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Everything posted by Bob&TheGang

  1. How do I: 1. Make my automatic signature so it appears in Italics? 2. On my geocaching pages, how do I change the background, add sound, and change the font color? (I noticed a few cache pages that have this) I am currently NOT a paying member. Do I need to be a paying member to do this? Any help would be greatly appreciate. - Bobkat92 & the 3 Bears "To me, Geocaching is the thrill of the hunt and going to neat places (you might not go otherwise); its NOT what you actually find in a cache."
  2. I have a Megellan Sportstrak Color. In Layman's terms, how do you you the backtrak feature? The owners manual does not give a very good destription about backtracking. I generally know what backtracking is. I just need to know how to use it. Any help would be greatly appreciated. - Bobkat92 & the 3 Bears "To me, Geocaching is the thrill of the hunt and going to neat places (you might not go otherwise); its NOT what you actually find in a cache."
  3. I am wanting to buy an Oregon Geocoin as a present for my daughter's 10th birthday. I understand that this coin was bought by a relatively small number poeple and then put into Caches. And they can't be purchased anywhere. I really want to get this for my daughter (she really is into Geocaching). The likely hood of finding a Oregon Geocoin in a cache in then next two weeks is very unlikely. Can anyone help me out? I am willing to pay for it.
  4. I am wanting to buy an Oregon Geocoin as a present for my daughter's 10th birthday. I understand that this coin was bought by a relatively small number poeple and then put into Caches. And they can't be purchased anywhere. I really want to get this for my daughter (she really is into Geocaching). The likely hood of finding a Oregon Geocoin in a cache in then next two weeks is very unlikely. Can anyone help me out? I am willing to pay for it.
  5. I am wanting to obtain an Oregon Geocoin as a present for my Daughter's 10th birthday. She is really into Geocaching. Apparently you can not buy these anywhere. Does anyone know where I can get one? I am willing to pay for it.
  6. Is ther a California geocoin? If not, are there any plans for anyone to make one? I see some people from other states got one made. I just picked up an Oregon Geocoin the other day in San Diego. Does anyone know anything about this? - Bobkat92 & the 3 Bears "To me, Geocaching is the thrill of the hunt and going to neat places (you might not go otherwise); its NOT what you actually find in a cache."
  7. I want to build a cache container that looks like a rock. Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can do this? - Bobkat92 & the 3 Bears "To me, Geocaching is the thrill of the hunt and going to neat places (you might not go otherwise); its NOT what you actually find in a cache."
  8. I am going away on vacation and plan to hit a bunch of caches up in the High Sierra (of Central California). I will be gone for two weeks and won't have access to a computer. Is it OK to post the cache finds when I get back (even though it will be two weeks delayed)? - Bobkat92 & the 3 Bears "To me, Geocaching is the thrill of the hunt and going to neat places (you might not go otherwise); its NOT what you actually find in a cache."
  9. Kind of answering my own question. You can get USA GeoCoins at www.usageocoins.com/homepage.htm. They sell for $4.99 each and have serial numbers on them so they can be tracked like TB. To me, Geocaching is the thrill of the hunt and going to neat places (you might not go otherwise); its NOT what you actually find in a cache.
  10. Is the Oregon GeoCoin for sale anywhere? What about other GeoCoins?
  11. I found my first Oregon GeoCoin in a cache the other day. What should I do with the geocoin? I already logged the find on cogeo.org. Can I keep the coin or should I pass it on to another cache (just like a Travel Bug)?
  12. There is a cache site that has been archived for over 3 months (apparently the cache has gone missing). It is really a neat site and I would like to take over the cache site (by hiding a new Cache is a slightly different place). When does an achived cache site become available again? I tried emailing the cache owner about taking over the site, but he has not responded to my emails.
  13. I am a newbie (only 6 caches to date), but in all the caches I have found, there is always a bunch of geocaching (business type) cards in the cache. Why do people leave a card? Who does the card belong to? Should I be thinking about making a geocaching card?
  14. Within the next week or so, I plan to hind my first cache. I am a newbie (only 5 cache finds). I want to come up with some type of unique cache theme. The contents of the caches I have found so far have been pretty much the same stuff. Don't get me wrong, I believe the fun of geocaching is the thrill of the hunt and going to places you normally would not go to and NOT what you actually find in the cache. However, I want my cache to be different from others. I would like to know some unique cache hide ideas others might have done. Please share your thoughts. [This message was edited by Bobkat92 on July 12, 2003 at 08:10 AM.]
  15. I just purchased a SportsTrak Color (from TigerGPS .com for $349). Anyway, I know Magellan does not support Macintosh, but I do know that there is some ways around this. I would like to upload Cache sites from GeoCaching .com to my SportsTrak. Any recommendations?
  16. Is the yellow E-Trex a good unit for Geocaching? I have a rain check from Target and can get one for $88 (which regularly sells for $118). I done some reseach and $88 is a very good price. I know the Yell E-Trex does not have a lot of bells and whistles (e.g., no mapping ability, no compass). But will it get get me to caches? In reading the various forums, my biggest concern is about accuracy of the Yellow E-Trex.
  17. I hope to hide my first Cache soon. What type of log book should I use. I see you can buy a Geocaching log book for about $6. But that seems a littl bit pricy.
  18. I am interested in by the new SportsTrak Color unit. I know it has a built in electronic compass. Is the compass electronic. I heard in the SportTrak Pro unit, you need the sun shining or a moon for the the compass to work. Is that the case for the color unit?
  19. I am new to geocaching. Is there a San Digo base geocaching club/organization? I see that there are a lot of geocaches in the San Diego County. I have not even bought a GPS unit. I don't even know anyone who does own one. Ideally, I would like to try geocaching before I actually spend the money on the GPS unit. Apparently you can't rent them anywhere that I know of (I already tried the yellow pages and web searches). Any info. would greatly be appreciated.
  20. I am new to geocaching. Is there a San Digo base geocaching club/organization? I see that there are a lot of geocaches in the San Diego County. I have not even bought a GPS unit. I don't even know anyone who does own one. Ideally, I would like to try geocaching before I actually spend the money on the GPS unit. Apparently you can rent them anywhere that I know of (I already tried the yellow pages and web searches). Any info. would greatly be appreciated.
  21. Come on everyone. Give the who people maintain Geocaching.com a break. This is a totally cool site. Geocaching would be hardly anything without this site. And it totally free to join and participate. I think we can all tolerate the site being too crowded from time to time. Thank you to all the people who built and maintain Geocaching.com
  22. Is there a San Diego based Geocaching club? If yes, please give me details.
  23. Has anyone got a chance to use the new SportsTrak color by Megellan? What do you think of it?
  24. Does anyone have experience using the new Magellan SporTrak Color? Is it any good? Also, what is the best price has anyone found for this unit. On various web sites, the price range was $399 to 499.
  25. I want to get into Geocaching. What GSP unit should I buy? The Target near my house has a sale on the Garmin ETrex for $88. I also have heard a lot of good things about Mellegan's SportTrak series. I would also want a GPS unit that I can use in car. My buget is max. $400, but I would rather spend less.
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