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Posts posted by user13371
Originally posted by Alan2:Lee, I'm missing something here...
Alan, indeed you missed the point of my original post. I didn't ask for a critique of a company policy. I asked if there was a way to fulfill a specific hardware requirement.
Aside from "Why would someone want to do that?" editorials, do you know of any GPS (Garmin or otherwise) that can be configured with:
- A personailzed splash screen with owner information
- Detailed maps of a limited area, but no basemap
- No removable/add-on memory
I welcome any on-topic replies, thanks.
Are these easily found in the U.S. at the same prices as the U.S. versions?
Originally posted by Anders.:Buy European Legend or Vista versions. They have a basemap too, but it's not very useful in the United States.
Thanks for the suggestions; I just reviewed Garmin's product matrix and it doesn't look like they'll do what was asked.
The closest candidates are the eTrex Legend and Vista. It doesn't look like they meet the originally stated "NO BASEMAP" requirement. From Garmin's wbesite:
Garmin mapping units come with built-in, permanent basemaps that cannot be altered. ... Factory-installed basemaps cannot be altered.But I know sometimes the marketing info isn't 100% true. Does anyone know if the basemap can be removed or modified on these models?
I have a client considering purchasing several handheld GPSRs to issue to various service and sales staff. Some company vehicles already have built-in GPS systems, but the handhelds would be for people using their personal vehicles on company business.
Client has stated a few odd requirements. The GPS must have...
A startup screen identifying the unit as belonging to the companyNO BASE MAP, but user-loadable detailed mapsNo removable memory, whatever maps are loaded have to fit in built-in memory.These requirements are meant to make the units less useful outside of the company -- thus less attractive for pilferage. That's the idea behind having no base map and no removable memory: If the GPS is out of the intended area, there's no map.
I have figured out how to do the necessary brain surgery on a Magellan M330 or SporTrak Map. Either of these would have enough memory to load the basic metro area -- especially since removing the basemap frees up space for detail maps.
Is there any Garmin unit that meets those requirements out of the box, or is at least easily hacked?
Okay, here are the basics -- but until I find a clean and supportable way to do it, you're on your own. Technically oriented users might be able use this little bit of info. But don't blame me if you screw up your GPS trying to make this work
The short version: Find the "ZOOM_TBL" in the basemap code, and insert a new multiplier value at the low end. The lowest (supported) value is 50, which gives the 100ft zoom level. But 25 works and gives a 50ft zoom level.
That's the short version. The long version would have to include instructions for decompiling, editing, and recompiling the basemap; OR how to hack it with a hex editor while keeping the rest of the ZOOM_TBL text the same length. I'm not ready to post those kind of detailed instructions yet, but I might if there's enough interest.
There are other "gotchas" I've found since playing with this that make me wonder if it's really worthwhile to do, or just a hacker's curiosity.
First: It only works if you have no detail map active (either not loaded, or switched off via the Map Utilities menu). When a detail map is loaded, the closest zoom level is still 100ft. At least until I find where they hide the ZOOM_TBL in the detail maps.
Second, and more importantly: The 50ft zoom level isn't very useful. If you COULD use it with the detail map, it would intensify your realization of how bad the detail maps are at lining with your actual position. Also, consider that the GPS will typically only have your position accurate to 10-30 feet, under most conditions. Even at a walking speed, the GPS is hard pressed to keep up with screen updates at that zoom level.
Just pacing my neighborhood this morning made me realize the 100ft zoom level shields you from seeing these limitations. Sometimes a bt of fuzziness is a good thing!
Does anyone know a way to zoom in closer than the "100 ft" scale on a Magellan SporTrak Pro (or any other Magellan models)?
I think I've found one way to do it, but it involves an ugly hack. Was hoping someone else has already gone done this road before and found a better way...
Originally posted by Prime Suspect: You're better off looking at the REAL price, without considering some rebate ...Prime, is there anyone over there who tweak your nose, for going off topic so soon? I can't reach you from here
I wasn't talking about rebates (nor do I want to). I was commenting on an imaginary product design -- a GPS with a clamshell hard case. What would you think of such a thing?
Looking at rebate coupon for a SporTrak receiver, I noticed a list of products and UPC codes that it was applicable to.
In addition to SporTrak "MAP" and "Pro" models, there was a UPC for something called a "Clamshell." After thinking about, I guessed this refers to the packaging, like the one you can get at Costco that comes in a plastic blister pack instead of a box.
But maybe I'm wrong -- is there another model SporTrak out there, with a hard "clamshell" cover that folds over to protect the face?
Good info, thanks. Can you try another comparison? This one should be easier because it's a simpler box shape.
In MapSend Topo for Magellan, I just made a region with corners at 44N, 86W and 42N,84W. It came out to 3450K with POI and TOPO data. POI data accounts for 29K, topo 139K. Without either (just a bare street map), the region is 3332K.
How do the various Garmin editions stack up?
Here are the maps loaded on my SporTrak Pro at the moment:
The size of this map set is just under 30 meg (with no topo or POI data). How large would the same area be if rendered in Garmin's software, and which models have enough memory on board?
That's a great price -- makes me wonder if there's some shake-up coming in the product line. Or maybe truckers are such a big market for GPS that Flying J was able to swing a geat deal with Thales.
Anybody here actually have one yet from Flying J? Not "someone told me..." but actually bought and received it yet? I'm curious about the packaging (box, plastic plister, etc...) and what accessories were included.
...can I send topo data as region files to a MAP330 using MapSend Topo WITHOUT the additional roads?Yup. Embra was on the right track. I've been playing with this for a couple of weeks I think this will do what you're after:
Find the file Export.cfg in
program filesmagellanmapsend topoUSMap
Make a copy of export.cfg because you'll probably foul it up the first time. I know because do every other time I play with it
Open Export.cfg in Notepad and look for the [LAYERS] section. Layers 0 through 3 (interstates, state highways, major roads, and street) are the ones you want to change.
In each line you'll see a series of numbers something like this:
'0 7 0 6 0 5 ... '
and so on, 15 pairs of numbers.
For layers 0 through 4, leave the first six numbers pn the line alone (e.g. '0 7 0 6 0 5') but change the rest of the line to zeros.
This will give the effect you want. On the HIGHEST quality level, you're GPS will pretty much act the same as always. Drop it down to HIGH and when you zoom in it will omit all of the roads. Will still show 4WD trails, railways, water features, etc.
For this to work, you have to define your region from scratch and re-upload it to the GPS. And the bother of it is when you want to go back to a "normal" configuration you'll need to restore the backup copy you made of export.cfg and re-do your regions again. It's really a big bother.
There's actually a lot of customization that you can do with this export.cfg file. But it's an awful lot of fiddling little changes to keep track of. I'm thinking about writing a little utility program to do it, but I'm not sure I would find enough use for it, often enough, to make it worthwhile.
I recently sent my SporTrak to Thales for service.
When it came back, the service order noted that they had replaced the housing -- which seemed odd because the case had no problem that I could see, no cracks or scratches.
I phoned them about another question I had on the repair, and also asked about the housing. The rep said "Uh, yeah, we're doing that now to fix another problem we had."
Has anyone else had this happen? Sent the unit back for some other kind of service, and got the housing replaced without asking?
Update: I just phoned Thales support regarding this repair, and I'm somewhat more satisfied with their handling of it.
The rep said if the problem recurs, he'll overnight-ship a replacement unit to me. Good deal!
As for replacing the housing: He said they are doing this on all SporTrak models sent in for any repair "to fix some other prolems we were having."
...an external GPSr antenna glued to the top of a bike helmet.Well, at least it wouldn't have looked any sillier than most bike helmet already do
...the MPH on my GPS is fairly well in line with my speedometer on the dashboard, within a couple MPH....Which is more accurate?Assuming you have a really good fix, the GPS *may* be more accurate. But some things may be its undoing.
1) Low speeds. The slower you are moving, the less accurate the GPS will be on speed (also on it's trip odometer). It will tend to shortchange you. Usually not a big deal whilst driving -- but more at walking, jogging, or bicycling speeds.
2) The GPS only updates once per second, and shows you sped based on the second just completed. So the GPS reading will be in doubt during accelerating or decelerating.
3) If you don't have a good and consistent signal, all bets are off.
Your problem could very well have been firmware.Sure, it COULD have been. FWIW, I already had revision 4.06 installed, and that's what it came back with.
But for an intermittent problem like I had, there's no good way to test that "repair." That's why I thought they'd replace the unit, as their rep said they would.
And replacing the housing? Why? It didn't have "case cracks" or any visible wear. Maybe they're taking preemptive action against case cracks now?
... you are on record as having gone to them for help with a specific problem.True, and I'm comfortable with that. I'm not angry, just a bit surprised. And I agree Thales has pretty good service.
Really! I called with a vague complaint, a few weeks out of warranty, but they DID accommodate me. Also gave 90 day warranty for this issue and threw in about $50 retail (maybe $20 real value) worth of accessories for my trouble. Turn-around was only a week.
Not too shabby, I admit -- I just wish I could be more confident about the "repair."
Odd thing happened with my SporTrak Pro, and how Thales thinks they've "fixed" it. They made a great impression nd then blew it.
Three times in two month, I turned on my GPS and get an error message that said the unit "contained no maps." The first couple of times I thought I'd done something wrong -- once after a battery change, another after uploading a detail map. But the third time I had simply turned it back on after a brief stop. So instead of just re-uploading maps, I called Thales on it last Monday.
Rep said no problem, gave me a Return Authorization and said they'd ship me a new unit. I thought that was pretty cool, especially I as I was a few weeks out of warranty.
I got the unit back today, and thought the fast turn-around was pretty cool.
And they put some extra goodies in the box: a windshield mount and nylon carrying case. I thought THAT was pretty cool too...
Then I read the service notes:
Sure enough, I looked in the battery compartment and it's the same S/N unit I sent in. As I had what looked like an intermittent fault (not an issue with the plastic), I'm not sure what they think it will do to replace the housing!
Anyhow, I have 90 days warranty on this unit (admittedly more than I really had when I phoned Thales last week) so maybe I should just keep my fingers crossed.
What do you think?
In case anyone is still interested, the program I mentioned a few weeks ago is available -- sort of.
TargEval measures/scores targets from a handgun or rifle range. It's available for Windows and Mac (Classic and OS X).
It's taking much longer to finish than expected, so I decided against a more formal "beta" test period. I'm releasing it "as-is" in development form, and will polish it up as time permits. Comments and suggestions appreciated from anyone who downloads it.
Capt'N Cache: ... unit does not allow the use of a SD card. What is the most I can download?I found a old trick I used on my old Map330 works for the SporTrak Pro also, frees up another 7-8 meg memory for detail maps.
Get the small North American basemap for a base model like the SporTrak Map or MeriGreen/Yellow. When you load this into your SporTrak Pro instead of the standard/big basemap, you end up with 30 meg for detail maps instead of 19-22 meg.
As for where to get the smaller basemaps,. you might have to that "other" site, the N-word that's not allowed here. Or maybe one of the Yahoo group file sections.
I can load all of Michigan and small bordering areas of Ohio, Illinois, Indy and Wisonsin this way. Downside is loading a 30 meg detail map via RS-232 takes close to an hour, even at highest baud rate.
Originally posted by Renegade Knight: I don't think I'd help you out as a beta.Oh, that's okay. Your reply to this thread made it visible again on the first page of "General" postings, so you've helped me a little bit already
Actually, at the rate I'm working on this thing I think a version polished enough for a formal beta might take longer than I expected. Weather has been too nice for me to stay inside programming!
I might just release what I have done by the end of this week (even though it's not feature-complete yet) and let people play with it as is.
Team GPSaxophone: Don't (the _Mac Users With Guns_) use their guns on the Macs?Nope, we save our ammo for wisecracking platform bashers
Okay, thanks to everyone who replied (here and elsewhere), I now have MORE than enough beta-test vounteers in the Windows world.
Now, finding an few more Mac users to test it would be nice... Hmm, I wonder if there's a Mac Users With Guns group somehere?
Renegade Night: ...curiouse as to what the software does1911: Whats the software for?
C'mon, that's a secret. Do you want the silent black helicopters hacking into my GPS again and trying to beam thoughts into my head? I'd hate to go back to wearing tinfoil in my hat, which I'd have to do if I explained it all to you here in public
Oh, okay, you forced it out of me -- it measures and scores target results. If you want to try it, email me and get on the beta list.
Now, where's that tinfoil?
Can a Garmin do this? Which models?
in GPS technology and devices