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Posts posted by user13371
INTERESTING. I just looked on DeLorme's website
and they show the 60 (new) in black and the 60RF (refurbished) is red. THAT accounts for the price difference. Guess they changed the line up since last I looked.
The 60W doesn't seem to exist any more.
Persoally, I think the color of a GPS - or a car, or a bike - is pretty much a non-issue; of no consequence.
Unless it's red. Then ... I WANT IT!
SgtStrider, i haven't tried GPS Logger myself. From a quick read of the product blurbs though, it does seem to do what you asked.
Search the Google Play store for GPS apps that mention waypoints, tracks, and GPX in their product description:
Then, just go buy and try some. Many are free, some are a few bucks. Pocket change compared to some of the suggestions already made here and the collection of gear you already have.
(Deleted incorrect info)
...an app for Windows or Android that will save waypoints ... can also record a track at a 1 second interval and also mimic the "auto" interval found in (Garmin) handheld units?
Dunno what Garmin has, but GPS Logger might do what you need.
Updates & Downloads
eTrex 20/30 (Webupdater) software version 3.70
as of March 25, 2014
Use Garmin Express to install this file.
(9.29 MB)
View system requirements
Change History
Changes made from version 3.60 to 3.70:
Improved total ascent and total descent calculations
Improved average ascent, average descent, and vertical speed data fields
Splashy - you left out durability and weatherproofness. Point GPS.
Nobody said (or asked) what kind of geocaching this person will be doing, or if there are other uses intended for the GPS.
So I'm gonna go in a completely different direction. IF she's going to be a fair-weather, around-town and city park kind of cacher... consider a smartphone instead.
In another thread, Yogazoo mentioned using LiveTrack with a Garmin 64. I raised a question about comparing it to Glympse - but decided to continue here instead of hijacking the Garmin 64 discussion. Quoted items are from his post in that other thread.
My GPS on my phone reduces the battery life of my phone (now my Garmin can take over GPS function)I'd really like to see the numbers on that. You can't really turn the GPS off completely on an iOS device, short of using Airplane mode - and in Airplane mode you're also shutting off it's ability to talk to the cellular network - so no LiveTrack communication. The impact of continual GPS use in an app depends a lot on how the app itself is written - how often it asks the location manager for an update and a few other internals settings.
I've got an iPad mini rather than an iPhone, and I've run Glympse all day on bike rides. But that does entail some battery management. Usually the iPad stays in the seat bag, no apps running other than Glympse, LTE data turned off. Last time I tried to test this, I left the house fully charged and got back seven house later with a little less than a half charge on the gauge. BUT ... An iPad battery is huge compared to an iPhone!
... I don't have to use both my phone AND my GPS to send a livetrack. I can simply use one device and put my phone into a ziplock bag and stuff it in my pack (and forget about it).Does!'t the phone have to be powered on, and within range of cellular network (and to the GPS via Bluetooth) for the Garmin to send LiveTrack data? It may be in your pack but you're still "using" the phone in that sense.
... No time limit on the Garmin Connect app for how long people can "follow" me. So if I'm going hiking all day people can follow me all day. (The Glympse app has a maximum of 4 hour time limit. Could just be reset but you might forget when to do it.)Interesting. Glympse actually touts the time limit as a positive feature. I guess they figure the opposite way than you here - that forgetting to turn OFF tracking would be worse than forgetting to extend it. Maybe you don't want your wife to know which pub you stopped at on the way home from your hike.
GPS on my Garmin is generally more accurate than the GPS on my phoneNo doubt! Phone GPS is mean for finding cafes, not caches...
(Deleted - decided to start a new thread rather than hijacking this one)
Yogazoo, can you offer a comparison between LiveTrack and Glympse?
Do you have the most current driver from Prolific?
"Doesn't work" covers a lot of ground. Can we get more details?
Try to follow the step-by-step directions on page 17 of this manual: http://support.magellangps.com/support/assets/manuals/OM_eXplorist_310.pdf under the subheading of "Installing Geocaches with Drag ‘n Drop." If it doesn't work, provide details of what step fails, what error message you get, etc.
ECAnderson: Good planning, yes.. I do check specs before I buy, with UK specifically in mind.
Intrepid Dyad: here ya go... http://forums.Groundspeak.com/GC/index.php?showtopic=311111
Those with GSM based phones here in the U.S. (for AT&T, as an example) are more than likely to run into service issues in Europe
Interesting. Wife and I have both carried various unlocked USA purchased AT&T devices, phones and tablets, at different times in England -- picked up appropriate SIM cards from local cellphone providers there on each trip, without problem. Should be interesting when Jill visits her Mum in April with her new iPhone 5c. It's unlocked and configured to get data as a tablet rather than as a phone (see also <http://unlockit.co.nz>).
Of course, my mother-in-law would scoff at the suggestion that England is part of Europe
What firmware version on your GPS?
Have you asked this question on Delorme's forum?
...never heard of the Mobilelite device.
I hadn't either before Geodarts mentioned it
But I use a presumably similar gadget -- http://www.amazon.com/RAVPower®-FileHub-Wireless-3000mAh-Battery/dp/B00AQUMZRA -- to transfer files between my iPad and my GPS - and a few other purposes. Though useful (and small) as it is, it is indeed an extra piece of gear to carry around if you want to do that in the field.
So the GPS doesn't just take GPX files "as is" and just do the right thing? Some kind of limitation or filtering in BCM?
Yogazoo, thanks for the info. That covers a lot of the GPS -> iThing -> Cloud transfers. How is it going the other way? Like I have a GPX file from gc.com or elsewhere on my iPad and I want to load it onto the GPS. Do-able? Easy, hard?
Mineral2, I am happy with my eTrex and have more than one way of exchanging data with it. But here I am specifically looking for people who have ctually used newer models with Basecamp Mobile to get their impressions of it, to see if it's any better, more covenient than my current workflow.
Geodarts, thanks for 1) re-iterating for Walt how to do this, and. 2) clarifying about using Basecamp Mobile and its limitations. I was just looking at that again myself.
Yes, I re-download it and look at the updates from time to time. It does look like "adventures" can be copied between iOS device and Garmins cloud service and presumably from the iOS device to an appropriate model GPS. Was inquiring here to see if any one had used this for geocaching.
This upload http://adventures.garmin.com/en-US/by/wyokid/powell-butte/#.UxN3L5K9KSM sure looks like it.
I use a Garmin eTrex 20. - mainly because it's small enough to double a bicycling computer and it's rugged.
Some newer Garmin models have Bluetooth and - I may have this part wrong - the ability to exchange data with iOS devices using Garmin Basecamp app. Has anyone used this to exchange GPX files and detailed maps between an iPhone/iPad and one of these newer Garmin models? That might convince me to upgrade.
Where can I buy the Delorme PN-60 in black?
in GPS technology and devices
Posted · Edited by user13371
And... afterthought ... I don't think of the PN-60 as a good option for geocaching anymore.
There might be good reasons to buy one -- upgrading from a prior DeLorme model, preserving other prior investment in DeLorme software, or even "Hey, I haven't tried one of those before and I have hundreds of dollars to play with!" -- but for geocaching, and most every other use I can imagine for a handheld GPSR, I think there are many better, more cost effective options.