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Everything posted by DaFunkyFrogs

  1. we wish ya all the best, Tsun.......we know its been a rough month, but it can only get better.........I'm know every1 will wait for your coins, so sit back, relax, enjoy the movie & take care of your canine friend....... just enjoy the weekend.........
  2. network error is all I can get..... hang in there Steph...
  3. congrats to all who received this great coin...Mrs. Frog hopes to see 1 someday.......
  4. how about Wayne...
  5. so we waited all night, Jay.....wheres the new pics?????
  6. well, may as well say NOW...
  7. ,on April 8, tsun had a quickie sale to the first 3 people who posted after her.....as a sort of preview, I guess....we got a couple also.....
  8. we got a couple of trades in & found a special coin near 1 of our caches........ sure wish I could find the right software for this scanner....
  9. Woooooooooooooo Hoooooooooooooo. saw a note on 1 of our caches where "The Coin Dropping Fairy" had gotten tired & landed nearby......We hopped on down here & looked all around till Mrs.Frog croaked" Ribbit, Ribbit,Ribbit, I found it......Thanks so much to "The Coin Dropping Fairy" for this great surprise... we will be sure to take good care of it..........
  10. Tribbles, little balls of fuzz..........I count them instead of sheep..........Interesting communicator......looks like a must have..........
  11. its well worth the wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. we got our coins today..........superb job, tsun.........these coins are so beautiful. that I won't even post a pic from our crappy scanner ........it just would not do justice to these awesome coins........another "WELL DONE" for ya, Steph............THANKS FOR ALL YOU DO...
  13. If you're looking to give some coins away, I'd be more than willing to accept them.. And I promise I wouldn't sell, trade or give them away. They would stay safe and sound in my collection.... ya can put us on that list also...........thanks...
  14. I'll get them done shortly, just now woke up, otherwise, though! Naomi Think Velveta..........might wake ya up.............. ...
  15. not in the mailbox, but we managed to pick these up over the last few days...
  16. Woooooo Hooooo thanks bunches Tsun...........
  17. hey hey hey am I in time???
  18. congrats to the winners.........we get our chicks after Easter........lol
  19. congrats to the winners.........we get our chicks after Easter........lol
  20. monte hale
  21. James Coburn
  22. Clint Eastwood...
  23. great looking coins.........
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