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Everything posted by garri

  1. Catalan Spain cache sent to Nebraska. It will arrive next week. I was shamed when the post officer said me that i had to describe the content of the package so that the security agents don't have to open the package thinking that it can be a threat. I advise you to think how to describe a geocache before send it.
  2. You can also see the Sportrack NMEA signals in hyperterminal to sure serial and unit works. enable NMEA in your unit. and run hyperterminal: Start->Run->write hypertrm-> OK Avoid Dialup wizard, choose a icon an a name for the sesion, and select the speed and other config of your unit serial comunication. If the hyperterminal wants that you write a phone number write a random number, it is not important. Once you see the blank screen you will see the NMEA commands of your unit in the hyperterminal.
  3. If you see that Magellan programs scans the com3 and com4 without looking for com1 and com2 I think your serial ports are disabled by BIOS. Retsart your laptop and in the first screen hit F2 o Del key to enter BIOS Setup. Read the users manual.
  4. One day, I asked for an older version to Magellan, they send me an old firmware via mail
  5. Check if the datum set in your unit is WGS84.
  6. Check if the built in modem of the laptop is not assigned on port 1. Check in BIOS Setup if the com ports are enabled. Check in port properties in System if the bits per second field is correct, and "data bits" is 8. Try changing the spped of data transfer of your unit.
  7. Yes, you guessed. Magellan of Spain also says "we haven't heard of this problem" and it's probably that i am the first, after a mounth without my GPSr and asking me what kind of Mounting bracket I use in my car (I bought the official) they concluded that I broke the cases and I have to pay it, and they haven't heard of this common problem before. The cracks of my sportrack Pro are very large. I don't want to pay for something that is in warranty period and i haven't broken. I am going to compile information of this thread for let them know that I am not the only one. I would like some more help, please. If you can send me photos of your cracks, serials or names i will use them for told him i haven't broke my GPSr. I am thinking to rat out on Magellan at the department of consumption. You can post here or send me an e-mail.
  8. Unfortunately the solution is a cigarette lighter adapter. Does Magellan want that we spend more money in accessories?
  9. Here we have one of Kerry: And one mine actually without knowing to whom I was imitating:
  10. Cuando el campeonato de Geocaching en la Sierra de Grazalema se propuso aproximadamente a finales del 2003 tenía una ganas enormes de ir a participar, desgraciadamente parte de la carrroceria de mi coche voló por los aires y me fue imposible de ir. El acontecimiento se pospuso a mediados de enero por motivos desconocidos, tampoco pude acudir, y desde entonces no se ha vuelto a escuchar ninguna noticia del acontecimiento. Finalmente se celebró? Quien participó? No hay fotos? Mi otra duda es porqué el primer acontecimiento se celebró en una zona tan remota a los principales nucleos de geocachers, veo que en Andalucía el geocaching esta muy presente y reconozco que la naturaleza y los parques naturales son ejemplares, pero esta zona está predominada por geocachers extrangeros que están de paso por la zona. Me gustaría saber como fue todo. Alguien fue?
  11. Hi julien, Think about creating events with easy activities suitable for all kind of people and ages, and think about kids, in the two events created in Spain kids from all teams loves searching a cache together and share all the new toys of a cache. A barbecue it is a great idea, also visit museums. In the event of this year I am proposing playing a Capture-the-Flag. I recommend to chose a nice place near to mayor cities, Some people we haven't a Defender to travel far
  12. When you write a URL in a log automatically turns the URL to a link.
  13. We also have an online database of Benchmarks (Vertexs geodesics) in Catalunya: Link I would like that these were possible to be logged in GC.
  14. Jeremy I am runnig the demo and I am scared when seeing the data of my region. The names of the cities of Catalunya (Spain) are the names that chose the old fascist regim of Franco when he banned our own language about 60 years ago. These names are obsolete.
  15. I am reading the HTML of your cache page. I found this: http://uk.geocities.com/martin.killiner@bt...t.com/knock.mid. It is an invalid URL page. You should write this code... <NOEMBED><BGSOUND SRC="http://www.domain.com/music.mid"></NOEMBED>'>http://www.domain.com/music.mid"></NOEMBED> ...so that Netscape and others browsers ignores the bgsound tag, it only works in Internet Explorer. For others browsers you have to combine that code with... <EMBED SRC="http://www.domain.com/music.mid" HEIGHT="0" WIDTH="0" AUTOSTART="TRUE"></EMBED> I understand perfectly the previous opinions. I never would add music to my cache pages. They can be very annoying while you are reading it or your are listening to your own music. It should be used for very special situations. Firstly it can seem very original, but finally, people hate this.
  16. I remember you, We talked once by mail when you found one of my military caches "Pieza de Artilleria". I know you went in September. I hope meet you in our Event cache in September! See you! Adios
  17. The connector of the Zire71 cradle has a bad design. Some users had problems with it, not me.
  18. I also use a Zire 71, I made some locationless caches in my trips thanks to the functional camera. My favourite way to download cache pages and others web is Isilo, a nice document reader, is not freeware but not expensive. You can download Isilox, it is a freeware tool of Isilo where you can dowload web pages very fast and store them in Isilo format. I also tried Plucker (entirely freeware), but downloads web pages very slowly and the HTML interpretation is not very good at the moment.
  19. I write some HTML code for chosing the color background of the main white table of one of my cache pages. write this code before cache description </td></tr><tr><td colspan="2" height="32" background="image.jpg"></td></tr><tr><td colspan="2" bgcolor="#000000"> This means: Close a white cell, create a new row with a image file as background, close this row, create another row with a color background (#000000 is black). The paramete 'height="32"' is the height choosed of the image And please don't forget to add the next code for reestablish the web after your description text. </td></tr><tr><td colspan="2" height="32" background="image2.jpg"> </td></tr> <tr><td colspan="2"> You can avoid some code if you only want to change the backcolor of the white table (no images). Before cache description text, write: </td></tr><tr><td colspan="2" bgcolor="#000000"> And at the end: </td></tr><tr><td colspan="2">
  20. I usually add 3 pencils (they are more waterproof), 3 pens (I prefer if loggers write in the logs with pen If these work well) and a sharpener. It always works unless people think that are trade items
  21. This summer i will place the second part of one my caches that has military skills ("Pieza de Artilleria"). I think that is one of my best caches so i need that cachers will not disappointed of the second part, it must be better. You will have to collect clues to find the cache, but i would like to place another final and optional cache that you have to find with the help of kinematics to calculate the trajectory of a projectile from a cannon that there is near the cache. I understand that some people will love to search the secondary optional cache and others don't like math caches, this explains why there is one primary cache easier than other one, but I think that those that find the secondary one will deserve logging a double find in the cache page. Do you think that this idea is politically correct? Or is better to make another Web for the secondary cache? The clues of the secondary find are in the other cache, and they will be very near.
  22. The "Recently Logged visits" page is cool, but is worldwide, it 'isn't usefull for reading the lastest visits of the caches of my area, country or state. I like see the founds/not founds and notes of the geocachers of my area in the last days so i have to click my nearest caches page and scan all the pages to see the lastest visits. I think it would be a great idea if you can order the cache list of the "All Geocaches In State/Country" by lastest visits clicking on "last found" column so that you can see the recent Logged visits of your area.
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