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Gonk and Geefel

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Posts posted by Gonk and Geefel

  1. I said everyone because I'd like to start up a communication with geocachers in my general vicinity, maybe get together for a difficult one. I am going on vaca next week and it would be great to hook up with some other vacationers or locals to do some geocaching. I am also very new so meeting veterans would be a great way to learn the ins and outs.


    I do, however, see a small possibility that knowing that someone (by seeing their screen name) might do a particular cache at some point in the near future might be bad if they had someone out to get them or something.

  2. Do you really think that they wouldn't figure out a way to get back in?


    Come on people! They are only wasting your time if you let them!!! If you buy into their fun and then complain about it you are part of the problem. I am not pointing fingers...sometimes going off on a sock puppet, troll or whatever lets off a little steam. I am guilty of it but I am not going to whine about it the time I spent doing it. You have a choice to respond or not.

    Restricting new users is a bad idea.

    1. New people cannot ask questions.


    It's a message board for crying out loud! Should it really matter that much!? Is a Message Board dictating how you spend your time? If so that's pretty darn sad.

  3. So basically, to do this sport to your standards, you must not have any physical or mental handicaps, you must have tons of free time and no other hobbies. I am thinking that when the concept of geocaching was born it was not about just one person's likes or dislikes, abilities or inabilities. We've found 1 so far, yep, just 1 and it was an easy one (sorry Philaduck). Does it mean we are lazy? I guess if you call working 10-12 hours a day 5 days a week with soccer, volleyball, and other activities thrown in lazy, we are. Do I wish I could go out more often? Yes. Will I get to anytime soon other than my vacation (watching 11 in the NE area)? Probably not.


    Not all of us are ready for the really difficult caches. Some of us need to rack up more gear before we do. I am not going to head to REI and buy out the hiking/camping dept (it would be nice though) because I feel the need to be viewed as an 'active' (opposite of lazy) geocacher. Part of me was thinking that this thread was angled to start some heat and I should not even answer it, but the other part of me beat up the sane part so here's my reply.

  4. I just want to bump this back up b/c I think it's a great idea! I am VERY new at this with a BAD sense of direction so don't think I could really apply myself to this position but I really hope a fellow geocacher can help out. Good luck with the search.

  5. Generally I think people are the same. I just think that technology has brought us to the point where we know what everyone is doing, right or wrong.

    There are those people that take pleasure in seeing other people on the 'wrong' side. I think those people have always been there too, there is just more out there for them to revel in.

  6. Becoming a better poster means not constantly drawing attention to yourself. If you want to ask a question be aware that people may have different opinions than yours. If you don't want to hear their opinions or you don't want to be open to them...don't post. it really is that simple. A good discussion has more than one side. If you are not open to other people's opinion and all you want to do is defend your own, you are better off not posting about it. I have been on other mesage boards and there are always people drawing attention to themselves by saying "I'm leaving forever!" and "You guys are mean!", ect. Then they either show up again because they crave the attention or they change their name and let people know in subtle ways that they are back...more negative attention. To me, it's rather annoying and usually I don't pay much attention. SO, like I said, if you want to be a better poster (kind of a strange ambition with all the other things you could be good at), back off, be open to what others have to say and think twice before posting.

  7. We just finally found our 1st cache yesterday afternoon thanks to philaduck! PA has seen better weather and we've been waiting to give it a go. We're hooked! Hope the weather holds in the Northeast so we can go this weekend!

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