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Colonel Mustard

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Posts posted by Colonel Mustard

  1. There's an 8 part virt in Colombus, Ohio, that seems to get good reviews. I've done it. It was fun, but it was kept simple and gave you a tour of an old section of the city.



    There is a multi part near Hershey, PA with the 3 Little Pigs each as separate micro hides, but in each there is a clue needed to get to the final Big Bad Wolf cache.


    Another one in the Central PA area is Tricky Trio, where all 3 parts are completely different and the final is a regular cache.


    Just some variations to think about.

  2. Hershey Highmeadow campground will put you in the midst of a few hundred caches in and around the Hershey/Harrisburg area. it's a commercial campground owned by Herco, part of the Hershey corporate conglomerate, so you can expect to pay more than at a state park, but you'll have easy access to a lot of caches. Several within a mile or two of the campground.

  3. "Geocaching is supposed to be a light, fun activity, not a platform for an agenda."

    It's good that line applies to caches and not cachERs!!! :unsure:

    Actually I think it's pretty lame to complain about spending a quarter. Most caches have cost me a whole lot more than that in the general scheme of things. i'm assuming that the cache doesn't promote a business (yours or otherwise). There are a bunch of Pennsylvania Turnpike caches that require you to pay a toll to find them, so what's the difference? I've also paid entrance fees to get into parks to find caches. I don't see a difference there either.

  4. I agree. Rejection of a cache needs to be for a reason OTHER than using the AT as access. And thanks for making the point that the AT is maintained by the NPS. I knew that and I had forgotten. That is a major point. I would still be interested in what is considered the corridor.

  5. I too am a bit surprised that there would be a ban on placing a cache on the AT "corridor". The AT is a public access trail open to all. While I would agree that placing a cache directly on the trail would likely be a poor idea, due to the muggle factor, using the trail to access the area should not present a problem. The AT runs many miles through state game lands and state park lands in PA. As does the Horseshoe trail and several others. To ban a cache because of the trail access doesn't sound right to me as long as it's a public domain trail. There are a number of PA caches using these trails as access routes. I would also like to hear a definition of what is considered the AT "corridor"? The AT also runs through privately owned property and the right of way is garanteed by law. That may prohibit placing a cache in the "corridor", but that is a different matter.

  6. So is this an official sponsored program by Groundspeak, Inc. or just a wacky magazine stunt?

    A stunt? I'm just offerring a way to return TBs. To answer your question...this is not sponsered by GC. It's sponsered by the magazine. What brought this on was a USA coin that came up missing from one of my caches, also a visit to the TB grave yard.


    I'm curious, do you see a problem with this?


    El Diablo

    Yes I See a few problems with it.


    1: an amnesty program implies that there is a punishment the is set aside for participating in the program. There is NO punishment of keeping a TB, its not a nice thing but its not a punishable offense.


    2: since the mag is seen as part of GC.com, through association, anything it does reflects on GC.com much as anything the cache reviewers do reflects on Groundspeak, Inc. To offer a non sanctioned program that grants freedom from a nonexistent punishment seems a to place GC.com in a bad light.


    3: Since you state it was started because "What brought this on was a USA coin that came up missing from one of my caches, also a visit to the TB grave yard." it seems to be for personal gain.

    somebody tries to do something right and good and someone else has to question their motives. What's wrong with this picture? Be "politically correct" somewhere else. Good Luck with the program. If it returns a few lost TBs to the game then it is worth it.

  7. ... nobody has to visit any cache they don't want to...

    That's true enough ... but a decision not to seek an illegally placed cache without voicing one's legitimate concern does nothing to improve a bad situation.

    ...if you don't like it, don't hunt it.......This seems to have become the standard cop out line lately. If a cache is placed in what appears to be a comprimising location, then shouldn't it be common courtesy to the rest of the caching community to make a simple note in the decription page? It aggravates me to drive 20 miles to hunt for a cache, only to find on arrival that it's in a sleazy location or that there are no tresspassing signs posted close to the goal. Yes, there may be a way into it, or it may be safe, but only the hider knows the intimate details. By not publishing some basic pertinent information on the cache page, the hider does a dis-service to those outside the local area. I have passed up caches that were in weird places, but I was still P.O.ed that it wasted my time to find that out only after I got there. Someone hiding a cache needs to think about how it will appear to the next person, not himself.

  8. Part of what I pay in being a charter member goes to off set the “slackers” that do not and that gives me the right to complain.


    Think about for a minute if everyone paid, the money would be flowing in to buy bigger and faster severs, there would be more funding for site enhancements.


    Just about every Sunday when the site is soooooo slow, it gets me to thinking that if all the slackers paid their way all of this could be running so much faster.


    And to keep this on topic “I Love MOC” ………….. JOE

    Or if all the "slackers" got off the site, then the "paying" members would have very few caches to find and log. Bet that would REALLY speed up the servers!!!

  9. Ummmm............. I think Susquehanna acording to the Delaware tribe meant "Falls River" or river of the great falls. At one time there was supposed to be a pretty decent size rapid between Harrisburg and Lancaster, PA. (from Egle's history of Dauphin and Lebanon Counties)

  10. Had it about a year ago. Really miserable till I got some antibiotics in me. Got a bite right in the middle of my back where I could hardly see it. I've found ticks on my clothing, but remember that deer ticks are extremely small and hard to see. You could easily miss one. The Doc said that of all the cases he sees of Lyme, he has never seen a case where the tick was still embedded. I am a lot more cautious about bushwacking through thick brush now. I've even passed up some of the thick brush "rain forest" caches until winter after the foliage is off the trees and the brush dies off.

  11. It can't be rocket science because all that's involved in Rocket Science is keeing the pointy end up and the end with the fire in it pointed down...................untill the fire goes out.

    Sounds like you were on the toilet for awhile. Did you have chiles for lunch? :o

    Would that make me a "rocket scientist"?

  12. Geocaching is an activity that makes you drive to places you wouldn't have gone to in a previuos life, drag a bag of junk along with a $150.00 magic electronic battery sucker and a $100.00 hiking pole that you wouldn't have bought in a previous life, hike across streams with slippery rocks that you'd have never tried to cross in a previous life, pick through briars and snake infested rock piles that you'd have never thought of entering in a previous life, to find a box full of mostly junk that you'd have thrown out in a previous life. So............... Geocaching must be Reincarnation. It can't be rocket science because all that's involved in Rocket Science is keeing the pointy end up and the end with the fire in it pointed down...................untill the fire goes out.

  13. Like this . . .




    Ack . . . I T C H Y! :o


    Happy caching and stuff! :P

    The stuff with 5 leaflets is creeper. The leafy stuff on the bottom right is P.I. The fuzzy vines trying to kill that tree is also P.I. Don't touch it. Take an axe and cut the vines off. But don't get splattered with anything. ( well.............that's what I'd do.) :P

  14. It's not the FTF part in itself that I find inappropriate. Personally I don't have time during the week to go out and be FTF on new caches. My complaint is that the same people who have time to be FTF and hide new caches aren't taking the time to maintain what they've already got in place. If there is some reason beyond your control that places a cache in a holding pattern, ie; road construction, bridge out, etc., that is understandable. As such, a note in the cache log should be made ( and reinforced from time to time with a follow up or a progress report). A 3 month old note that says "am cleaning up the cache and will rehide" doesn't cut it for me.

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