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Auld Pharrrt

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Everything posted by Auld Pharrrt

  1. Thank you for positive feedback WarNinjas ... I was beginning to be concerned about the negativity but that makes it 50/50, I'm assuming The A Team don't object since it was they/he who helped me (not counting myself of course!)
  2. Thank you Lil Devil and Walts Hunting (and anyone else who feels either way) for your opinions and input. I guess I can understand where you guys/gals who dislike animated gif's are coming from. I admit I would find them a bit annoying if/when relying on a slow mobile data connection etc. But, I'm happy and thankful that Groundspeak do allow them as I have now got it up and running the way I wanted it. If it's any consolation, the animated gif is only used on 1 of my TB's (that's 1 out of 37, soon to be 47) and is extremely unlikely to be used again. As I live in a fairly remote part of the Scottish Highlands, although remotely possible, it's extremely unlikely that anyone raising concerns about the use of them on this forum will ever come in contact with this 1 TB so, unless you go clicking on the link I included in an earlier post, you'll probably never see it or be inconvenienced by it. Happy caching folks.
  3. Thank you for your input, but my opinion is different.
  4. I'm fairly certain animated GIFs won't animate if used as your avatar. However, I just tried adding an animated GIF to one of my trackable listings, and it animates just fine. You can see it here (you can't miss it! ). Thank you so much ... I will look at the source for the page and see how ity was done, for some reason my gif just will not animate, and I tried what yoiu have done, so probably my link was busted or something. This is what I needed ... http://www.geocaching.com/track/details.aspx?id=6568003 I have had this wee gif for years and years, I used to use it as my avatar where animations are allowed, probably for at least the past 15 to 20 years! Ron.
  5. But if it hasn't been published and doesn't show on any searches, How will he find the GC code? Unless it's marked on the cache itself when he found it. I would suggest setting up a notification to watch for new caches published in your area (or the area the cache is in) ... making sure the range is sufficient for it to show up. Ah, I see from the OP that he mentions then GC code, therefore I assume it was marked on the cache (as indeed it is supposed to be.)
  6. I copy and paste the plain text version to the description, click the SOURCE button and copy and paste it all back to Word ... that way I have a copy of the HTML formatted version, for future reference/changes
  7. Hi everyone. Usually I can find some sort of workaround to get this up and running, but this time I'm stymied. I have a small animated gif that I like to use as my profile avatar or even just use it in one of my TB listings. I cannot figure out how to get it up onto Geocaching.com Any suggestions? P.S. I should have mentioned that it's only the animated gif I can't get working, I can upload anything I need.
  8. Oh, right, roflmao ... Here in Scotland we just call it going for a walk!
  9. er, I don't even know what Urbex means
  10. No, that wouldn't work. The submission form is just that: a form. Form contents aren't saved in a bookmark, so even if you could bookmark that exact step in the multi-page form (which probably wouldn't work anyway), the content wouldn't be there. Ahhh, ok, it was just a thought ...
  11. Yeah, that is pretty much how I look at it ... after all, I don't think people who build trains did it so train spotters could collect their numbers, aeroplanes the same, good God, even the Taj Mahal (at a guess though please do not quote me) probably wasn't built for tourists to go and eyeball, but all these, and many many more, get "collected" or "discovered" by tourists, so it's no real surprise that some cachers like to collect "discoveries" on TB's. To me its a lot more pertinent that some unscrupulous people collect our TB's like stamps, effectively stealing them! If you have TB's that are long lost, have you ever considered re-releasing a copy? It's dead easy to do ... in fact I would even do it for you if you wanted (see my signature or profile info) ... I love the TB aspect of the game and I feel so strongly about the ones people have had go missing in action, that I came up with the idea (not original I know) to release a copy of any TB if the owner asks me ... I will only do it if the registered owner asks he provides me with the tracking code so I can log it. I think it's very sad and a great loss to the game that so many people have "lost" tb's just sitting doing nothing either in "Unknown Location" or taking up a space in a cache's inventory for years on end (there is one near me that has allegedly been sitting in a cache for 4½ years.) Neither the cache owner nor TB owner will mark it as missing and no-one else can do anything about it without the tracking code. At first this sort of thing annoyed me as a cacher, but now I consider it useful to know if a cache has been muggled at some time in it's history ... who knows, maybe it will be muggled again. I do accept and understand that sometimes a TB might go missing in action as a result of loss, accident or even death and in any genuine case I would never hold any grudge or ill-feeling toward the last person to handle it. It's the theft, and only the theft of people's property, that gets me angry.
  12. Wow this is totally cute and awesome, I love the effort gone to, to theme the cache. I was born in Bearsden ... the one just outside Glasgow that is.
  13. THAT'S THE BIGGEST DANG BISON TUBE I'VE EVER SEEN IN MY LIFE!!!! Ahh, so THAT'S a mobile cache ... being a bit of a newbie I was wondering about them.
  14. As a cacher who has just recently joined the game and even more recently put out a small number of hides, here's my 2 pennies worth on the subject of poorly maintained caches and crappy enabling etc. 1. I am a crappy enabler ... but ONLY if I find a damaged cache, or one that simply needs a little TLC. Why do I do it? Simply because I live in a fairly remote region in the Scottish Highlands and I think poorly maintained caches reflect upon the whole Scottish caching experience. For overseas visitors to come to our country and find garbage is hard for me to accept. So I try to improve that experience by helping out fellow cachers ... I like to think it helps the one who put the hide out and the ones who find it after me, I keep an eye on it if it is close by my home and if it is allowed to fall into a poor state again I will offer to adopt it and log a NM or NA on it, hoping that I/someone might be able to use the location to put out a fresh one of my own sometime in the future. 2. As a cache owner, I would appreciate it if people would post a NM log if any problems arise with any of my caches. In fact, I am just about to add this to the descriptions of all my caches. Yes, people are welcome to dry out or replace a wet log and I would be grateful to them for doing so ... I made the mistake of using plastic coated, waterproof paper and picked up on a couple of reports that it was not working well because it was difficult to write on in the rain, also, when I checked the caches I found that people who use the rubber stamps to sign the log (as I always do,) their stamp was turning into just a big smudge of ink. I immediately replaced them with home made paper logs. 3. I NEVER replace a cache that I cannot find ... I'm not Sherlock Holmes, it could be that I simply DNF it ... I log it as a DNF and if I'm certain that it is missing I will mention it and why, if there is a number of DNF's or the CO doesn't respond in some way within a reasonable length of time, I'd post a NM or NA ... I recently DNF a cache which appeared to have been placed at the base of a large round fence straining post. There were a number of such posts nearby and I checked every one of them to no avail. However, what stuck out like a sore thumb was the fact that the farmer had replaced one of the posts. The new post was also a gatepost and it was obvious that the old one had been dug out etc. I am pretty darn certain that the cache had been at the base of the original post and had become lost in the process. I logged it as DNF with a note to the CO letting them know that I believed the cache had been removed/destroyed/lost ... If I had found evidence of a badly damaged cache I would have happily replaced it and reported this to the CO so they could check it when convenient. 4. If people wanna shoot me down in flames and exercise their right to hold a different opinion from mine, then please feel free to do so, I'm far too old and experienced in life to let it worry me and just because we happen to have different opinions doesn't mean either of us is right, or wrong, it simply means we have differing opinions of how we perceive and play this game. Now, where the &*$% did I put that hard hat? Edit: Typo's and re-phrasing.
  15. Erm, wouldn't you be able to make a bookmark when you are one the original page? Might not help for an existing page, but for future reference it may help. Edited for typo
  16. Oh, I got excited for a minute. The thread title is "Selling Help", and I though it would be a chance to get someone to pay me for answering questions here! Drat. roflmao.
  17. If they somehow obtained the tracking number, they could actually retrieve the travel bug from it's actual location and place it in any cache they wanted to right? With the tracking number they have the ability to completely mess up the location and miles of these travel bugs. I don't do it, but the fact that they are simply discovering them seems harmless to me. It could be worse comes to mind. I guess it doesn't bother me as much as some. I just look at it as another side game of geocaching . If you're watching your trackables and monitoring uploaded photos you should be ok. I only posted that for information purposes. Personally it doesn't bother me if people want to log "fake" discovery logs on any of my TB's, b ut I try to make it more difficult by keeping the tracking code off any pictures. When I first joined I did a google search and logged about a dozen discovered logs ... each was logged with a message similar to "I kinda discovered this" I have since deleted them all but a couple because of the novelty value (one on a person's arm and GCHQ. Sorry I must have hit "reply" to your post. This was intended to be a separate post. No problem You are very welcome ... glad I could help, I only recently found that out myself so it was fresh in my mind when I noticed your posting. I'm aware of using google earth as a tool, I do it myself. However, I was just trying to say if you do not physically go to a cache to log it, it is the same as logging a travel bug without actually physically, in person going to a cache location and finding or "discovering" it. I think discovery of a travel bug was intended to be a tool for other cachers to let the bug owner know, "Hey, I've seen your travel bug in a cache and it is safe and sound" "I just do not intend to move it along.". They don't even need to use Google Earth ... in reality they could do it just using the geocaching maps, but they are entitled to play the game they want I guess, but it's not how I play it. I enjoy the "hunt" and getting out and about, but I have used google earth to help solve some parts of mystery and multi-caches. That way I'm armed with as much info as possible before I leave the house on a long hunt.
  18. If they somehow obtained the tracking number, they could actually retrieve the travel bug from it's actual location and place it in any cache they wanted to right? With the tracking number they have the ability to completely mess up the location and miles of these travel bugs. I don't do it, but the fact that they are simply discovering them seems harmless to me. It could be worse comes to mind. I guess it doesn't bother me as much as some. I just look at it as another side game of geocaching . If you're watching your trackables and monitoring uploaded photos you should be ok. I only posted that for information purposes. Personally it doesn't bother me if people want to log "fake" discovery logs on any of my TB's, b ut I try to make it more difficult by keeping the tracking code off any pictures. When I first joined I did a google search and logged about a dozen discovered logs ... each was logged with a message similar to "I kinda discovered this" I have since deleted them all but a couple because of the novelty value (one on a person's arm and GCHQ.
  19. TB owners can "lock" the TB so no-one can log it if they wish ... see this thread http://forums.Groundspeak.com/GC/index.php?showtopic=335906
  20. Sorry, this lot has flown right over my head ... I don't understand any of it!
  21. I really enjoy the trackables side of the game and give my respect to the OP for admitting his mistake and getting this TB back in the game. I think it's a sad fact that so many TB's go missing in action. Especially when the first coin I released seems to have been kidnapped by woman who simply will not let it go into a cache even after several friendly communications between us, she always promises she will release it a.s.a.p., but never does. Ah well, next time it'll be a copy sent out instead of the real thing. I accept the fact that any TB's I release will probably meet similar fates, but if I stick to using the cheaper TB's instead of geocoins then the financial loss is minor and I can re-release them in the form of copies if they go missing (after about 12 months.) Edited to correct a typo
  22. Yep it works ... I just tested it on a geocoin of mine that someone has kidnapped. The only problem I see with this is if you lock it, then it gets dropped into a cache and you forget to unlock it, you'd never know anything of it's movements. So I can see an advantage AND a major disadvantage, still nice to know we have a little more control over things we own.
  23. Hi, I cannot help you with regard to the value of the coins ... I would imagine it would depend upon what they mean to you personally, but I suspect any buyers wouldn't be too interested in paying for sentimental value. I guess if the financial value of the coins isn't too important to you, then you could always offer them free to some of your friends to adopt ... I'll have a wee look at your listing after posting this and see what you have. However, transferring ownership is an easy matter. Simply follow the Adoption links that you have mentioned once someone has bought a coin, you then offer it to them for adoption etc. If you would like to practice this, feel free to offer an adoption to me (I will accept the adoption then re-offer it back to you etc.) The other thing to consider, is if your coins have been logged by other users, the new owner might not be willing to keep those records and this will have an effect upon the statistics of people who have previously logged them. Some people get a bit upset if anyone messes with their statistics, personally, I play the game for the fun part, not for stats. I hope this helps answer at least one of your questions, but I'm sure someone will come along soon to answer the rest. Happy caching, Ron. P.S. I noticed that a couple of your coins have apparently gone missing in action ... have you considered releasing a proxy, or copy, to get them in the game again? If you aren't interested in doing so, I'd be happy to adopt them and make a small token payment to you via Paypal and then I would release a copy here in Scotland and get them moving, just a suggestion.
  24. First of all, full marks to the OP for having the courage to admit his mistake publicly and for offering to replace all the missing items if necessary. As an owner of TB's myself, I know I'd appreciate his offer if any of them were mine, though personally, I wouldn't hold him to it as I accept that the loss of any TB's I release is the chance I take when I release them in the wild. Since the very first geocoin I released was apparently kidnapped by the first person who found it I have made plans to re-release it in the form of a proxy or copy if it doesn't come back into circulation after 12 months. I have made multiple attempts to get it released into a cache and although the person says they will do so, they never have, and having watched how many she has in her possession they never seem to re-appear in most cases, I know the conclusion I have come to, but I'll leave you all to form your own opinions. So good luck to the OP on your endeavours to get this problem sorted and full respect to you from me for trying in the first place.
  25. Or you could download the user manual here - https://support.garmin.com/support/manuals/searchManuals.faces?refresh=true []
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