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Everything posted by gorfner

  1. AlliedOz, 54156
  2. Got my grab bag today and you always have something nice to share! Thanks again!
  3. Count North Carolina in for an event and a coin.
  4. Please put me down for one of each. Thanks for a beautiful coin!
  5. Steelers 35 Green Bay 28
  6. Please add me to the reservation list for two sets if possible. Thanks!
  7. Thanks everyone! All gone! Please close thread.
  8. I have two of these left. Please PM or contact me via my GC profile. Thanks!
  9. Got mine overnight! Thanks again for offering these!
  10. I have three of these left and have lowered the price to $37.00 including shipping (add $3 for international shipping). Still have a 10-10-10 coin in each package!
  11. I have 6 stocking stuffer grab bags available for $40 each which includes US shipping. (Add an additional $3 for international shipping). Each grab bag will include 5 geocoins, 2 micros, and one geopin. One of the 5 geocoins in each grab bag will be a 10-10-10 event coin! All coins and micros are unactivated and in their plastic sleeves. Please email me thought my geocaching profile. I only have 6 of these so first come, first serve. Please include your paypal address. Happy Holidays!
  12. I have a few more of the North Carolina 10-10-10 coins left for sale. Cost is $10 each plus $2 shipping. Please email me through my GC profile or PM.
  13. Email Sent!
  14. Ravens 47
  15. Notification just received. I have a Fedex tracking number and an estimated arrival date. I can finally sleep!
  16. At least I think we have narrowed it down to Fedex as the shipper. You can call them and they can do a reverse lookup on your shipping address but that is not foolproof. I assume mine is on the way too but they didn't show anything in the system for my address. Also, have them check both ground and air because I think they will only check air unless you ask them to check ground too. If only I had a tracking number....life would be so much easier but I guess anticipation for my package to arrive is like finding that elusive cache!
  17. gorfner

    Coin Sale

    Email sent
  18. http://www.coincodes.com/activations/Coins...ag-multiple.php This has worked for me in the past. Just make sure you use a capital C in the first coinswag.
  19. Email sent but I have a feeling its too late!
  20. 1. Avroair --- Seattle 2. BAT --- Northeast Illinois 3. ELTADA --- Ontario 4. Crowesfeat30 --- St. Louis, MO 5. Lucecitka --- Praha, Czech republic 6. gorfner --- Fayetteville, NC 7. LadyBee4T & TeamEccs21--Southfield, Michigan GC2BBQ5
  21. 1. Avroair --- Seattle 2. BAT --- Northeast Illinois 3. ELTADA --- Ontario 4. Crowesfeat30 --- St. Louis, MO 5. Lucecitka --- Praha, Czech republic 6. gorfner --- Fayetteville, NC
  22. I have had pretty good luck with activating coinswag.com coins at the following link. www.coincodes.com/activations/Coinswag/coinswag-multiple.php It seems kind of strange that Groundspeak doesn't know this.
  23. Email sent thru profile.
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