destroyed. That way there is a record of why it was marked destroyed.
This is interesting. I took the coordinates 33 24 19.86 (N) 086 52 27.27 (W) and plugged that into Google Earth. It pointed to a location in Troy Michigan. Then I plugged in the coordinates 33 24 19.86 086 52 27.27 GE went to Tibet, which I sort of expected since the longitude is a positive number. But then I plugged in the coordinates 33 24 19.86 -086 52 27.27 (notice the longitude is a negative number) and GE went to Shannon Alabama which according to the data sheet is correct.
So why did the first one go to Michigan?
To respond to hotrod205’s question; be sure to put the minus sign in front of the longitude.
It’s interesting that loud sounds like tornados are frequently described as sounding like a fright train coming. And yet fright trains can be very quite.
Just an off the wall observation.
I believe it is a pipe valve stem. The handle padlocked to the side is used to turn the valve on or off. It maybe related to a fire hydrant which would explain its red paint.
If I am wrong someone will correct me.
I started to look up all those points in Google Earth. #1 is a railroad crossing that seems to cross at an angle, but the map shows it perpendicular. #2 & #3 are a park that I can not see even in street view. #4 is a concrete culvert for an un-named stream I could not find.
However Google Earth Community shows a “Rainbow Bridge” in that same area but is not on the maps.
It may take more than I am willing to do right now.
What would be a great addition to the Route Documentation Project would be Lat. Lon for each of the numbered points.
In Navy gun fire control, altitude it how high a target is above the surface. Elevation is the angle between the horizontal plane and the target.
Probably does not apply here.
I tuned in and settled down to watch. A few minutes into the show and I blinked. When I opened my eyes again it was over.
The book is available here.
I set up my my own page so I don’t have to look through my overloaded Favorites. Your welcome to use it if you find it worthy.
The grid coords come from the RCWs (Reports of Completed Works), the standard Army Corps pf ENgineers reference for the various harbor defenses. I acquired these on DVD from the Coast Defense Study Group (CDSG).
OK, that does it. I’m sending in my membership application and dues. I’ve been thinking about joining but have procrastinated.
Thanks for the push.
Another thing you might try is using your chart as an overlay on Google Earth. You can take a JPG and overlay it on Google Earth. The trick is to align the overlay.
Most of the time the fire control towers have horizontal benchmarks associated with them as the locations of the towers and gun emplacements were surveyed very precisely in order to make the fire control calculations as precise as possible. Many of those marks have been put into the NGS database. This helps in aligning the overlay. If you put the LatLon of the NGS marks into GE you can then use them to align the JPG.
The problem I see is that the map you have covers a very large area and it might be difficult to precisely align it. Maybe if you only used small sections of the chart, say one fort at a time. But then you have the problem of the accuracy of the chart its self.
As for Google Earth, I do all the things I mention above with the free version. I there are more features you can use with the paid version but I have not found much use for those. The hundreds of dollars version is for people like our local TV station that uses it to show the location of events in the news as well as the weather and traffic reports. Since you are not using GE for that kind of commercial use you won’t need that costly version.
I loves my Google Earth!
What is your source for your location and other info on these forts?
Last Saturday I got a tour of Battery DeMerritt that had 2 8” guns.
Michigan Benchmark - not in database
in Benchmarking
Is that it just to the right of the fire hydrant?